The OpenD Programming Language


Creates a unidirectional pipe.

Data is written to one end of the pipe and read from the other.

auto p = pipe();
p.writeEnd.writeln("Hello World");
assert(p.readEnd.readln().chomp() == "Hello World");

Pipes can, for example, be used for interprocess communication by spawning a new process and passing one end of the pipe to the child, while the parent uses the other end. (See also pipeProcess and pipeShell for an easier way of doing this.)

// Use cURL to download the front page, pipe its
// output to grep to extract a list of links to ZIP files,
// and write the list to the file "D downloads.txt":
auto p = pipe();
auto outFile = File("D downloads.txt", "w");
auto cpid = spawnProcess(["curl", ""],
                         std.stdio.stdin, p.writeEnd);
scope(exit) wait(cpid);
auto gpid = spawnProcess(["grep", "-o", `http://\S*\.zip`],
                         p.readEnd, outFile);
scope(exit) wait(gpid);

Return Value

Type: Pipe

A Pipe object that corresponds to the created pipe.

