The OpenD Programming Language


orginating function call sent from

struct cef_dev_tools_message_observer_t
extern (System)
int function(cef_dev_tools_message_observer_t* self, cef_browser_t* browser, const(void)* message, size_t message_size) nothrow on_dev_tools_message;

Detailed Description

cef browser host t

:SendDevToolsMessage, and optionally either a "result" (dictionary) or "error" (dictionary) value. The "error" dictionary will contain "code" (int) and "message" (string) values. Event dictionaries include a "function" (string) value and optionally a "params" (dictionary) value. See the DevTools protocol documentation at for details of supported function calls and the expected "result" or "params" dictionary contents. JSON dictionaries can be parsed using the CefParseJSON function if desired, however be aware of performance considerations when parsing large messages (some of which may exceed 1MB in size).
