A postblit is present on this object, but not explicitly documented in the source.
emits cubic beziers. if withMoveTo is false, issue 8-arg commands for cubic beziers (i.e. include starting point). if withMoveTo is true, issue 2-arg command for moveTo, and 6-arg command for cubic beziers.
if synthesizeCloseCommand is true, and the path is closed, this emits line to the first point.
Tight bounding box of the shape [minx,miny,maxx,maxy].
Flag indicating if shapes should be treated as closed.
Pointer to next path, or null if last element.
Total number of floats in stream.
Command, args...; Cubic bezier points: x0,y0, [cpx1,cpx1,cpx2,cpy2,x1,y1], ...