The OpenD Programming Language

1 // Written in the D programming language.
2 /**
3 This module defines `TypedAllocator`, a statically-typed allocator that
4 aggregates multiple untyped allocators and uses them depending on the static
5 properties of the types allocated. For example, distinct allocators may be used
6 for thread-local vs. thread-shared data, or for fixed-size data (`struct`,
7 `class` objects) vs. resizable data (arrays).
9 Source: $(PHOBOSSRC std/experimental/allocator/typed.d)
11 Macros:
12 T2=$(TR <td style="text-align:left">`$1`</td> $(TD $(ARGS $+)))
13 */
15 module std.experimental.allocator.typed;
17 import std.experimental.allocator;
18 import std.experimental.allocator.common;
19 import std.range : isInputRange, isForwardRange, walkLength, save, empty,
20     front, popFront;
21 import std.traits : isPointer, hasElaborateDestructor;
22 import std.typecons : Flag, Yes, No;
24 /**
25 Allocation-related flags dictated by type characteristics. `TypedAllocator`
26 deduces these flags from the type being allocated and uses the appropriate
27 allocator accordingly.
28 */
29 enum AllocFlag : uint
30 {
31     _init = 0,
32     /**
33     Fixed-size allocation (unlikely to get reallocated later). Examples: `int`,
34     `double`, any `struct` or `class` type. By default it is assumed that the
35     allocation is variable-size, i.e. susceptible to later reallocation
36     (for example all array types). This flag is advisory, i.e. in-place resizing
37     may be attempted for `fixedSize` allocations and may succeed. The flag is
38     just a hint to the compiler it may use allocation strategies that work well
39     with objects of fixed size.
40     */
41     fixedSize = 1,
42     /**
43     The type being allocated embeds no pointers. Examples: `int`, `int[]`, $(D
44     Tuple!(int, float)). The implicit conservative assumption is that the type
45     has members with indirections so it needs to be scanned if garbage
46     collected. Example of types with pointers: `int*[]`, $(D Tuple!(int,
47     string)).
48     */
49     hasNoIndirections = 4,
50     /**
51     By default it is conservatively assumed that allocated memory may be `cast`
52     to `shared`, passed across threads, and deallocated in a different thread
53     than the one that allocated it. If that's not the case, there are two
54     options. First, `immutableShared` means the memory is allocated for
55     `immutable` data and will be deallocated in the same thread it was
56     allocated in. Second, `threadLocal` means the memory is not to be shared
57     across threads at all. The two flags cannot be simultaneously present.
58     */
59     immutableShared = 8,
60     /// ditto
61     threadLocal = 16,
62 }
64 /**
65 `TypedAllocator` acts like a chassis on which several specialized allocators
66 can be assembled. To let the system make a choice about a particular kind of
67 allocation, use `Default` for the respective parameters.
69 There is a hierarchy of allocation kinds. When an allocator is implemented for
70 a given combination of flags, it is used. Otherwise, the next down the list is
71 chosen.
75 $(TR $(TH `AllocFlag` combination) $(TH Description))
77 $(T2 AllocFlag.threadLocal |$(NBSP)AllocFlag.hasNoIndirections
78 |$(NBSP)AllocFlag.fixedSize,
79 This is the most specific allocation policy: the memory being allocated is
80 thread local, has no indirections at all, and will not be reallocated. Examples
81 of types fitting this description: `int`, `double`, $(D Tuple!(int, long)), but
82 not $(D Tuple!(int, string)), which contains an indirection.)
84 $(T2 AllocFlag.threadLocal |$(NBSP)AllocFlag.hasNoIndirections,
85 As above, but may be reallocated later. Examples of types fitting this
86 description are `int[]`, `double[]`, $(D Tuple!(int, long)[]), but not
87 $(D Tuple!(int, string)[]), which contains an indirection.)
89 $(T2 AllocFlag.threadLocal,
90 As above, but may embed indirections. Examples of types fitting this
91 description are `int*[]`, `Object[]`, $(D Tuple!(int, string)[]).)
93 $(T2 AllocFlag.immutableShared |$(NBSP)AllocFlag.hasNoIndirections
94 |$(NBSP)AllocFlag.fixedSize,
95 The type being allocated is `immutable` and has no pointers. The thread that
96 allocated it must also deallocate it. Example: `immutable(int)`.)
98 $(T2 AllocFlag.immutableShared |$(NBSP)AllocFlag.hasNoIndirections,
99 As above, but the type may be appended to in the future. Example: `string`.)
101 $(T2 AllocFlag.immutableShared,
102 As above, but the type may embed references. Example: `immutable(Object)[]`.)
104 $(T2 AllocFlag.hasNoIndirections |$(NBSP)AllocFlag.fixedSize,
105 The type being allocated may be shared across threads, embeds no indirections,
106 and has fixed size.)
108 $(T2 AllocFlag.hasNoIndirections,
109 The type being allocated may be shared across threads, may embed indirections,
110 and has variable size.)
112 $(T2 AllocFlag.fixedSize,
113 The type being allocated may be shared across threads, may embed indirections,
114 and has fixed size.)
116 $(T2 0, The most conservative/general allocation: memory may be shared,
117 deallocated in a different thread, may or may not be resized, and may embed
118 references.)
119 )
121 Params:
122 PrimaryAllocator = The default allocator.
123 Policies = Zero or more pairs consisting of an `AllocFlag` and an allocator
124 type.
125 */
126 struct TypedAllocator(PrimaryAllocator, Policies...)
127 {
128     import std.algorithm.sorting : isSorted;
129     import std.meta : AliasSeq;
130     import std.typecons : Tuple;
132     static assert(Policies.length == 0 || isSorted([Stride2!Policies]));
134     private template Stride2(T...)
135     {
136         static if (T.length >= 2)
137         {
138             alias Stride2 = AliasSeq!(T[0], Stride2!(T[2 .. $]));
139         }
140         else
141         {
142             alias Stride2 = AliasSeq!(T[0 .. $]);
143         }
144     }
146     // state
147     static if (stateSize!PrimaryAllocator) private PrimaryAllocator primary;
148     else alias primary = PrimaryAllocator.instance;
149     static if (Policies.length > 0)
150         private Tuple!(Stride2!(Policies[1 .. $])) extras;
152     private static bool match(uint have, uint want)
153     {
154         enum uint maskAway =
155             ~(AllocFlag.immutableShared | AllocFlag.threadLocal);
156         // Do we offer thread local?
157         if (have & AllocFlag.threadLocal)
158         {
159             if (want & AllocFlag.threadLocal)
160                 return match(have & maskAway, want & maskAway);
161             return false;
162         }
163         if (have & AllocFlag.immutableShared)
164         {
165             // Okay to ask for either thread local or immutable shared
166             if (want & (AllocFlag.threadLocal
167                     | AllocFlag.immutableShared))
168                 return match(have & maskAway, want & maskAway);
169             return false;
170         }
171         // From here on we have full-blown thread sharing.
172         if (have & AllocFlag.hasNoIndirections)
173         {
174             if (want & AllocFlag.hasNoIndirections)
175                 return match(have & ~AllocFlag.hasNoIndirections,
176                     want & ~AllocFlag.hasNoIndirections);
177             return false;
178         }
179         // Fixed size or variable size both match.
180         return true;
181     }
183     /**
184     Given `flags` as a combination of `AllocFlag` values, or a type `T`, returns
185     the allocator that's a closest fit in capabilities.
186     */
187     auto ref allocatorFor(uint flags)()
188     {
189         static if (Policies.length == 0 || !match(Policies[0], flags))
190         {
191             return primary;
192         }
193         else static if (Policies.length && match(Policies[$ - 2], flags))
194         {
195             return extras[$ - 1];
196         }
197         else
198         {
199             foreach (i, choice; Stride2!Policies)
200             {
201                 static if (!match(choice, flags))
202                 {
203                     return extras[i - 1];
204                 }
205             }
206             assert(0);
207         }
208     }
210     /// ditto
211     auto ref allocatorFor(T)()
212     {
213         static if (is(T == void[]))
214         {
215             return primary;
216         }
217         else
218         {
219             return allocatorFor!(type2flags!T)();
220         }
221     }
223     /**
224     Given a type `T`, returns its allocation-related flags as a combination of
225     `AllocFlag` values.
226     */
227     static uint type2flags(T)()
228     {
229         uint result;
230         static if (is(T == immutable))
231             result |= AllocFlag.immutableShared;
232         else static if (is(T == shared))
233             result |= AllocFlag.forSharing;
234         static if (!is(T == U[], U))
235             result |= AllocFlag.fixedSize;
236         import std.traits : hasIndirections;
237         static if (!hasIndirections!T)
238             result |= AllocFlag.hasNoIndirections;
239         return result;
240     }
242     /**
243     Dynamically allocates (using the appropriate allocator chosen with
244     `allocatorFor!T`) and then creates in the memory allocated an object of
245     type `T`, using `args` (if any) for its initialization. Initialization
246     occurs in the memory allocated and is otherwise semantically the same as
247     `T(args)`. (Note that using `make!(T[])` creates a pointer to an
248     (empty) array of `T`s, not an array. To allocate and initialize an
249     array, use `makeArray!T` described below.)
251     Params:
252     T = Type of the object being created.
253     args = Optional arguments used for initializing the created object. If not
254     present, the object is default constructed.
256     Returns: If `T` is a class type, returns a reference to the created `T`
257     object. Otherwise, returns a `T*` pointing to the created object. In all
258     cases, returns `null` if allocation failed.
260     Throws: If `T`'s constructor throws, deallocates the allocated memory and
261     propagates the exception.
262     */
263     auto make(T, A...)(auto ref A args)
264     {
265         return .make!T(allocatorFor!T, args);
266     }
268     /**
269     Create an array of `T` with `length` elements. The array is either
270     default-initialized, filled with copies of `init`, or initialized with
271     values fetched from `range`.
273     Params:
274     T = element type of the array being created
275     length = length of the newly created array
276     init = element used for filling the array
277     range = range used for initializing the array elements
279     Returns:
280     The newly-created array, or `null` if either `length` was `0` or
281     allocation failed.
283     Throws:
284     The first two overloads throw only if the used allocator's primitives do.
285     The overloads that involve copy initialization deallocate memory and propagate the exception if the copy operation throws.
286     */
287     T[] makeArray(T)(size_t length)
288     {
289         return .makeArray!T(allocatorFor!(T[]), length);
290     }
292     /// Ditto
293     T[] makeArray(T)(size_t length, auto ref T init)
294     {
295         return .makeArray!T(allocatorFor!(T[]), init, length);
296     }
298     /// Ditto
299     T[] makeArray(T, R)(R range)
300     if (isInputRange!R)
301     {
302         return .makeArray!T(allocatorFor!(T[]), range);
303     }
305     /**
306     Grows `array` by appending `delta` more elements. The needed memory is
307     allocated using the same allocator that was used for the array type. The
308     extra elements added are either default-initialized, filled with copies of
309     `init`, or initialized with values fetched from `range`.
311     Params:
312     T = element type of the array being created
313     array = a reference to the array being grown
314     delta = number of elements to add (upon success the new length of `array`
315     is $(D array.length + delta))
316     init = element used for filling the array
317     range = range used for initializing the array elements
319     Returns:
320     `true` upon success, `false` if memory could not be allocated. In the
321     latter case `array` is left unaffected.
323     Throws:
324     The first two overloads throw only if the used allocator's primitives do.
325     The overloads that involve copy initialization deallocate memory and
326     propagate the exception if the copy operation throws.
327     */
328     bool expandArray(T)(ref T[] array, size_t delta)
329     {
330         return .expandArray(allocatorFor!(T[]), array, delta);
331     }
332     /// Ditto
333     bool expandArray(T)(T[] array, size_t delta, auto ref T init)
334     {
335         return .expandArray(allocatorFor!(T[]), array, delta, init);
336     }
337     /// Ditto
338     bool expandArray(T, R)(ref T[] array, R range)
339     if (isInputRange!R)
340     {
341         return .expandArray(allocatorFor!(T[]), array, range);
342     }
344     /**
345     Shrinks an array by `delta` elements using `allocatorFor!(T[])`.
347     If $(D arr.length < delta), does nothing and returns `false`. Otherwise,
348     destroys the last $(D arr.length - delta) elements in the array and then
349     reallocates the array's buffer. If reallocation fails, fills the array with
350     default-initialized data.
352     Params:
353     T = element type of the array being created
354     arr = a reference to the array being shrunk
355     delta = number of elements to remove (upon success the new length of
356     `arr` is $(D arr.length - delta))
358     Returns:
359     `true` upon success, `false` if memory could not be reallocated. In the
360     latter case $(D arr[$ - delta .. $]) is left with default-initialized
361     elements.
363     Throws:
364     The first two overloads throw only if the used allocator's primitives do.
365     The overloads that involve copy initialization deallocate memory and
366     propagate the exception if the copy operation throws.
367     */
368     bool shrinkArray(T)(ref T[] arr, size_t delta)
369     {
370         return .shrinkArray(allocatorFor!(T[]), arr, delta);
371     }
373     /**
374     Destroys and then deallocates (using `allocatorFor!T`) the object pointed
375     to by a pointer, the class object referred to by a `class` or `interface`
376     reference, or an entire array. It is assumed the respective entities had
377     been allocated with the same allocator.
378     */
379     void dispose(T)(T* p)
380     {
381         return .dispose(allocatorFor!T, p);
382     }
383     /// Ditto
384     void dispose(T)(T p)
385     if (is(T == class) || is(T == interface))
386     {
387         return .dispose(allocatorFor!T, p);
388     }
389     /// Ditto
390     void dispose(T)(T[] array)
391     {
392         return .dispose(allocatorFor!(T[]), array);
393     }
394 }
396 ///
397 @system unittest
398 {
399     import std.experimental.allocator.gc_allocator : GCAllocator;
400     import std.experimental.allocator.mallocator : Mallocator;
401     import std.experimental.allocator.mmap_allocator : MmapAllocator;
402     alias MyAllocator = TypedAllocator!(GCAllocator,
403         AllocFlag.fixedSize | AllocFlag.threadLocal, Mallocator,
404         AllocFlag.fixedSize | AllocFlag.threadLocal
405                 | AllocFlag.hasNoIndirections,
406             MmapAllocator,
407     );
409     MyAllocator a;
410     auto b = &a.allocatorFor!0();
411     static assert(is(typeof(*b) == shared const(GCAllocator)));
412     enum f1 = AllocFlag.fixedSize | AllocFlag.threadLocal;
413     auto c = &a.allocatorFor!f1();
414     static assert(is(typeof(*c) == Mallocator));
415     enum f2 = AllocFlag.fixedSize | AllocFlag.threadLocal;
416     static assert(is(typeof(a.allocatorFor!f2()) == Mallocator));
417     // Partial match
418     enum f3 = AllocFlag.threadLocal;
419     static assert(is(typeof(a.allocatorFor!f3()) == Mallocator));
421     int* p = a.make!int;
422     scope(exit) a.dispose(p);
423     int[] arr = a.makeArray!int(42);
424     scope(exit) a.dispose(arr);
425     assert(a.expandArray(arr, 3));
426     assert(a.shrinkArray(arr, 4));
427 }