The OpenD Programming Language


Adds an LLVM attribute to a function, without checking the validity or applicability of the attribute. The attribute is specified as key-value pair: @llvmAttr("key", "value") If the value string is empty, just the key is added as attribute.

struct llvmAttr {
string key;
string value;


import ldc.attributes;

@llvmAttr("unsafe-fp-math", "true")
double dot(double[] a, double[] b) {
    double s = 0;
    foreach(size_t i; 0..a.length)
        import ldc.llvmasm: __ir;
        s = __ir!(`%p = fmul fast double %0, %1
                   %r = fadd fast double %p, %2
                   ret double %r`, double)(a[i], b[i], s);
    return s;
