The OpenD Programming Language


This describes the OOP API. To understand when to use the template API and when to use the OOP API, see the module documentation at the top of this page.

The Digest interface is the base interface which is implemented by all digests.

Note: A Digest implementation is always an OutputRange



ubyte[] digest(const(void[])[] data)

This is a convenience function to calculate the hash of a value using the OOP API.

ubyte[] finish()
ubyte[] finish(ubyte[] buf)

The finish function returns the hash value. It takes an optional buffer to copy the data into. If a buffer is passed, it must be at least length bytes big.

void put(const(ubyte)[] data)

Use this to feed the digest with data. Also implements the std.range.primitives.isOutputRange interface for ubyte and const(ubyte)[].

void reset()

Resets the internal state of the digest. Note: finish calls this internally, so it's not necessary to call reset manually after a call to finish.


size_t length [@property getter]

This is the length in bytes of the hash value which is returned by finish. It's also the required size of a buffer passed to finish.


//Using the OutputRange feature
import std.algorithm.mutation : copy;
import std.range : repeat;

auto oneMillionRange = repeat!ubyte(cast(ubyte)'a', 1000000);
auto ctx = new MD5Digest();
copy(oneMillionRange, ctx);
assert(ctx.finish().toHexString() == "7707D6AE4E027C70EEA2A935C2296F21");
import std.digest.crc,, std.digest.sha;
ubyte[] md5   = (new MD5Digest()).digest("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog");
ubyte[] sha1  = (new SHA1Digest()).digest("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog");
ubyte[] crc32 = (new CRC32Digest()).digest("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog");
assert(crcHexString(crc32) == "414FA339");
import std.digest.crc;
ubyte[] crc32 = (new CRC32Digest()).digest("The quick ", "brown ", "fox jumps over the lazy dog");
assert(crcHexString(crc32) == "414FA339");
void test(Digest dig)
    dig.put(cast(ubyte) 0); //single ubyte
    dig.put(cast(ubyte) 0, cast(ubyte) 0); //variadic
    ubyte[10] buf;
    dig.put(buf); //buffer
