The OpenD Programming Language


Used to indicate whether popFront should be called immediately upon creating a range. The idea is that for some functions used to generate a range for an interval, front is not necessarily a time point which would ever be generated by the range (e.g. if the range were every Sunday within an interval, but the interval started on a Monday), so there needs to be a way to deal with that. To get the first time point in the range to match what the function generates, then use PopFirst.yes to indicate that the range should have popFront called on it before the range is returned so that front is a time point which the function would generate. To let the first time point not match the generator function, use

For instance, if the function used to generate a range of time points generated successive Easters (i.e. you're iterating over all of the Easters within the interval), the initial date probably isn't an Easter. Using PopFirst.yes would tell the function which returned the range that popFront was to be called so that front would then be an Easter - the next one generated by the function (which when iterating forward would be the Easter following the original front, while when iterating backward, it would be the Easter prior to the original front). If were used, then front would remain the original time point and it would not necessarily be a time point which would be generated by the range-generating function (which in many cases is exactly what is desired - e.g. if iterating over every day starting at the beginning of the interval).

If set to, then popFront is not called before returning the range.

Otherwise, if set to PopFirst.yes, then popFront is called before returning the range.

import std.datetime.interval;
alias PopFirst = Flag!"popFirst"
