controls type of output
algorithm for calculating quantile (default: QuantileAlgo.type7)
controls whether the input is modified in place, default is false
The quantile of all the elements in the input at probability p.
median, $(MATHREF sum, partitionAt), $(MATHREF sum, elementType)
Computes the quantile(s) of the input, given one or more probabilities p.
By default, if p is a $(NDSLICEREF slice, Slice), built-in dynamic array, or type with asSlice, then the output type is a reference-counted copy of the input. A compile-time parameter is provided to instead overwrite the input in-place.
For all QuantileAlgo except QuantileAlgo.type1 and QuantileAlgo.type3, by default, if F is not floating point type or complex type, then the result will have a double type if F is implicitly convertible to a floating point type or a type for which isComplex!F is true.
For QuantileAlgo.type1 and QuantileAlgo.type3, the return type is the $(MATHREF sum, elementType) of the input.