The OpenD Programming Language


Computes MurmurHash hashes of arbitrary data. MurmurHash is a non-cryptographic hash function suitable for general hash-based lookup. It is optimized for x86 but can be used on all architectures.

The current version is MurmurHash3, which yields a 32-bit or 128-bit hash value. The older MurmurHash 1 and 2 are currently not supported.

MurmurHash3 comes in three flavors, listed in increasing order of throughput:

  • MurmurHash3!32 produces a 32-bit value and is optimized for 32-bit architectures
  • MurmurHash3!(128, 32) produces a 128-bit value and is optimized for 32-bit architectures
  • MurmurHash3!(128, 64) produces a 128-bit value and is optimized for 64-bit architectures


  • MurmurHash3!(128, 32) and MurmurHash3!(128, 64) produce different values.
  • The current implementation is optimized for little endian architectures. It will exhibit different results on big endian architectures and a slightly less uniform distribution.

This module conforms to the APIs defined in std.digest.

This module publicly imports std.digest and can be used as a stand-alone module.

Public Imports

public import std.digest;
Undocumented in source.



struct MurmurHash3(uint size, uint opt = size_t.sizeof == 8 ? 64 : 32)

Implements the MurmurHash3 functions. You can specify the size of the hash in bit. For 128 bit hashes you can specify whether to optimize for 32 or 64 bit architectures. If you don't specify the opt value it will select the fastest version of the host platform.


// MurmurHash3!32, MurmurHash3!(128, 32) and MurmurHash3!(128, 64) implement
// the std.digest Template API.
static assert(isDigest!(MurmurHash3!32));
// The convenient digest template allows for quick hashing of any data.
ubyte[4] hashed = digest!(MurmurHash3!32)([1, 2, 3, 4]);
assert(hashed == [0, 173, 69, 68]);
// One can also hash ubyte data piecewise by instanciating a hasher and call
// the 'put' method.
const(ubyte)[] data1 = [1, 2, 3];
const(ubyte)[] data2 = [4, 5, 6, 7];
// The incoming data will be buffered and hashed element by element.
MurmurHash3!32 hasher;
// The call to 'finish' ensures:
// - the remaining bits are processed
// - the hash gets finalized
auto hashed = hasher.finish();
assert(hashed == [181, 151, 88, 252]);
// Using `putElements`, `putRemainder` and `finalize` you gain full
// control over which part of the algorithm to run.
// This allows for maximum throughput but needs extra care.

// Data type must be the same as the hasher's element type:
// - uint for MurmurHash3!32
// - uint[4] for MurmurHash3!(128, 32)
// - ulong[2] for MurmurHash3!(128, 64)
const(uint)[] data = [1, 2, 3, 4];
// Note the hasher starts with 'Fast'.
MurmurHash3!32 hasher;
// Push as many array of elements as you need. The less calls the better.
// Put remainder bytes if needed. This method can be called only once.
hasher.putRemainder(ubyte(1), ubyte(1), ubyte(1));
// Call finalize to incorporate data length in the hash.
// Finally get the hashed value.
auto hashed = hasher.getBytes();
assert(hashed == [188, 165, 108, 2]);



Guillaume Chatelet References: Reference implementation