The OpenD Programming Language

A semi-lazy parallel map that can be used for pipelining. The map functions are evaluated for the first bufSize elements and stored in a buffer and made available to popFront. Meanwhile, in the background a second buffer of the same size is filled. When the first buffer is exhausted, it is swapped with the second buffer and filled while the values from what was originally the second buffer are read. This implementation allows for elements to be written to the buffer without the need for atomic operations or synchronization for each write, and enables the mapping function to be evaluated efficiently in parallel.

map has more overhead than the simpler procedure used by amap but avoids the need to keep all results in memory simultaneously and works with non-random access ranges.

template map(functions...)
size_t bufSize = 100
size_t workUnitSize = size_t.max


source S

The input range to be mapped. If source is not random access it will be lazily buffered to an array of size bufSize before the map function is evaluated. (For an exception to this rule, see Notes.)

bufSize size_t

The size of the buffer to store the evaluated elements.

workUnitSize size_t

The number of elements to evaluate in a single Task. Must be less than or equal to bufSize, and should be a fraction of bufSize such that all worker threads can be used. If the default of size_t.max is used, workUnitSize will be set to the pool-wide default.

Return Value

Type: auto

An input range representing the results of the map. This range has a length iff source has a length.


If a range returned by map or asyncBuf is used as an input to map, then as an optimization the copying from the output buffer of the first range to the input buffer of the second range is elided, even though the ranges returned by map and asyncBuf are non-random access ranges. This means that the bufSize parameter passed to the current call to map will be ignored and the size of the buffer will be the buffer size of source.


// Pipeline reading a file, converting each line
// to a number, taking the logarithms of the numbers,
// and performing the additions necessary to find
// the sum of the logarithms.

auto lineRange = File("numberList.txt").byLine();
auto dupedLines =!"a.idup"(lineRange);
auto nums =!(to!double)(dupedLines);
auto logs =!log10(nums);

double sum = 0;
foreach (elem; logs)
    sum += elem;

Exception Handling:

Any exceptions thrown while iterating over source or computing the map function are re-thrown on a call to popFront or, if thrown during construction, are simply allowed to propagate to the caller. In the case of exceptions thrown while computing the map function, the exceptions are chained as in TaskPool.amap.
