A postblit is present on this object, but not explicitly documented in the source.
- Command
enum Command
- FillRule
enum FillRule
- LineCap
enum LineCap
- LineJoin
enum LineJoin
- PaintType
enum PaintType
- SpreadType
enum SpreadType
- forEachShape
void forEachShape(DG dg)
delegate can accept:
ref NSVG.Shape
in ref NSVG.Shape
delegate can return:
bool (true means stop)
- Gradient
struct Gradient
- GradientStop
struct GradientStop
- Paint
struct Paint
- Path
struct Path
- Shape
struct Shape
- clipPaths
NSVG.ClipPath* clipPaths;
Linked list of clip paths in the image.
- height
float height;
- shapes
NSVG.Shape* shapes;
Linked list of shapes in the image.
- width
float width;