The OpenD Programming Language

1 // Written in the D programming language.
3 /**
4 This module is a port of a growing fragment of the $(D_PARAM numeric)
5 header in Alexander Stepanov's $(LINK2,
6 Standard Template Library), with a few additions.
8 Macros:
9 Copyright: Copyright Andrei Alexandrescu 2008 - 2009.
10 License:   $(HTTP, Boost License 1.0).
11 Authors:   $(HTTP, Andrei Alexandrescu),
12                    Don Clugston, Robert Jacques, Ilya Yaroshenko
13 Source:    $(PHOBOSSRC std/numeric.d)
14 */
15 /*
16          Copyright Andrei Alexandrescu 2008 - 2009.
17 Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
18    (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
20 */
21 module std.numeric;
23 import std.complex;
24 import std.math;
25 import core.math : fabs, ldexp, sin, sqrt;
26 import std.range.primitives;
27 import std.traits;
28 import std.typecons;
30 /// Format flags for CustomFloat.
31 public enum CustomFloatFlags
32 {
33     /// Adds a sign bit to allow for signed numbers.
34     signed = 1,
36     /**
37      * Store values in normalized form by default. The actual precision of the
38      * significand is extended by 1 bit by assuming an implicit leading bit of 1
39      * instead of 0. i.e. `1.nnnn` instead of `0.nnnn`.
40      * True for all $(LINK2, IEE754) types
41      */
42     storeNormalized = 2,
44     /**
45      * Stores the significand in $(LINK2,
46      * IEEE754 denormalized) form when the exponent is 0. Required to express the value 0.
47      */
48     allowDenorm = 4,
50     /**
51       * Allows the storage of $(LINK2,
52       * IEEE754 _infinity) values.
53       */
54     infinity = 8,
56     /// Allows the storage of $(LINK2, IEEE754 Not a Number) values.
57     nan = 16,
59     /**
60      * If set, select an exponent bias such that max_exp = 1.
61      * i.e. so that the maximum value is >= 1.0 and < 2.0.
62      * Ignored if the exponent bias is manually specified.
63      */
64     probability = 32,
66     /// If set, unsigned custom floats are assumed to be negative.
67     negativeUnsigned = 64,
69     /**If set, 0 is the only allowed $(LINK2,
70      * IEEE754 denormalized) number.
71      * Requires allowDenorm and storeNormalized.
72      */
73     allowDenormZeroOnly = 128 | allowDenorm | storeNormalized,
75     /// Include _all of the $(LINK2, IEEE754) options.
76     ieee = signed | storeNormalized | allowDenorm | infinity | nan ,
78     /// Include none of the above options.
79     none = 0
80 }
82 private enum isIEEEQuadruple = floatTraits!real.realFormat == RealFormat.ieeeQuadruple;
84 private template CustomFloatParams(uint bits)
85 {
86     enum CustomFloatFlags flags =
87                 ^ ((bits == 80 && !isIEEEQuadruple) ? CustomFloatFlags.storeNormalized : CustomFloatFlags.none);
88     static if (bits ==  8) alias CustomFloatParams = CustomFloatParams!( 4,  3, flags);
89     static if (bits == 16) alias CustomFloatParams = CustomFloatParams!(10,  5, flags);
90     static if (bits == 32) alias CustomFloatParams = CustomFloatParams!(23,  8, flags);
91     static if (bits == 64) alias CustomFloatParams = CustomFloatParams!(52, 11, flags);
92     static if (bits == 80) alias CustomFloatParams = CustomFloatParams!(64, 15, flags);
93 }
95 private template CustomFloatParams(uint precision, uint exponentWidth, CustomFloatFlags flags)
96 {
97     import std.meta : AliasSeq;
98     alias CustomFloatParams =
99         AliasSeq!(
100             precision,
101             exponentWidth,
102             flags,
103             (1 << (exponentWidth - ((flags & flags.probability) == 0)))
104              - ((flags & (flags.nan | flags.infinity)) != 0) - ((flags & flags.probability) != 0)
105         ); // ((flags & CustomFloatFlags.probability) == 0)
106 }
108 /**
109  * Allows user code to define custom floating-point formats. These formats are
110  * for storage only; all operations on them are performed by first implicitly
111  * extracting them to `real` first. After the operation is completed the
112  * result can be stored in a custom floating-point value via assignment.
113  */
114 template CustomFloat(uint bits)
115 if (bits == 8 || bits == 16 || bits == 32 || bits == 64 || bits == 80)
116 {
117     alias CustomFloat = CustomFloat!(CustomFloatParams!(bits));
118 }
120 /// ditto
121 template CustomFloat(uint precision, uint exponentWidth, CustomFloatFlags flags =
122 if (((flags & flags.signed) + precision + exponentWidth) % 8 == 0 && precision + exponentWidth > 0)
123 {
124     alias CustomFloat = CustomFloat!(CustomFloatParams!(precision, exponentWidth, flags));
125 }
127 ///
128 @safe unittest
129 {
130     import std.math.trigonometry : sin, cos;
132     // Define a 16-bit floating point values
133     CustomFloat!16                                x;     // Using the number of bits
134     CustomFloat!(10, 5)                           y;     // Using the precision and exponent width
135     CustomFloat!(10, 5,     z;     // Using the precision, exponent width and format flags
136     CustomFloat!(10, 5,, 15) w;     // Using the precision, exponent width, format flags and exponent offset bias
138     // Use the 16-bit floats mostly like normal numbers
139     w = x*y - 1;
141     // Functions calls require conversion
142     z = sin(+x)           + cos(+y);                     // Use unary plus to concisely convert to a real
143     z = sin(x.get!float)  + cos(y.get!float);            // Or use get!T
144     z = sin(cast(float) x) + cos(cast(float) y);           // Or use cast(T) to explicitly convert
146     // Define a 8-bit custom float for storing probabilities
147     alias Probability = CustomFloat!(4, 4,^CustomFloatFlags.probability^CustomFloatFlags.signed );
148     auto p = Probability(0.5);
149 }
151 // Facilitate converting numeric types to custom float
152 private union ToBinary(F)
153 if (is(typeof(CustomFloatParams!(F.sizeof*8))) || is(F == real))
154 {
155     F set;
157     // If on Linux or Mac, where 80-bit reals are padded, ignore the
158     // padding.
159     import std.algorithm.comparison : min;
160     CustomFloat!(CustomFloatParams!(min(F.sizeof*8, 80))) get;
162     // Convert F to the correct binary type.
163     static typeof(get) opCall(F value)
164     {
165         ToBinary r;
166         r.set = value;
167         return r.get;
168     }
169     alias get this;
170 }
172 /// ditto
173 struct CustomFloat(uint             precision,  // fraction bits (23 for float)
174                    uint             exponentWidth,  // exponent bits (8 for float)  Exponent width
175                    CustomFloatFlags flags,
176                    uint             bias)
177 if (isCorrectCustomFloat(precision, exponentWidth, flags))
178 {
179     import std.bitmanip : bitfields;
180     import std.meta : staticIndexOf;
181 private:
182     // get the correct unsigned bitfield type to support > 32 bits
183     template uType(uint bits)
184     {
185         static if (bits <= size_t.sizeof*8)  alias uType = size_t;
186         else                                alias uType = ulong ;
187     }
189     // get the correct signed   bitfield type to support > 32 bits
190     template sType(uint bits)
191     {
192         static if (bits <= ptrdiff_t.sizeof*8-1) alias sType = ptrdiff_t;
193         else                                    alias sType = long;
194     }
196     alias T_sig = uType!precision;
197     alias T_exp = uType!exponentWidth;
198     alias T_signed_exp = sType!exponentWidth;
200     alias Flags = CustomFloatFlags;
202     // Perform IEEE rounding with round to nearest detection
203     void roundedShift(T,U)(ref T sig, U shift)
204     {
205         if (shift >= T.sizeof*8)
206         {
207             // avoid illegal shift
208             sig = 0;
209         }
210         else if (sig << (T.sizeof*8 - shift) == cast(T) 1uL << (T.sizeof*8 - 1))
211         {
212             // round to even
213             sig >>= shift;
214             sig  += sig & 1;
215         }
216         else
217         {
218             sig >>= shift - 1;
219             sig  += sig & 1;
220             // Perform standard rounding
221             sig >>= 1;
222         }
223     }
225     // Convert the current value to signed exponent, normalized form
226     void toNormalized(T,U)(ref T sig, ref U exp)
227     {
228         sig = significand;
229         auto shift = (T.sizeof*8) - precision;
230         exp = exponent;
231         static if (flags&(Flags.infinity|Flags.nan))
232         {
233             // Handle inf or nan
234             if (exp == exponent_max)
235             {
236                 exp = exp.max;
237                 sig <<= shift;
238                 static if (flags&Flags.storeNormalized)
239                 {
240                     // Save inf/nan in denormalized format
241                     sig >>= 1;
242                     sig  += cast(T) 1uL << (T.sizeof*8 - 1);
243                 }
244                 return;
245             }
246         }
247         if ((~flags&Flags.storeNormalized) ||
248             // Convert denormalized form to normalized form
249             ((flags&Flags.allowDenorm) && exp == 0))
250         {
251             if (sig > 0)
252             {
253                 import core.bitop : bsr;
254                 auto shift2 = precision - bsr(sig);
255                 exp  -= shift2-1;
256                 shift += shift2;
257             }
258             else                                // value = 0.0
259             {
260                 exp = exp.min;
261                 return;
262             }
263         }
264         sig <<= shift;
265         exp -= bias;
266     }
268     // Set the current value from signed exponent, normalized form
269     void fromNormalized(T,U)(ref T sig, ref U exp)
270     {
271         auto shift = (T.sizeof*8) - precision;
272         if (exp == exp.max)
273         {
274             // infinity or nan
275             exp = exponent_max;
276             static if (flags & Flags.storeNormalized)
277                 sig <<= 1;
279             // convert back to normalized form
280             static if (~flags & Flags.infinity)
281                 // No infinity support?
282                 assert(sig != 0, "Infinity floating point value assigned to a "
283                         ~ typeof(this).stringof ~ " (no infinity support).");
285             static if (~flags & Flags.nan)  // No NaN support?
286                 assert(sig == 0, "NaN floating point value assigned to a " ~
287                         typeof(this).stringof ~ " (no nan support).");
288             sig >>= shift;
289             return;
290         }
291         if (exp == exp.min)     // 0.0
292         {
293              exp = 0;
294              sig = 0;
295              return;
296         }
298         exp += bias;
299         if (exp <= 0)
300         {
301             static if ((flags&Flags.allowDenorm) ||
302                        // Convert from normalized form to denormalized
303                        (~flags&Flags.storeNormalized))
304             {
305                 shift += -exp;
306                 roundedShift(sig,1);
307                 sig   += cast(T) 1uL << (T.sizeof*8 - 1);
308                 // Add the leading 1
309                 exp    = 0;
310             }
311             else
312                 assert((flags&Flags.storeNormalized) && exp == 0,
313                     "Underflow occured assigning to a " ~
314                     typeof(this).stringof ~ " (no denormal support).");
315         }
316         else
317         {
318             static if (~flags&Flags.storeNormalized)
319             {
320                 // Convert from normalized form to denormalized
321                 roundedShift(sig,1);
322                 sig  += cast(T) 1uL << (T.sizeof*8 - 1);
323                 // Add the leading 1
324             }
325         }
327         if (shift > 0)
328             roundedShift(sig,shift);
329         if (sig > significand_max)
330         {
331             // handle significand overflow (should only be 1 bit)
332             static if (~flags&Flags.storeNormalized)
333             {
334                 sig >>= 1;
335             }
336             else
337                 sig &= significand_max;
338             exp++;
339         }
340         static if ((flags&Flags.allowDenormZeroOnly)==Flags.allowDenormZeroOnly)
341         {
342             // disallow non-zero denormals
343             if (exp == 0)
344             {
345                 sig <<= 1;
346                 if (sig > significand_max && (sig&significand_max) > 0)
347                     // Check and round to even
348                     exp++;
349                 sig = 0;
350             }
351         }
353         if (exp >= exponent_max)
354         {
355             static if (flags&(Flags.infinity|Flags.nan))
356             {
357                 sig         = 0;
358                 exp         = exponent_max;
359                 static if (~flags&(Flags.infinity))
360                     assert(0, "Overflow occured assigning to a " ~
361                         typeof(this).stringof ~ " (no infinity support).");
362             }
363             else
364                 assert(exp == exponent_max, "Overflow occured assigning to a "
365                     ~ typeof(this).stringof ~ " (no infinity support).");
366         }
367     }
369 public:
370     static if (precision == 64) // CustomFloat!80 support hack
371     {
372         static if (isIEEEQuadruple)
373         {
374         // Only use highest 64 significand bits from 112 explicitly stored
375         align (1):
376             enum ulong significand_max = ulong.max;
377             version (LittleEndian)
378             {
379                 private ubyte[6] _padding; // 48-bit of padding
380                 ulong significand;
381                 mixin(bitfields!(
382                     T_exp , "exponent", exponentWidth,
383                     bool  , "sign"    , flags & flags.signed ));
384             }
385             else
386             {
387                 mixin(bitfields!(
388                     T_exp , "exponent", exponentWidth,
389                     bool  , "sign"    , flags & flags.signed ));
390                 ulong significand;
391                 private ubyte[6] _padding; // 48-bit of padding
392             }
393         }
394         else
395         {
396             ulong significand;
397             enum ulong significand_max = ulong.max;
398             mixin(bitfields!(
399                 T_exp , "exponent", exponentWidth,
400                 bool  , "sign"    , flags & flags.signed ));
401         }
402     }
403     else
404     {
405         mixin(bitfields!(
406             T_sig, "significand", precision,
407             T_exp, "exponent"   , exponentWidth,
408             bool , "sign"       , flags & flags.signed ));
409     }
411     /// Returns: infinity value
412     static if (flags & Flags.infinity)
413         static @property CustomFloat infinity()
414         {
415             CustomFloat value;
416             static if (flags & Flags.signed)
417                 value.sign          = 0;
418             value.significand   = 0;
419             value.exponent      = exponent_max;
420             return value;
421         }
423     /// Returns: NaN value
424     static if (flags & Flags.nan)
425         static @property CustomFloat nan()
426         {
427             CustomFloat value;
428             static if (flags & Flags.signed)
429                 value.sign          = 0;
430             value.significand   = cast(typeof(significand_max)) 1L << (precision-1);
431             value.exponent      = exponent_max;
432             return value;
433         }
435     /// Returns: number of decimal digits of precision
436     static @property size_t dig()
437     {
438         auto shiftcnt = precision - ((flags&Flags.storeNormalized) == 0);
439         return shiftcnt == 64 ? 19 : cast(size_t) log10(real(1uL << shiftcnt));
440     }
442     /// Returns: smallest increment to the value 1
443     static @property CustomFloat epsilon()
444     {
445         CustomFloat one = CustomFloat(1);
446         CustomFloat onePlusEpsilon = one;
447         onePlusEpsilon.significand = onePlusEpsilon.significand | 1; // |= does not work here
449         return CustomFloat(onePlusEpsilon - one);
450     }
452     /// the number of bits in mantissa
453     enum mant_dig = precision + ((flags&Flags.storeNormalized) != 0);
455     /// Returns: maximum int value such that 10<sup>max_10_exp</sup> is representable
456     static @property int max_10_exp(){ return cast(int) log10( +max ); }
458     /// maximum int value such that 2<sup>max_exp-1</sup> is representable
459     enum max_exp = exponent_max - bias - ((flags & (Flags.infinity | Flags.nan)) != 0) + 1;
461     /// Returns: minimum int value such that 10<sup>min_10_exp</sup> is representable
462     static @property int min_10_exp(){ return cast(int) log10( +min_normal ); }
464     /// minimum int value such that 2<sup>min_exp-1</sup> is representable as a normalized value
465     enum min_exp = cast(T_signed_exp) -(cast(long) bias) + 1 + ((flags & Flags.allowDenorm) != 0);
467     /// Returns: largest representable value that's not infinity
468     static @property CustomFloat max()
469     {
470         CustomFloat value;
471         static if (flags & Flags.signed)
472             value.sign        = 0;
473         value.exponent    = exponent_max - ((flags&(flags.infinity|flags.nan)) != 0);
474         value.significand = significand_max;
475         return value;
476     }
478     /// Returns: smallest representable normalized value that's not 0
479     static @property CustomFloat min_normal()
480     {
481         CustomFloat value;
482         static if (flags & Flags.signed)
483             value.sign = 0;
484         value.exponent = (flags & Flags.allowDenorm) != 0;
485         static if (flags & Flags.storeNormalized)
486             value.significand = 0;
487         else
488             value.significand = cast(T_sig) 1uL << (precision - 1);
489         return value;
490     }
492     /// Returns: real part
493     @property CustomFloat re() { return this; }
495     /// Returns: imaginary part
496     static @property CustomFloat im() { return CustomFloat(0.0f); }
498     /// Initialize from any `real` compatible type.
499     this(F)(F input) if (__traits(compiles, cast(real) input ))
500     {
501         this = input;
502     }
504     /// Self assignment
505     void opAssign(F:CustomFloat)(F input)
506     {
507         static if (flags & Flags.signed)
508             sign        = input.sign;
509         exponent    = input.exponent;
510         significand = input.significand;
511     }
513     /// Assigns from any `real` compatible type.
514     void opAssign(F)(F input)
515         if (__traits(compiles, cast(real) input))
516     {
517         import std.conv : text;
519         static if (staticIndexOf!(immutable F, immutable float, immutable double, immutable real) >= 0)
520             auto value = ToBinary!(Unqual!F)(input);
521         else
522             auto value = ToBinary!(real    )(input);
524         // Assign the sign bit
525         static if (~flags & Flags.signed)
526             assert((!value.sign) ^ ((flags&flags.negativeUnsigned) > 0),
527                 "Incorrectly signed floating point value assigned to a " ~
528                 typeof(this).stringof ~ " (no sign support).");
529         else
530             sign = value.sign;
532         CommonType!(T_signed_exp ,value.T_signed_exp) exp = value.exponent;
533         CommonType!(T_sig,        value.T_sig       ) sig = value.significand;
535         value.toNormalized(sig,exp);
536         fromNormalized(sig,exp);
538         assert(exp <= exponent_max,    text(typeof(this).stringof ~
539             " exponent too large: "   ,exp," > ",exponent_max,   "\t",input,"\t",sig));
540         assert(sig <= significand_max, text(typeof(this).stringof ~
541             " significand too large: ",sig," > ",significand_max,
542             "\t",input,"\t",exp," ",exponent_max));
543         exponent    = cast(T_exp) exp;
544         significand = cast(T_sig) sig;
545     }
547     /// Fetches the stored value either as a `float`, `double` or `real`.
548     @property F get(F)()
549         if (staticIndexOf!(immutable F, immutable float, immutable double, immutable real) >= 0)
550     {
551         import std.conv : text;
553         ToBinary!F result;
555         static if (flags&Flags.signed)
556             result.sign = sign;
557         else
558             result.sign = (flags&flags.negativeUnsigned) > 0;
560         CommonType!(T_signed_exp ,result.get.T_signed_exp ) exp = exponent; // Assign the exponent and fraction
561         CommonType!(T_sig,        result.get.T_sig        ) sig = significand;
563         toNormalized(sig,exp);
564         result.fromNormalized(sig,exp);
565         assert(exp <= result.exponent_max,    text("get exponent too large: "   ,exp," > ",result.exponent_max) );
566         assert(sig <= result.significand_max, text("get significand too large: ",sig," > ",result.significand_max) );
567         result.exponent     = cast(result.get.T_exp) exp;
568         result.significand  = cast(result.get.T_sig) sig;
569         return result.set;
570     }
572     ///ditto
573     alias opCast = get;
575     /// Convert the CustomFloat to a real and perform the relevant operator on the result
576     real opUnary(string op)()
577         if (__traits(compiles, mixin(op~`(get!real)`)) || op=="++" || op=="--")
578     {
579         static if (op=="++" || op=="--")
580         {
581             auto result = get!real;
582             this = mixin(op~`result`);
583             return result;
584         }
585         else
586             return mixin(op~`get!real`);
587     }
589     /// ditto
590     // Define an opBinary `CustomFloat op CustomFloat` so that those below
591     // do not match equally, which is disallowed by the spec:
592     //
593     real opBinary(string op,T)(T b)
594          if (__traits(compiles, mixin(`get!real`~op~`b.get!real`)))
595      {
596          return mixin(`get!real`~op~`b.get!real`);
597      }
599     /// ditto
600     real opBinary(string op,T)(T b)
601         if ( __traits(compiles, mixin(`get!real`~op~`b`)) &&
602             !__traits(compiles, mixin(`get!real`~op~`b.get!real`)))
603     {
604         return mixin(`get!real`~op~`b`);
605     }
607     /// ditto
608     real opBinaryRight(string op,T)(T a)
609         if ( __traits(compiles, mixin(`a`~op~`get!real`)) &&
610             !__traits(compiles, mixin(`get!real`~op~`b`)) &&
611             !__traits(compiles, mixin(`get!real`~op~`b.get!real`)))
612     {
613         return mixin(`a`~op~`get!real`);
614     }
616     /// ditto
617     int opCmp(T)(auto ref T b)
618         if (__traits(compiles, cast(real) b))
619     {
620         auto x = get!real;
621         auto y = cast(real) b;
622         return  (x >= y)-(x <= y);
623     }
625     /// ditto
626     void opOpAssign(string op, T)(auto ref T b)
627         if (__traits(compiles, mixin(`get!real`~op~`cast(real) b`)))
628     {
629         return mixin(`this = this `~op~` cast(real) b`);
630     }
632     /// ditto
633     template toString()
634     {
635         import std.format.spec : FormatSpec;
636         import std.format.write : formatValue;
637         // Needs to be a template because of
638         void toString()(scope void delegate(const(char)[]) sink, scope const ref FormatSpec!char fmt)
639         {
640             sink.formatValue(get!real, fmt);
641         }
642     }
643 }
645 @safe unittest
646 {
647     import std.meta;
648     alias FPTypes =
649         AliasSeq!(
650             CustomFloat!(5, 10),
651             CustomFloat!(5, 11, ^ CustomFloatFlags.signed),
652             CustomFloat!(1, 7, ^ CustomFloatFlags.signed),
653             CustomFloat!(4, 3, | CustomFloatFlags.probability ^ CustomFloatFlags.signed)
654         );
656     foreach (F; FPTypes)
657     {
658         auto x = F(0.125);
659         assert(x.get!float == 0.125F);
660         assert(x.get!double == 0.125);
661         assert(x.get!real == 0.125L);
663         x -= 0.0625;
664         assert(x.get!float == 0.0625F);
665         assert(x.get!double == 0.0625);
666         assert(x.get!real == 0.0625L);
668         x *= 2;
669         assert(x.get!float == 0.125F);
670         assert(x.get!double == 0.125);
671         assert(x.get!real == 0.125L);
673         x /= 4;
674         assert(x.get!float == 0.03125);
675         assert(x.get!double == 0.03125);
676         assert(x.get!real == 0.03125L);
678         x = 0.5;
679         x ^^= 4;
680         assert(x.get!float == 1 / 16.0F);
681         assert(x.get!double == 1 / 16.0);
682         assert(x.get!real == 1 / 16.0L);
683     }
684 }
686 @system unittest
687 {
688     // @system due to to!string(CustomFloat)
689     import std.conv;
690     CustomFloat!(5, 10) y = CustomFloat!(5, 10)(0.125);
691     assert(!string == "0.125");
692 }
694 @safe unittest
695 {
696     alias cf = CustomFloat!(5, 2);
698     auto a = cf.infinity;
699     assert(a.sign == 0);
700     assert(a.exponent == 3);
701     assert(a.significand == 0);
703     auto b = cf.nan;
704     assert(b.exponent == 3);
705     assert(b.significand != 0);
707     assert(cf.dig == 1);
709     auto c = cf.epsilon;
710     assert(c.sign == 0);
711     assert(c.exponent == 0);
712     assert(c.significand == 1);
714     assert(cf.mant_dig == 6);
716     assert(cf.max_10_exp == 0);
717     assert(cf.max_exp == 2);
718     assert(cf.min_10_exp == 0);
719     assert(cf.min_exp == 1);
721     auto d = cf.max;
722     assert(d.sign == 0);
723     assert(d.exponent == 2);
724     assert(d.significand == 31);
726     auto e = cf.min_normal;
727     assert(e.sign == 0);
728     assert(e.exponent == 1);
729     assert(e.significand == 0);
731     assert( == e);
732     assert( == cf(0.0));
733 }
735 // check whether CustomFloats identical to float/double behave like float/double
736 @safe unittest
737 {
738     import std.conv : to;
740     alias myFloat = CustomFloat!(23, 8);
742     static assert(myFloat.dig == float.dig);
743     static assert(myFloat.mant_dig == float.mant_dig);
744     assert(myFloat.max_10_exp == float.max_10_exp);
745     static assert(myFloat.max_exp == float.max_exp);
746     assert(myFloat.min_10_exp == float.min_10_exp);
747     static assert(myFloat.min_exp == float.min_exp);
748     assert(to!float(myFloat.epsilon) == float.epsilon);
749     assert(to!float(myFloat.max) == float.max);
750     assert(to!float(myFloat.min_normal) == float.min_normal);
752     alias myDouble = CustomFloat!(52, 11);
754     static assert(myDouble.dig == double.dig);
755     static assert(myDouble.mant_dig == double.mant_dig);
756     assert(myDouble.max_10_exp == double.max_10_exp);
757     static assert(myDouble.max_exp == double.max_exp);
758     assert(myDouble.min_10_exp == double.min_10_exp);
759     static assert(myDouble.min_exp == double.min_exp);
760     assert(to!double(myDouble.epsilon) == double.epsilon);
761     assert(to!double(myDouble.max) == double.max);
762     assert(to!double(myDouble.min_normal) == double.min_normal);
763 }
765 // testing .dig
766 @safe unittest
767 {
768     static assert(CustomFloat!(1, 6).dig == 0);
769     static assert(CustomFloat!(9, 6).dig == 2);
770     static assert(CustomFloat!(10, 5).dig == 3);
771     static assert(CustomFloat!(10, 6, CustomFloatFlags.none).dig == 2);
772     static assert(CustomFloat!(11, 5, CustomFloatFlags.none).dig == 3);
773     static assert(CustomFloat!(64, 7).dig == 19);
774 }
776 // testing .mant_dig
777 @safe unittest
778 {
779     static assert(CustomFloat!(10, 5).mant_dig == 11);
780     static assert(CustomFloat!(10, 6, CustomFloatFlags.none).mant_dig == 10);
781 }
783 // testing .max_exp
784 @safe unittest
785 {
786     static assert(CustomFloat!(1, 6).max_exp == 2^^5);
787     static assert(CustomFloat!(2, 6, CustomFloatFlags.none).max_exp == 2^^5);
788     static assert(CustomFloat!(5, 10).max_exp == 2^^9);
789     static assert(CustomFloat!(6, 10, CustomFloatFlags.none).max_exp == 2^^9);
790     static assert(CustomFloat!(2, 6, CustomFloatFlags.nan).max_exp == 2^^5);
791     static assert(CustomFloat!(6, 10, CustomFloatFlags.nan).max_exp == 2^^9);
792 }
794 // testing .min_exp
795 @safe unittest
796 {
797     static assert(CustomFloat!(1, 6).min_exp == -2^^5+3);
798     static assert(CustomFloat!(5, 10).min_exp == -2^^9+3);
799     static assert(CustomFloat!(2, 6, CustomFloatFlags.none).min_exp == -2^^5+1);
800     static assert(CustomFloat!(6, 10, CustomFloatFlags.none).min_exp == -2^^9+1);
801     static assert(CustomFloat!(2, 6, CustomFloatFlags.nan).min_exp == -2^^5+2);
802     static assert(CustomFloat!(6, 10, CustomFloatFlags.nan).min_exp == -2^^9+2);
803     static assert(CustomFloat!(2, 6, CustomFloatFlags.allowDenorm).min_exp == -2^^5+2);
804     static assert(CustomFloat!(6, 10, CustomFloatFlags.allowDenorm).min_exp == -2^^9+2);
805 }
807 // testing .max_10_exp
808 @safe unittest
809 {
810     assert(CustomFloat!(1, 6).max_10_exp == 9);
811     assert(CustomFloat!(5, 10).max_10_exp == 154);
812     assert(CustomFloat!(2, 6, CustomFloatFlags.none).max_10_exp == 9);
813     assert(CustomFloat!(6, 10, CustomFloatFlags.none).max_10_exp == 154);
814     assert(CustomFloat!(2, 6, CustomFloatFlags.nan).max_10_exp == 9);
815     assert(CustomFloat!(6, 10, CustomFloatFlags.nan).max_10_exp == 154);
816 }
818 // testing .min_10_exp
819 @safe unittest
820 {
821     assert(CustomFloat!(1, 6).min_10_exp == -9);
822     assert(CustomFloat!(5, 10).min_10_exp == -153);
823     assert(CustomFloat!(2, 6, CustomFloatFlags.none).min_10_exp == -9);
824     assert(CustomFloat!(6, 10, CustomFloatFlags.none).min_10_exp == -154);
825     assert(CustomFloat!(2, 6, CustomFloatFlags.nan).min_10_exp == -9);
826     assert(CustomFloat!(6, 10, CustomFloatFlags.nan).min_10_exp == -153);
827     assert(CustomFloat!(2, 6, CustomFloatFlags.allowDenorm).min_10_exp == -9);
828     assert(CustomFloat!(6, 10, CustomFloatFlags.allowDenorm).min_10_exp == -153);
829 }
831 // testing .epsilon
832 @safe unittest
833 {
834     assert(CustomFloat!(1,6).epsilon.sign == 0);
835     assert(CustomFloat!(1,6).epsilon.exponent == 30);
836     assert(CustomFloat!(1,6).epsilon.significand == 0);
837     assert(CustomFloat!(2,5).epsilon.sign == 0);
838     assert(CustomFloat!(2,5).epsilon.exponent == 13);
839     assert(CustomFloat!(2,5).epsilon.significand == 0);
840     assert(CustomFloat!(3,4).epsilon.sign == 0);
841     assert(CustomFloat!(3,4).epsilon.exponent == 4);
842     assert(CustomFloat!(3,4).epsilon.significand == 0);
843     // the following epsilons are only available, when denormalized numbers are allowed:
844     assert(CustomFloat!(4,3).epsilon.sign == 0);
845     assert(CustomFloat!(4,3).epsilon.exponent == 0);
846     assert(CustomFloat!(4,3).epsilon.significand == 4);
847     assert(CustomFloat!(5,2).epsilon.sign == 0);
848     assert(CustomFloat!(5,2).epsilon.exponent == 0);
849     assert(CustomFloat!(5,2).epsilon.significand == 1);
850 }
852 // testing .max
853 @safe unittest
854 {
855     static assert(CustomFloat!(5,2).max.sign == 0);
856     static assert(CustomFloat!(5,2).max.exponent == 2);
857     static assert(CustomFloat!(5,2).max.significand == 31);
858     static assert(CustomFloat!(4,3).max.sign == 0);
859     static assert(CustomFloat!(4,3).max.exponent == 6);
860     static assert(CustomFloat!(4,3).max.significand == 15);
861     static assert(CustomFloat!(3,4).max.sign == 0);
862     static assert(CustomFloat!(3,4).max.exponent == 14);
863     static assert(CustomFloat!(3,4).max.significand == 7);
864     static assert(CustomFloat!(2,5).max.sign == 0);
865     static assert(CustomFloat!(2,5).max.exponent == 30);
866     static assert(CustomFloat!(2,5).max.significand == 3);
867     static assert(CustomFloat!(1,6).max.sign == 0);
868     static assert(CustomFloat!(1,6).max.exponent == 62);
869     static assert(CustomFloat!(1,6).max.significand == 1);
870     static assert(CustomFloat!(3,5, CustomFloatFlags.none).max.exponent == 31);
871     static assert(CustomFloat!(3,5, CustomFloatFlags.none).max.significand == 7);
872 }
874 // testing .min_normal
875 @safe unittest
876 {
877     static assert(CustomFloat!(5,2).min_normal.sign == 0);
878     static assert(CustomFloat!(5,2).min_normal.exponent == 1);
879     static assert(CustomFloat!(5,2).min_normal.significand == 0);
880     static assert(CustomFloat!(4,3).min_normal.sign == 0);
881     static assert(CustomFloat!(4,3).min_normal.exponent == 1);
882     static assert(CustomFloat!(4,3).min_normal.significand == 0);
883     static assert(CustomFloat!(3,4).min_normal.sign == 0);
884     static assert(CustomFloat!(3,4).min_normal.exponent == 1);
885     static assert(CustomFloat!(3,4).min_normal.significand == 0);
886     static assert(CustomFloat!(2,5).min_normal.sign == 0);
887     static assert(CustomFloat!(2,5).min_normal.exponent == 1);
888     static assert(CustomFloat!(2,5).min_normal.significand == 0);
889     static assert(CustomFloat!(1,6).min_normal.sign == 0);
890     static assert(CustomFloat!(1,6).min_normal.exponent == 1);
891     static assert(CustomFloat!(1,6).min_normal.significand == 0);
892     static assert(CustomFloat!(3,5, CustomFloatFlags.none).min_normal.exponent == 0);
893     static assert(CustomFloat!(3,5, CustomFloatFlags.none).min_normal.significand == 4);
894 }
896 @safe unittest
897 {
898     import std.math.traits : isNaN;
900     alias cf = CustomFloat!(5, 2);
902     auto f = cf.nan.get!float();
903     assert(isNaN(f));
905     cf a;
906     a = real.max;
907     assert(a == cf.infinity);
909     a = 0.015625;
910     assert(a.exponent == 0);
911     assert(a.significand == 0);
913     a = 0.984375;
914     assert(a.exponent == 1);
915     assert(a.significand == 0);
916 }
918 @system unittest
919 {
920     import std.exception : assertThrown;
921     import core.exception : AssertError;
923     alias cf = CustomFloat!(3, 5, CustomFloatFlags.none);
925     cf a;
926     assertThrown!AssertError(a = real.max);
927 }
929 @system unittest
930 {
931     import std.exception : assertThrown;
932     import core.exception : AssertError;
934     alias cf = CustomFloat!(3, 5, CustomFloatFlags.nan);
936     cf a;
937     assertThrown!AssertError(a = real.max);
938 }
940 @system unittest
941 {
942     import std.exception : assertThrown;
943     import core.exception : AssertError;
945     alias cf = CustomFloat!(24, 8, CustomFloatFlags.none);
947     cf a;
948     assertThrown!AssertError(a = float.infinity);
949 }
951 private bool isCorrectCustomFloat(uint precision, uint exponentWidth, CustomFloatFlags flags) @safe pure nothrow @nogc
952 {
953     // Restrictions from bitfield
954     // due to CustomFloat!80 support hack precision with 64 bits is handled specially
955     auto length = (flags & flags.signed) + exponentWidth + ((precision == 64) ? 0 : precision);
956     if (length != 8 && length != 16 && length != 32 && length != 64) return false;
958     // mantissa needs to fit into real mantissa
959     if (precision > real.mant_dig - 1 && precision != 64) return false;
961     // exponent needs to fit into real exponent
962     if (1L << exponentWidth - 1 > real.max_exp) return false;
964     // mantissa should have at least one bit
965     if (precision == 0) return false;
967     // exponent should have at least one bit, in some cases two
968     if (exponentWidth <= ((flags & (flags.allowDenorm | flags.infinity | flags.nan)) != 0)) return false;
970     return true;
971 }
973 @safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest
974 {
975     assert(isCorrectCustomFloat(3,4,;
976     assert(isCorrectCustomFloat(3,5,CustomFloatFlags.none));
977     assert(!isCorrectCustomFloat(3,3,;
978     assert(isCorrectCustomFloat(64,7,;
979     assert(!isCorrectCustomFloat(64,4,;
980     assert(!isCorrectCustomFloat(508,3,;
981     assert(!isCorrectCustomFloat(3,100,;
982     assert(!isCorrectCustomFloat(0,7,;
983     assert(!isCorrectCustomFloat(6,1,;
984     assert(isCorrectCustomFloat(7,1,CustomFloatFlags.none));
985     assert(!isCorrectCustomFloat(8,0,CustomFloatFlags.none));
986 }
988 /**
989 Defines the fastest type to use when storing temporaries of a
990 calculation intended to ultimately yield a result of type `F`
991 (where `F` must be one of `float`, `double`, or $(D
992 real)). When doing a multi-step computation, you may want to store
993 intermediate results as `FPTemporary!F`.
995 The necessity of `FPTemporary` stems from the optimized
996 floating-point operations and registers present in virtually all
997 processors. When adding numbers in the example above, the addition may
998 in fact be done in `real` precision internally. In that case,
999 storing the intermediate `result` in $(D double format) is not only
1000 less precise, it is also (surprisingly) slower, because a conversion
1001 from `real` to `double` is performed every pass through the
1002 loop. This being a lose-lose situation, `FPTemporary!F` has been
1003 defined as the $(I fastest) type to use for calculations at precision
1004 `F`. There is no need to define a type for the $(I most accurate)
1005 calculations, as that is always `real`.
1007 Finally, there is no guarantee that using `FPTemporary!F` will
1008 always be fastest, as the speed of floating-point calculations depends
1009 on very many factors.
1010  */
1011 template FPTemporary(F)
1012 if (isFloatingPoint!F)
1013 {
1014     version (X86)
1015         alias FPTemporary = real;
1016     else
1017         alias FPTemporary = Unqual!F;
1018 }
1020 ///
1021 @safe unittest
1022 {
1023     import std.math.operations : isClose;
1025     // Average numbers in an array
1026     double avg(in double[] a)
1027     {
1028         if (a.length == 0) return 0;
1029         FPTemporary!double result = 0;
1030         foreach (e; a) result += e;
1031         return result / a.length;
1032     }
1034     auto a = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0];
1035     assert(isClose(avg(a), 2));
1036 }
1038 /**
1039 Implements the $(HTTP, secant method) for finding a
1040 root of the function `fun` starting from points $(D [xn_1, x_n])
1041 (ideally close to the root). `Num` may be `float`, `double`,
1042 or `real`.
1043 */
1044 template secantMethod(alias fun)
1045 {
1046     import std.functional : unaryFun;
1047     Num secantMethod(Num)(Num xn_1, Num xn)
1048     {
1049         auto fxn = unaryFun!(fun)(xn_1), d = xn_1 - xn;
1050         typeof(fxn) fxn_1;
1052         xn = xn_1;
1053         while (!isClose(d, 0, 0.0, 1e-5) && isFinite(d))
1054         {
1055             xn_1 = xn;
1056             xn -= d;
1057             fxn_1 = fxn;
1058             fxn = unaryFun!(fun)(xn);
1059             d *= -fxn / (fxn - fxn_1);
1060         }
1061         return xn;
1062     }
1063 }
1065 ///
1066 @safe unittest
1067 {
1068     import std.math.operations : isClose;
1069     import std.math.trigonometry : cos;
1071     float f(float x)
1072     {
1073         return cos(x) - x*x*x;
1074     }
1075     auto x = secantMethod!(f)(0f, 1f);
1076     assert(isClose(x, 0.865474));
1077 }
1079 @system unittest
1080 {
1081     // @system because of __gshared stderr
1082     import std.stdio;
1083     scope(failure) stderr.writeln("Failure testing secantMethod");
1084     float f(float x)
1085     {
1086         return cos(x) - x*x*x;
1087     }
1088     immutable x = secantMethod!(f)(0f, 1f);
1089     assert(isClose(x, 0.865474));
1090     auto d = &f;
1091     immutable y = secantMethod!(d)(0f, 1f);
1092     assert(isClose(y, 0.865474));
1093 }
1096 /**
1097  * Return true if a and b have opposite sign.
1098  */
1099 private bool oppositeSigns(T1, T2)(T1 a, T2 b)
1100 {
1101     return signbit(a) != signbit(b);
1102 }
1104 public:
1106 /**  Find a real root of a real function f(x) via bracketing.
1107  *
1108  * Given a function `f` and a range `[a .. b]` such that `f(a)`
1109  * and `f(b)` have opposite signs or at least one of them equals ±0,
1110  * returns the value of `x` in
1111  * the range which is closest to a root of `f(x)`.  If `f(x)`
1112  * has more than one root in the range, one will be chosen
1113  * arbitrarily.  If `f(x)` returns NaN, NaN will be returned;
1114  * otherwise, this algorithm is guaranteed to succeed.
1115  *
1116  * Uses an algorithm based on TOMS748, which uses inverse cubic
1117  * interpolation whenever possible, otherwise reverting to parabolic
1118  * or secant interpolation. Compared to TOMS748, this implementation
1119  * improves worst-case performance by a factor of more than 100, and
1120  * typical performance by a factor of 2. For 80-bit reals, most
1121  * problems require 8 to 15 calls to `f(x)` to achieve full machine
1122  * precision. The worst-case performance (pathological cases) is
1123  * approximately twice the number of bits.
1124  *
1125  * References: "On Enclosing Simple Roots of Nonlinear Equations",
1126  * G. Alefeld, F.A. Potra, Yixun Shi, Mathematics of Computation 61,
1127  * pp733-744 (1993).  Fortran code available from
1128  * $(HTTP, as algorithm TOMS478.
1129  *
1130  */
1131 T findRoot(T, DF, DT)(scope DF f, const T a, const T b,
1132     scope DT tolerance) //= (T a, T b) => false)
1133 if (
1134     isFloatingPoint!T &&
1135     is(typeof(tolerance(T.init, T.init)) : bool) &&
1136     is(typeof(f(T.init)) == R, R) && isFloatingPoint!R
1137     )
1138 {
1139     immutable fa = f(a);
1140     if (fa == 0)
1141         return a;
1142     immutable fb = f(b);
1143     if (fb == 0)
1144         return b;
1145     immutable r = findRoot(f, a, b, fa, fb, tolerance);
1146     // Return the first value if it is smaller or NaN
1147     return !(fabs(r[2]) > fabs(r[3])) ? r[0] : r[1];
1148 }
1150 ///ditto
1151 T findRoot(T, DF)(scope DF f, const T a, const T b)
1152 {
1153     return findRoot(f, a, b, (T a, T b) => false);
1154 }
1156 /** Find root of a real function f(x) by bracketing, allowing the
1157  * termination condition to be specified.
1158  *
1159  * Params:
1160  *
1161  * f = Function to be analyzed
1162  *
1163  * ax = Left bound of initial range of `f` known to contain the
1164  * root.
1165  *
1166  * bx = Right bound of initial range of `f` known to contain the
1167  * root.
1168  *
1169  * fax = Value of `f(ax)`.
1170  *
1171  * fbx = Value of `f(bx)`. `fax` and `fbx` should have opposite signs.
1172  * (`f(ax)` and `f(bx)` are commonly known in advance.)
1173  *
1174  *
1175  * tolerance = Defines an early termination condition. Receives the
1176  *             current upper and lower bounds on the root. The
1177  *             delegate must return `true` when these bounds are
1178  *             acceptable. If this function always returns `false`,
1179  *             full machine precision will be achieved.
1180  *
1181  * Returns:
1182  *
1183  * A tuple consisting of two ranges. The first two elements are the
1184  * range (in `x`) of the root, while the second pair of elements
1185  * are the corresponding function values at those points. If an exact
1186  * root was found, both of the first two elements will contain the
1187  * root, and the second pair of elements will be 0.
1188  */
1189 Tuple!(T, T, R, R) findRoot(T, R, DF, DT)(scope DF f,
1190     const T ax, const T bx, const R fax, const R fbx,
1191     scope DT tolerance) // = (T a, T b) => false)
1192 if (
1193     isFloatingPoint!T &&
1194     is(typeof(tolerance(T.init, T.init)) : bool) &&
1195     is(typeof(f(T.init)) == R) && isFloatingPoint!R
1196     )
1197 in
1198 {
1199     assert(!ax.isNaN() && !bx.isNaN(), "Limits must not be NaN");
1200     assert(signbit(fax) != signbit(fbx), "Parameters must bracket the root.");
1201 }
1202 do
1203 {
1204     // Author: Don Clugston. This code is (heavily) modified from TOMS748
1205     // (  The changes to improve the worst-cast performance are
1206     // entirely original.
1208     T a, b, d;  // [a .. b] is our current bracket. d is the third best guess.
1209     R fa, fb, fd; // Values of f at a, b, d.
1210     bool done = false; // Has a root been found?
1212     // Allow ax and bx to be provided in reverse order
1213     if (ax <= bx)
1214     {
1215         a = ax; fa = fax;
1216         b = bx; fb = fbx;
1217     }
1218     else
1219     {
1220         a = bx; fa = fbx;
1221         b = ax; fb = fax;
1222     }
1224     // Test the function at point c; update brackets accordingly
1225     void bracket(T c)
1226     {
1227         R fc = f(c);
1228         if (fc == 0 || fc.isNaN()) // Exact solution, or NaN
1229         {
1230             a = c;
1231             fa = fc;
1232             d = c;
1233             fd = fc;
1234             done = true;
1235             return;
1236         }
1238         // Determine new enclosing interval
1239         if (signbit(fa) != signbit(fc))
1240         {
1241             d = b;
1242             fd = fb;
1243             b = c;
1244             fb = fc;
1245         }
1246         else
1247         {
1248             d = a;
1249             fd = fa;
1250             a = c;
1251             fa = fc;
1252         }
1253     }
1255    /* Perform a secant interpolation. If the result would lie on a or b, or if
1256      a and b differ so wildly in magnitude that the result would be meaningless,
1257      perform a bisection instead.
1258     */
1259     static T secant_interpolate(T a, T b, R fa, R fb)
1260     {
1261         if (( ((a - b) == a) && b != 0) || (a != 0 && ((b - a) == b)))
1262         {
1263             // Catastrophic cancellation
1264             if (a == 0)
1265                 a = copysign(T(0), b);
1266             else if (b == 0)
1267                 b = copysign(T(0), a);
1268             else if (signbit(a) != signbit(b))
1269                 return 0;
1270             T c = ieeeMean(a, b);
1271             return c;
1272         }
1273         // avoid overflow
1274         if (b - a > T.max)
1275             return b / 2 + a / 2;
1276         if (fb - fa > R.max)
1277             return a - (b - a) / 2;
1278         T c = a - (fa / (fb - fa)) * (b - a);
1279         if (c == a || c == b)
1280             return (a + b) / 2;
1281         return c;
1282     }
1284     /* Uses 'numsteps' newton steps to approximate the zero in [a .. b] of the
1285        quadratic polynomial interpolating f(x) at a, b, and d.
1286        Returns:
1287          The approximate zero in [a .. b] of the quadratic polynomial.
1288     */
1289     T newtonQuadratic(int numsteps)
1290     {
1291         // Find the coefficients of the quadratic polynomial.
1292         immutable T a0 = fa;
1293         immutable T a1 = (fb - fa)/(b - a);
1294         immutable T a2 = ((fd - fb)/(d - b) - a1)/(d - a);
1296         // Determine the starting point of newton steps.
1297         T c = oppositeSigns(a2, fa) ? a  : b;
1299         // start the safeguarded newton steps.
1300         foreach (int i; 0 .. numsteps)
1301         {
1302             immutable T pc = a0 + (a1 + a2 * (c - b))*(c - a);
1303             immutable T pdc = a1 + a2*((2 * c) - (a + b));
1304             if (pdc == 0)
1305                 return a - a0 / a1;
1306             else
1307                 c = c - pc / pdc;
1308         }
1309         return c;
1310     }
1312     // On the first iteration we take a secant step:
1313     if (fa == 0 || fa.isNaN())
1314     {
1315         done = true;
1316         b = a;
1317         fb = fa;
1318     }
1319     else if (fb == 0 || fb.isNaN())
1320     {
1321         done = true;
1322         a = b;
1323         fa = fb;
1324     }
1325     else
1326     {
1327         bracket(secant_interpolate(a, b, fa, fb));
1328     }
1330     // Starting with the second iteration, higher-order interpolation can
1331     // be used.
1332     int itnum = 1;   // Iteration number
1333     int baditer = 1; // Num bisections to take if an iteration is bad.
1334     T c, e;  // e is our fourth best guess
1335     R fe;
1337 whileloop:
1338     while (!done && (b != nextUp(a)) && !tolerance(a, b))
1339     {
1340         T a0 = a, b0 = b; // record the brackets
1342         // Do two higher-order (cubic or parabolic) interpolation steps.
1343         foreach (int QQ; 0 .. 2)
1344         {
1345             // Cubic inverse interpolation requires that
1346             // all four function values fa, fb, fd, and fe are distinct;
1347             // otherwise use quadratic interpolation.
1348             bool distinct = (fa != fb) && (fa != fd) && (fa != fe)
1349                          && (fb != fd) && (fb != fe) && (fd != fe);
1350             // The first time, cubic interpolation is impossible.
1351             if (itnum<2) distinct = false;
1352             bool ok = distinct;
1353             if (distinct)
1354             {
1355                 // Cubic inverse interpolation of f(x) at a, b, d, and e
1356                 immutable q11 = (d - e) * fd / (fe - fd);
1357                 immutable q21 = (b - d) * fb / (fd - fb);
1358                 immutable q31 = (a - b) * fa / (fb - fa);
1359                 immutable d21 = (b - d) * fd / (fd - fb);
1360                 immutable d31 = (a - b) * fb / (fb - fa);
1362                 immutable q22 = (d21 - q11) * fb / (fe - fb);
1363                 immutable q32 = (d31 - q21) * fa / (fd - fa);
1364                 immutable d32 = (d31 - q21) * fd / (fd - fa);
1365                 immutable q33 = (d32 - q22) * fa / (fe - fa);
1366                 c = a + (q31 + q32 + q33);
1367                 if (c.isNaN() || (c <= a) || (c >= b))
1368                 {
1369                     // DAC: If the interpolation predicts a or b, it's
1370                     // probable that it's the actual root. Only allow this if
1371                     // we're already close to the root.
1372                     if (c == a && a - b != a)
1373                     {
1374                         c = nextUp(a);
1375                     }
1376                     else if (c == b && a - b != -b)
1377                     {
1378                         c = nextDown(b);
1379                     }
1380                     else
1381                     {
1382                         ok = false;
1383                     }
1384                 }
1385             }
1386             if (!ok)
1387             {
1388                 // DAC: Alefeld doesn't explain why the number of newton steps
1389                 // should vary.
1390                 c = newtonQuadratic(distinct ? 3 : 2);
1391                 if (c.isNaN() || (c <= a) || (c >= b))
1392                 {
1393                     // Failure, try a secant step:
1394                     c = secant_interpolate(a, b, fa, fb);
1395                 }
1396             }
1397             ++itnum;
1398             e = d;
1399             fe = fd;
1400             bracket(c);
1401             if (done || ( b == nextUp(a)) || tolerance(a, b))
1402                 break whileloop;
1403             if (itnum == 2)
1404                 continue whileloop;
1405         }
1407         // Now we take a double-length secant step:
1408         T u;
1409         R fu;
1410         if (fabs(fa) < fabs(fb))
1411         {
1412             u = a;
1413             fu = fa;
1414         }
1415         else
1416         {
1417             u = b;
1418             fu = fb;
1419         }
1420         c = u - 2 * (fu / (fb - fa)) * (b - a);
1422         // DAC: If the secant predicts a value equal to an endpoint, it's
1423         // probably false.
1424         if (c == a || c == b || c.isNaN() || fabs(c - u) > (b - a) / 2)
1425         {
1426             if ((a-b) == a || (b-a) == b)
1427             {
1428                 if ((a>0 && b<0) || (a<0 && b>0))
1429                     c = 0;
1430                 else
1431                 {
1432                     if (a == 0)
1433                         c = ieeeMean(copysign(T(0), b), b);
1434                     else if (b == 0)
1435                         c = ieeeMean(copysign(T(0), a), a);
1436                     else
1437                         c = ieeeMean(a, b);
1438                 }
1439             }
1440             else
1441             {
1442                 c = a + (b - a) / 2;
1443             }
1444         }
1445         e = d;
1446         fe = fd;
1447         bracket(c);
1448         if (done || (b == nextUp(a)) || tolerance(a, b))
1449             break;
1452         // We must ensure that the bounds reduce by a factor of 2
1453         // in binary space! every iteration. If we haven't achieved this
1454         // yet, or if we don't yet know what the exponent is,
1455         // perform a binary chop.
1457         if ((a == 0 || b == 0 ||
1458             (fabs(a) >= T(0.5) * fabs(b) && fabs(b) >= T(0.5) * fabs(a)))
1459             &&  (b - a) < T(0.25) * (b0 - a0))
1460         {
1461             baditer = 1;
1462             continue;
1463         }
1465         // DAC: If this happens on consecutive iterations, we probably have a
1466         // pathological function. Perform a number of bisections equal to the
1467         // total number of consecutive bad iterations.
1469         if ((b - a) < T(0.25) * (b0 - a0))
1470             baditer = 1;
1471         foreach (int QQ; 0 .. baditer)
1472         {
1473             e = d;
1474             fe = fd;
1476             T w;
1477             if ((a>0 && b<0) || (a<0 && b>0))
1478                 w = 0;
1479             else
1480             {
1481                 T usea = a;
1482                 T useb = b;
1483                 if (a == 0)
1484                     usea = copysign(T(0), b);
1485                 else if (b == 0)
1486                     useb = copysign(T(0), a);
1487                 w = ieeeMean(usea, useb);
1488             }
1489             bracket(w);
1490         }
1491         ++baditer;
1492     }
1493     return Tuple!(T, T, R, R)(a, b, fa, fb);
1494 }
1496 ///ditto
1497 Tuple!(T, T, R, R) findRoot(T, R, DF)(scope DF f,
1498     const T ax, const T bx, const R fax, const R fbx)
1499 {
1500     return findRoot(f, ax, bx, fax, fbx, (T a, T b) => false);
1501 }
1503 ///ditto
1504 T findRoot(T, R)(scope R delegate(T) f, const T a, const T b,
1505     scope bool delegate(T lo, T hi) tolerance = (T a, T b) => false)
1506 {
1507     return findRoot!(T, R delegate(T), bool delegate(T lo, T hi))(f, a, b, tolerance);
1508 }
1510 @safe nothrow unittest
1511 {
1512     int numProblems = 0;
1513     int numCalls;
1515     void testFindRoot(real delegate(real) @nogc @safe nothrow pure f , real x1, real x2) @nogc @safe nothrow pure
1516     {
1517         //numCalls=0;
1518         //++numProblems;
1519         assert(!x1.isNaN() && !x2.isNaN());
1520         assert(signbit(f(x1)) != signbit(f(x2)));
1521         auto result = findRoot(f, x1, x2, f(x1), f(x2),
1522           (real lo, real hi) { return false; });
1524         auto flo = f(result[0]);
1525         auto fhi = f(result[1]);
1526         if (flo != 0)
1527         {
1528             assert(oppositeSigns(flo, fhi));
1529         }
1530     }
1532     // Test functions
1533     real cubicfn(real x) @nogc @safe nothrow pure
1534     {
1535         //++numCalls;
1536         if (x>float.max)
1537             x = float.max;
1538         if (x<-float.max)
1539             x = -float.max;
1540         // This has a single real root at -59.286543284815
1541         return 0.386*x*x*x + 23*x*x + 15.7*x + 525.2;
1542     }
1543     // Test a function with more than one root.
1544     real multisine(real x) { ++numCalls; return sin(x); }
1545     testFindRoot( &multisine, 6, 90);
1546     testFindRoot(&cubicfn, -100, 100);
1547     testFindRoot( &cubicfn, -double.max, real.max);
1550 /* Tests from the paper:
1551  * "On Enclosing Simple Roots of Nonlinear Equations", G. Alefeld, F.A. Potra,
1552  *   Yixun Shi, Mathematics of Computation 61, pp733-744 (1993).
1553  */
1554     // Parameters common to many alefeld tests.
1555     int n;
1556     real ale_a, ale_b;
1558     int powercalls = 0;
1560     real power(real x)
1561     {
1562         ++powercalls;
1563         ++numCalls;
1564         return pow(x, n) + double.min_normal;
1565     }
1566     int [] power_nvals = [3, 5, 7, 9, 19, 25];
1567     // Alefeld paper states that pow(x,n) is a very poor case, where bisection
1568     // outperforms his method, and gives total numcalls =
1569     // 921 for bisection (2.4 calls per bit), 1830 for Alefeld (4.76/bit),
1570     // 2624 for brent (6.8/bit)
1571     // ... but that is for double, not real80.
1572     // This poor performance seems mainly due to catastrophic cancellation,
1573     // which is avoided here by the use of ieeeMean().
1574     // I get: 231 (0.48/bit).
1575     // IE this is 10X faster in Alefeld's worst case
1576     numProblems=0;
1577     foreach (k; power_nvals)
1578     {
1579         n = k;
1580         testFindRoot(&power, -1, 10);
1581     }
1583     int powerProblems = numProblems;
1585     // Tests from Alefeld paper
1587     int [9] alefeldSums;
1588     real alefeld0(real x)
1589     {
1590         ++alefeldSums[0];
1591         ++numCalls;
1592         real q =  sin(x) - x/2;
1593         for (int i=1; i<20; ++i)
1594             q+=(2*i-5.0)*(2*i-5.0)/((x-i*i)*(x-i*i)*(x-i*i));
1595         return q;
1596     }
1597     real alefeld1(real x)
1598     {
1599         ++numCalls;
1600         ++alefeldSums[1];
1601         return ale_a*x + exp(ale_b * x);
1602     }
1603     real alefeld2(real x)
1604     {
1605         ++numCalls;
1606         ++alefeldSums[2];
1607         return pow(x, n) - ale_a;
1608     }
1609     real alefeld3(real x)
1610     {
1611         ++numCalls;
1612         ++alefeldSums[3];
1613         return (1.0 +pow(1.0L-n, 2))*x - pow(1.0L-n*x, 2);
1614     }
1615     real alefeld4(real x)
1616     {
1617         ++numCalls;
1618         ++alefeldSums[4];
1619         return x*x - pow(1-x, n);
1620     }
1621     real alefeld5(real x)
1622     {
1623         ++numCalls;
1624         ++alefeldSums[5];
1625         return (1+pow(1.0L-n, 4))*x - pow(1.0L-n*x, 4);
1626     }
1627     real alefeld6(real x)
1628     {
1629         ++numCalls;
1630         ++alefeldSums[6];
1631         return exp(-n*x)*(x-1.01L) + pow(x, n);
1632     }
1633     real alefeld7(real x)
1634     {
1635         ++numCalls;
1636         ++alefeldSums[7];
1637         return (n*x-1)/((n-1)*x);
1638     }
1640     numProblems=0;
1641     testFindRoot(&alefeld0, PI_2, PI);
1642     for (n=1; n <= 10; ++n)
1643     {
1644         testFindRoot(&alefeld0, n*n+1e-9L, (n+1)*(n+1)-1e-9L);
1645     }
1646     ale_a = -40; ale_b = -1;
1647     testFindRoot(&alefeld1, -9, 31);
1648     ale_a = -100; ale_b = -2;
1649     testFindRoot(&alefeld1, -9, 31);
1650     ale_a = -200; ale_b = -3;
1651     testFindRoot(&alefeld1, -9, 31);
1652     int [] nvals_3 = [1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20];
1653     int [] nvals_5 = [1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 15, 20];
1654     int [] nvals_6 = [1, 5, 10, 15, 20];
1655     int [] nvals_7 = [2, 5, 15, 20];
1657     for (int i=4; i<12; i+=2)
1658     {
1659         n = i;
1660         ale_a = 0.2;
1661         testFindRoot(&alefeld2, 0, 5);
1662         ale_a=1;
1663         testFindRoot(&alefeld2, 0.95, 4.05);
1664         testFindRoot(&alefeld2, 0, 1.5);
1665     }
1666     foreach (i; nvals_3)
1667     {
1668         n=i;
1669         testFindRoot(&alefeld3, 0, 1);
1670     }
1671     foreach (i; nvals_3)
1672     {
1673         n=i;
1674         testFindRoot(&alefeld4, 0, 1);
1675     }
1676     foreach (i; nvals_5)
1677     {
1678         n=i;
1679         testFindRoot(&alefeld5, 0, 1);
1680     }
1681     foreach (i; nvals_6)
1682     {
1683         n=i;
1684         testFindRoot(&alefeld6, 0, 1);
1685     }
1686     foreach (i; nvals_7)
1687     {
1688         n=i;
1689         testFindRoot(&alefeld7, 0.01L, 1);
1690     }
1691     real worstcase(real x)
1692     {
1693         ++numCalls;
1694         return x<0.3*real.max? -0.999e-3 : 1.0;
1695     }
1696     testFindRoot(&worstcase, -real.max, real.max);
1698     // just check that the double + float cases compile
1699     findRoot((double x){ return 0.0; }, -double.max, double.max);
1700     findRoot((float x){ return 0.0f; }, -float.max, float.max);
1702 /*
1703    int grandtotal=0;
1704    foreach (calls; alefeldSums)
1705    {
1706        grandtotal+=calls;
1707    }
1708    grandtotal-=2*numProblems;
1709    printf("\nALEFELD TOTAL = %d avg = %f (alefeld avg=19.3 for double)\n",
1710    grandtotal, (1.0*grandtotal)/numProblems);
1711    powercalls -= 2*powerProblems;
1712    printf("POWER TOTAL = %d avg = %f ", powercalls,
1713         (1.0*powercalls)/powerProblems);
1714 */
1715     //
1716     auto xp = findRoot((float x) => x, 0f, 1f);
1717     auto xn = findRoot((float x) => x, -1f, -0f);
1718 }
1720 //regression control
1721 @system unittest
1722 {
1723     // @system due to the case in the 2nd line
1724     static assert(__traits(compiles, findRoot((float x)=>cast(real) x, float.init, float.init)));
1725     static assert(__traits(compiles, findRoot!real((x)=>cast(double) x, real.init, real.init)));
1726     static assert(__traits(compiles, findRoot((real x)=>cast(double) x, real.init, real.init)));
1727 }
1729 /++
1730 Find a real minimum of a real function `f(x)` via bracketing.
1731 Given a function `f` and a range `(ax .. bx)`,
1732 returns the value of `x` in the range which is closest to a minimum of `f(x)`.
1733 `f` is never evaluted at the endpoints of `ax` and `bx`.
1734 If `f(x)` has more than one minimum in the range, one will be chosen arbitrarily.
1735 If `f(x)` returns NaN or -Infinity, `(x, f(x), NaN)` will be returned;
1736 otherwise, this algorithm is guaranteed to succeed.
1738 Params:
1739     f = Function to be analyzed
1740     ax = Left bound of initial range of f known to contain the minimum.
1741     bx = Right bound of initial range of f known to contain the minimum.
1742     relTolerance = Relative tolerance.
1743     absTolerance = Absolute tolerance.
1745 Preconditions:
1746     `ax` and `bx` shall be finite reals. $(BR)
1747     `relTolerance` shall be normal positive real. $(BR)
1748     `absTolerance` shall be normal positive real no less then `T.epsilon*2`.
1750 Returns:
1751     A tuple consisting of `x`, `y = f(x)` and `error = 3 * (absTolerance * fabs(x) + relTolerance)`.
1753     The method used is a combination of golden section search and
1754 successive parabolic interpolation. Convergence is never much slower
1755 than that for a Fibonacci search.
1757 References:
1758     "Algorithms for Minimization without Derivatives", Richard Brent, Prentice-Hall, Inc. (1973)
1760 See_Also: $(LREF findRoot), $(REF isNormal, std,math)
1761 +/
1762 Tuple!(T, "x", Unqual!(ReturnType!DF), "y", T, "error")
1763 findLocalMin(T, DF)(
1764         scope DF f,
1765         const T ax,
1766         const T bx,
1767         const T relTolerance = sqrt(T.epsilon),
1768         const T absTolerance = sqrt(T.epsilon),
1769         )
1770 if (isFloatingPoint!T
1771     && __traits(compiles, {T _ = DF.init(T.init);}))
1772 in
1773 {
1774     assert(isFinite(ax), "ax is not finite");
1775     assert(isFinite(bx), "bx is not finite");
1776     assert(isNormal(relTolerance), "relTolerance is not normal floating point number");
1777     assert(isNormal(absTolerance), "absTolerance is not normal floating point number");
1778     assert(relTolerance >= 0, "absTolerance is not positive");
1779     assert(absTolerance >= T.epsilon*2, "absTolerance is not greater then `2*T.epsilon`");
1780 }
1781 out (result)
1782 {
1783     assert(isFinite(result.x));
1784 }
1785 do
1786 {
1787     alias R = Unqual!(CommonType!(ReturnType!DF, T));
1788     // c is the squared inverse of the golden ratio
1789     // (3 - sqrt(5))/2
1790     // Value obtained from Wolfram Alpha.
1791     enum T c = 0x0.61c8864680b583ea0c633f9fa31237p+0L;
1792     enum T cm1 = 0x0.9e3779b97f4a7c15f39cc0605cedc8p+0L;
1793     R tolerance;
1794     T a = ax > bx ? bx : ax;
1795     T b = ax > bx ? ax : bx;
1796     // sequence of declarations suitable for SIMD instructions
1797     T  v = a * cm1 + b * c;
1798     assert(isFinite(v));
1799     R fv = f(v);
1800     if (isNaN(fv) || fv == -T.infinity)
1801     {
1802         return typeof(return)(v, fv, T.init);
1803     }
1804     T  w = v;
1805     R fw = fv;
1806     T  x = v;
1807     R fx = fv;
1808     size_t i;
1809     for (R d = 0, e = 0;;)
1810     {
1811         i++;
1812         T m = (a + b) / 2;
1813         // This fix is not part of the original algorithm
1814         if (!isFinite(m)) // fix infinity loop. Issue can be reproduced in R.
1815         {
1816             m = a / 2 + b / 2;
1817             if (!isFinite(m)) // fast-math compiler switch is enabled
1818             {
1819                 //SIMD instructions can be used by compiler, do not reduce declarations
1820                 int a_exp = void;
1821                 int b_exp = void;
1822                 immutable an = frexp(a, a_exp);
1823                 immutable bn = frexp(b, b_exp);
1824                 immutable am = ldexp(an, a_exp-1);
1825                 immutable bm = ldexp(bn, b_exp-1);
1826                 m = am + bm;
1827                 if (!isFinite(m)) // wrong input: constraints are disabled in release mode
1828                 {
1829                     return typeof(return).init;
1830                 }
1831             }
1832         }
1833         tolerance = absTolerance * fabs(x) + relTolerance;
1834         immutable t2 = tolerance * 2;
1835         // check stopping criterion
1836         if (!(fabs(x - m) > t2 - (b - a) / 2))
1837         {
1838             break;
1839         }
1840         R p = 0;
1841         R q = 0;
1842         R r = 0;
1843         // fit parabola
1844         if (fabs(e) > tolerance)
1845         {
1846             immutable  xw =  x -  w;
1847             immutable fxw = fx - fw;
1848             immutable  xv =  x -  v;
1849             immutable fxv = fx - fv;
1850             immutable xwfxv = xw * fxv;
1851             immutable xvfxw = xv * fxw;
1852             p = xv * xvfxw - xw * xwfxv;
1853             q = (xvfxw - xwfxv) * 2;
1854             if (q > 0)
1855                 p = -p;
1856             else
1857                 q = -q;
1858             r = e;
1859             e = d;
1860         }
1861         T u;
1862         // a parabolic-interpolation step
1863         if (fabs(p) < fabs(q * r / 2) && p > q * (a - x) && p < q * (b - x))
1864         {
1865             d = p / q;
1866             u = x + d;
1867             // f must not be evaluated too close to a or b
1868             if (u - a < t2 || b - u < t2)
1869                 d = x < m ? tolerance : -tolerance;
1870         }
1871         // a golden-section step
1872         else
1873         {
1874             e = (x < m ? b : a) - x;
1875             d = c * e;
1876         }
1877         // f must not be evaluated too close to x
1878         u = x + (fabs(d) >= tolerance ? d : d > 0 ? tolerance : -tolerance);
1879         immutable fu = f(u);
1880         if (isNaN(fu) || fu == -T.infinity)
1881         {
1882             return typeof(return)(u, fu, T.init);
1883         }
1884         //  update  a, b, v, w, and x
1885         if (fu <= fx)
1886         {
1887             (u < x ? b : a) = x;
1888             v = w; fv = fw;
1889             w = x; fw = fx;
1890             x = u; fx = fu;
1891         }
1892         else
1893         {
1894             (u < x ? a : b) = u;
1895             if (fu <= fw || w == x)
1896             {
1897                 v = w; fv = fw;
1898                 w = u; fw = fu;
1899             }
1900             else if (fu <= fv || v == x || v == w)
1901             { // do not remove this braces
1902                 v = u; fv = fu;
1903             }
1904         }
1905     }
1906     return typeof(return)(x, fx, tolerance * 3);
1907 }
1909 ///
1910 @safe unittest
1911 {
1912     import std.math.operations : isClose;
1914     auto ret = findLocalMin((double x) => (x-4)^^2, -1e7, 1e7);
1915     assert(ret.x.isClose(4.0));
1916     assert(ret.y.isClose(0.0, 0.0, 1e-10));
1917 }
1919 @safe unittest
1920 {
1921     import std.meta : AliasSeq;
1922     static foreach (T; AliasSeq!(double, float, real))
1923     {
1924         {
1925             auto ret = findLocalMin!T((T x) => (x-4)^^2, T.min_normal, 1e7);
1926             assert(ret.x.isClose(T(4)));
1927             assert(ret.y.isClose(T(0), 0.0, T.epsilon));
1928         }
1929         {
1930             auto ret = findLocalMin!T((T x) => fabs(x-1), -T.max/4, T.max/4, T.min_normal, 2*T.epsilon);
1931             assert(isClose(ret.x, T(1)));
1932             assert(isClose(ret.y, T(0), 0.0, T.epsilon));
1933             assert(ret.error <= 10 * T.epsilon);
1934         }
1935         {
1936             auto ret = findLocalMin!T((T x) => T.init, 0, 1, T.min_normal, 2*T.epsilon);
1937             assert(!ret.x.isNaN);
1938             assert(ret.y.isNaN);
1939             assert(ret.error.isNaN);
1940         }
1941         {
1942             auto ret = findLocalMin!T((T x) => log(x), 0, 1, T.min_normal, 2*T.epsilon);
1943             assert(ret.error < 3.00001 * ((2*T.epsilon)*fabs(ret.x)+ T.min_normal));
1944             assert(ret.x >= 0 && ret.x <= ret.error);
1945         }
1946         {
1947             auto ret = findLocalMin!T((T x) => log(x), 0, T.max, T.min_normal, 2*T.epsilon);
1948             assert(ret.y < -18);
1949             assert(ret.error < 5e-08);
1950             assert(ret.x >= 0 && ret.x <= ret.error);
1951         }
1952         {
1953             auto ret = findLocalMin!T((T x) => -fabs(x), -1, 1, T.min_normal, 2*T.epsilon);
1954             assert(ret.x.fabs.isClose(T(1)));
1955             assert(ret.y.fabs.isClose(T(1)));
1956             assert(ret.error.isClose(T(0), 0.0, 100*T.epsilon));
1957         }
1958     }
1959 }
1961 /**
1962 Computes $(LINK2,
1963 Euclidean distance) between input ranges `a` and
1964 `b`. The two ranges must have the same length. The three-parameter
1965 version stops computation as soon as the distance is greater than or
1966 equal to `limit` (this is useful to save computation if a small
1967 distance is sought).
1968  */
1969 CommonType!(ElementType!(Range1), ElementType!(Range2))
1970 euclideanDistance(Range1, Range2)(Range1 a, Range2 b)
1971 if (isInputRange!(Range1) && isInputRange!(Range2))
1972 {
1973     enum bool haveLen = hasLength!(Range1) && hasLength!(Range2);
1974     static if (haveLen) assert(a.length == b.length);
1975     Unqual!(typeof(return)) result = 0;
1976     for (; !a.empty; a.popFront(), b.popFront())
1977     {
1978         immutable t = a.front - b.front;
1979         result += t * t;
1980     }
1981     static if (!haveLen) assert(b.empty);
1982     return sqrt(result);
1983 }
1985 /// Ditto
1986 CommonType!(ElementType!(Range1), ElementType!(Range2))
1987 euclideanDistance(Range1, Range2, F)(Range1 a, Range2 b, F limit)
1988 if (isInputRange!(Range1) && isInputRange!(Range2))
1989 {
1990     limit *= limit;
1991     enum bool haveLen = hasLength!(Range1) && hasLength!(Range2);
1992     static if (haveLen) assert(a.length == b.length);
1993     Unqual!(typeof(return)) result = 0;
1994     for (; ; a.popFront(), b.popFront())
1995     {
1996         if (a.empty)
1997         {
1998             static if (!haveLen) assert(b.empty);
1999             break;
2000         }
2001         immutable t = a.front - b.front;
2002         result += t * t;
2003         if (result >= limit) break;
2004     }
2005     return sqrt(result);
2006 }
2008 @safe unittest
2009 {
2010     import std.meta : AliasSeq;
2011     static foreach (T; AliasSeq!(double, const double, immutable double))
2012     {{
2013         T[] a = [ 1.0, 2.0, ];
2014         T[] b = [ 4.0, 6.0, ];
2015         assert(euclideanDistance(a, b) == 5);
2016         assert(euclideanDistance(a, b, 6) == 5);
2017         assert(euclideanDistance(a, b, 5) == 5);
2018         assert(euclideanDistance(a, b, 4) == 5);
2019         assert(euclideanDistance(a, b, 2) == 3);
2020     }}
2021 }
2023 /**
2024 Computes the $(LINK2,
2025 dot product) of input ranges `a` and $(D
2026 b). The two ranges must have the same length. If both ranges define
2027 length, the check is done once; otherwise, it is done at each
2028 iteration.
2029  */
2030 CommonType!(ElementType!(Range1), ElementType!(Range2))
2031 dotProduct(Range1, Range2)(Range1 a, Range2 b)
2032 if (isInputRange!(Range1) && isInputRange!(Range2) &&
2033     !(isArray!(Range1) && isArray!(Range2)))
2034 {
2035     enum bool haveLen = hasLength!(Range1) && hasLength!(Range2);
2036     static if (haveLen) assert(a.length == b.length);
2037     Unqual!(typeof(return)) result = 0;
2038     for (; !a.empty; a.popFront(), b.popFront())
2039     {
2040         result += a.front * b.front;
2041     }
2042     static if (!haveLen) assert(b.empty);
2043     return result;
2044 }
2046 /// Ditto
2047 CommonType!(F1, F2)
2048 dotProduct(F1, F2)(in F1[] avector, in F2[] bvector)
2049 {
2050     immutable n = avector.length;
2051     assert(n == bvector.length);
2052     auto avec = avector.ptr, bvec = bvector.ptr;
2053     Unqual!(typeof(return)) sum0 = 0, sum1 = 0;
2055     const all_endp = avec + n;
2056     const smallblock_endp = avec + (n & ~3);
2057     const bigblock_endp = avec + (n & ~15);
2059     for (; avec != bigblock_endp; avec += 16, bvec += 16)
2060     {
2061         sum0 += avec[0] * bvec[0];
2062         sum1 += avec[1] * bvec[1];
2063         sum0 += avec[2] * bvec[2];
2064         sum1 += avec[3] * bvec[3];
2065         sum0 += avec[4] * bvec[4];
2066         sum1 += avec[5] * bvec[5];
2067         sum0 += avec[6] * bvec[6];
2068         sum1 += avec[7] * bvec[7];
2069         sum0 += avec[8] * bvec[8];
2070         sum1 += avec[9] * bvec[9];
2071         sum0 += avec[10] * bvec[10];
2072         sum1 += avec[11] * bvec[11];
2073         sum0 += avec[12] * bvec[12];
2074         sum1 += avec[13] * bvec[13];
2075         sum0 += avec[14] * bvec[14];
2076         sum1 += avec[15] * bvec[15];
2077     }
2079     for (; avec != smallblock_endp; avec += 4, bvec += 4)
2080     {
2081         sum0 += avec[0] * bvec[0];
2082         sum1 += avec[1] * bvec[1];
2083         sum0 += avec[2] * bvec[2];
2084         sum1 += avec[3] * bvec[3];
2085     }
2087     sum0 += sum1;
2089     /* Do trailing portion in naive loop. */
2090     while (avec != all_endp)
2091     {
2092         sum0 += *avec * *bvec;
2093         ++avec;
2094         ++bvec;
2095     }
2097     return sum0;
2098 }
2100 /// ditto
2101 F dotProduct(F, uint N)(const ref scope F[N] a, const ref scope F[N] b)
2102 if (N <= 16)
2103 {
2104     F sum0 = 0;
2105     F sum1 = 0;
2106     static foreach (i; 0 .. N / 2)
2107     {
2108         sum0 += a[i*2] * b[i*2];
2109         sum1 += a[i*2+1] * b[i*2+1];
2110     }
2111     static if (N % 2 == 1)
2112     {
2113         sum0 += a[N-1] * b[N-1];
2114     }
2115     return sum0 + sum1;
2116 }
2118 @system unittest
2119 {
2120     // @system due to dotProduct and assertCTFEable
2121     import std.exception : assertCTFEable;
2122     import std.meta : AliasSeq;
2123     static foreach (T; AliasSeq!(double, const double, immutable double))
2124     {{
2125         T[] a = [ 1.0, 2.0, ];
2126         T[] b = [ 4.0, 6.0, ];
2127         assert(dotProduct(a, b) == 16);
2128         assert(dotProduct([1, 3, -5], [4, -2, -1]) == 3);
2129         // Test with fixed-length arrays.
2130         T[2] c = [ 1.0, 2.0, ];
2131         T[2] d = [ 4.0, 6.0, ];
2132         assert(dotProduct(c, d) == 16);
2133         T[3] e = [1,  3, -5];
2134         T[3] f = [4, -2, -1];
2135         assert(dotProduct(e, f) == 3);
2136     }}
2138     // Make sure the unrolled loop codepath gets tested.
2139     static const x =
2140         [1.0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22];
2141     static const y =
2142         [2.0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23];
2143     assertCTFEable!({ assert(dotProduct(x, y) == 4048); });
2144 }
2146 /**
2147 Computes the $(LINK2,
2148 cosine similarity) of input ranges `a` and $(D
2149 b). The two ranges must have the same length. If both ranges define
2150 length, the check is done once; otherwise, it is done at each
2151 iteration. If either range has all-zero elements, return 0.
2152  */
2153 CommonType!(ElementType!(Range1), ElementType!(Range2))
2154 cosineSimilarity(Range1, Range2)(Range1 a, Range2 b)
2155 if (isInputRange!(Range1) && isInputRange!(Range2))
2156 {
2157     enum bool haveLen = hasLength!(Range1) && hasLength!(Range2);
2158     static if (haveLen) assert(a.length == b.length);
2159     Unqual!(typeof(return)) norma = 0, normb = 0, dotprod = 0;
2160     for (; !a.empty; a.popFront(), b.popFront())
2161     {
2162         immutable t1 = a.front, t2 = b.front;
2163         norma += t1 * t1;
2164         normb += t2 * t2;
2165         dotprod += t1 * t2;
2166     }
2167     static if (!haveLen) assert(b.empty);
2168     if (norma == 0 || normb == 0) return 0;
2169     return dotprod / sqrt(norma * normb);
2170 }
2172 @safe unittest
2173 {
2174     import std.meta : AliasSeq;
2175     static foreach (T; AliasSeq!(double, const double, immutable double))
2176     {{
2177         T[] a = [ 1.0, 2.0, ];
2178         T[] b = [ 4.0, 3.0, ];
2179         assert(isClose(
2180                     cosineSimilarity(a, b), 10.0 / sqrt(5.0 * 25),
2181                     0.01));
2182     }}
2183 }
2185 /**
2186 Normalizes values in `range` by multiplying each element with a
2187 number chosen such that values sum up to `sum`. If elements in $(D
2188 range) sum to zero, assigns $(D sum / range.length) to
2189 all. Normalization makes sense only if all elements in `range` are
2190 positive. `normalize` assumes that is the case without checking it.
2192 Returns: `true` if normalization completed normally, `false` if
2193 all elements in `range` were zero or if `range` is empty.
2194  */
2195 bool normalize(R)(R range, ElementType!(R) sum = 1)
2196 if (isForwardRange!(R))
2197 {
2198     ElementType!(R) s = 0;
2199     // Step 1: Compute sum and length of the range
2200     static if (hasLength!(R))
2201     {
2202         const length = range.length;
2203         foreach (e; range)
2204         {
2205             s += e;
2206         }
2207     }
2208     else
2209     {
2210         uint length = 0;
2211         foreach (e; range)
2212         {
2213             s += e;
2214             ++length;
2215         }
2216     }
2217     // Step 2: perform normalization
2218     if (s == 0)
2219     {
2220         if (length)
2221         {
2222             immutable f = sum / range.length;
2223             foreach (ref e; range) e = f;
2224         }
2225         return false;
2226     }
2227     // The path most traveled
2228     assert(s >= 0);
2229     immutable f = sum / s;
2230     foreach (ref e; range)
2231         e *= f;
2232     return true;
2233 }
2235 ///
2236 @safe unittest
2237 {
2238     double[] a = [];
2239     assert(!normalize(a));
2240     a = [ 1.0, 3.0 ];
2241     assert(normalize(a));
2242     assert(a == [ 0.25, 0.75 ]);
2243     assert(normalize!(typeof(a))(a, 50)); // a = [12.5, 37.5]
2244     a = [ 0.0, 0.0 ];
2245     assert(!normalize(a));
2246     assert(a == [ 0.5, 0.5 ]);
2247 }
2249 /**
2250 Compute the sum of binary logarithms of the input range `r`.
2251 The error of this method is much smaller than with a naive sum of log2.
2252  */
2253 ElementType!Range sumOfLog2s(Range)(Range r)
2254 if (isInputRange!Range && isFloatingPoint!(ElementType!Range))
2255 {
2256     long exp = 0;
2257     Unqual!(typeof(return)) x = 1;
2258     foreach (e; r)
2259     {
2260         if (e < 0)
2261             return typeof(return).nan;
2262         int lexp = void;
2263         x *= frexp(e, lexp);
2264         exp += lexp;
2265         if (x < 0.5)
2266         {
2267             x *= 2;
2268             exp--;
2269         }
2270     }
2271     return exp + log2(x);
2272 }
2274 ///
2275 @safe unittest
2276 {
2277     import std.math.traits : isNaN;
2279     assert(sumOfLog2s(new double[0]) == 0);
2280     assert(sumOfLog2s([0.0L]) == -real.infinity);
2281     assert(sumOfLog2s([-0.0L]) == -real.infinity);
2282     assert(sumOfLog2s([2.0L]) == 1);
2283     assert(sumOfLog2s([-2.0L]).isNaN());
2284     assert(sumOfLog2s([real.nan]).isNaN());
2285     assert(sumOfLog2s([-real.nan]).isNaN());
2286     assert(sumOfLog2s([real.infinity]) == real.infinity);
2287     assert(sumOfLog2s([-real.infinity]).isNaN());
2288     assert(sumOfLog2s([ 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.125 ]) == -9);
2289 }
2291 /**
2292 Computes $(LINK2,
2293 _entropy) of input range `r` in bits. This
2294 function assumes (without checking) that the values in `r` are all
2295 in $(D [0, 1]). For the entropy to be meaningful, often `r` should
2296 be normalized too (i.e., its values should sum to 1). The
2297 two-parameter version stops evaluating as soon as the intermediate
2298 result is greater than or equal to `max`.
2299  */
2300 ElementType!Range entropy(Range)(Range r)
2301 if (isInputRange!Range)
2302 {
2303     Unqual!(typeof(return)) result = 0.0;
2304     for (;!r.empty; r.popFront)
2305     {
2306         if (!r.front) continue;
2307         result -= r.front * log2(r.front);
2308     }
2309     return result;
2310 }
2312 /// Ditto
2313 ElementType!Range entropy(Range, F)(Range r, F max)
2314 if (isInputRange!Range &&
2315     !is(CommonType!(ElementType!Range, F) == void))
2316 {
2317     Unqual!(typeof(return)) result = 0.0;
2318     for (;!r.empty; r.popFront)
2319     {
2320         if (!r.front) continue;
2321         result -= r.front * log2(r.front);
2322         if (result >= max) break;
2323     }
2324     return result;
2325 }
2327 @safe unittest
2328 {
2329     import std.meta : AliasSeq;
2330     static foreach (T; AliasSeq!(double, const double, immutable double))
2331     {{
2332         T[] p = [ 0.0, 0, 0, 1 ];
2333         assert(entropy(p) == 0);
2334         p = [ 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25 ];
2335         assert(entropy(p) == 2);
2336         assert(entropy(p, 1) == 1);
2337     }}
2338 }
2340 /**
2341 Computes the $(LINK2,
2342 Kullback-Leibler divergence) between input ranges
2343 `a` and `b`, which is the sum $(D ai * log(ai / bi)). The base
2344 of logarithm is 2. The ranges are assumed to contain elements in $(D
2345 [0, 1]). Usually the ranges are normalized probability distributions,
2346 but this is not required or checked by $(D
2347 kullbackLeiblerDivergence). If any element `bi` is zero and the
2348 corresponding element `ai` nonzero, returns infinity. (Otherwise,
2349 if $(D ai == 0 && bi == 0), the term $(D ai * log(ai / bi)) is
2350 considered zero.) If the inputs are normalized, the result is
2351 positive.
2352  */
2353 CommonType!(ElementType!Range1, ElementType!Range2)
2354 kullbackLeiblerDivergence(Range1, Range2)(Range1 a, Range2 b)
2355 if (isInputRange!(Range1) && isInputRange!(Range2))
2356 {
2357     enum bool haveLen = hasLength!(Range1) && hasLength!(Range2);
2358     static if (haveLen) assert(a.length == b.length);
2359     Unqual!(typeof(return)) result = 0;
2360     for (; !a.empty; a.popFront(), b.popFront())
2361     {
2362         immutable t1 = a.front;
2363         if (t1 == 0) continue;
2364         immutable t2 = b.front;
2365         if (t2 == 0) return result.infinity;
2366         assert(t1 > 0 && t2 > 0);
2367         result += t1 * log2(t1 / t2);
2368     }
2369     static if (!haveLen) assert(b.empty);
2370     return result;
2371 }
2373 ///
2374 @safe unittest
2375 {
2376     import std.math.operations : isClose;
2378     double[] p = [ 0.0, 0, 0, 1 ];
2379     assert(kullbackLeiblerDivergence(p, p) == 0);
2380     double[] p1 = [ 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25 ];
2381     assert(kullbackLeiblerDivergence(p1, p1) == 0);
2382     assert(kullbackLeiblerDivergence(p, p1) == 2);
2383     assert(kullbackLeiblerDivergence(p1, p) == double.infinity);
2384     double[] p2 = [ 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.4 ];
2385     assert(isClose(kullbackLeiblerDivergence(p1, p2), 0.0719281, 1e-5));
2386     assert(isClose(kullbackLeiblerDivergence(p2, p1), 0.0780719, 1e-5));
2387 }
2389 /**
2390 Computes the $(LINK2,
2391 Jensen-Shannon divergence) between `a` and $(D
2392 b), which is the sum $(D (ai * log(2 * ai / (ai + bi)) + bi * log(2 *
2393 bi / (ai + bi))) / 2). The base of logarithm is 2. The ranges are
2394 assumed to contain elements in $(D [0, 1]). Usually the ranges are
2395 normalized probability distributions, but this is not required or
2396 checked by `jensenShannonDivergence`. If the inputs are normalized,
2397 the result is bounded within $(D [0, 1]). The three-parameter version
2398 stops evaluations as soon as the intermediate result is greater than
2399 or equal to `limit`.
2400  */
2401 CommonType!(ElementType!Range1, ElementType!Range2)
2402 jensenShannonDivergence(Range1, Range2)(Range1 a, Range2 b)
2403 if (isInputRange!Range1 && isInputRange!Range2 &&
2404     is(CommonType!(ElementType!Range1, ElementType!Range2)))
2405 {
2406     enum bool haveLen = hasLength!(Range1) && hasLength!(Range2);
2407     static if (haveLen) assert(a.length == b.length);
2408     Unqual!(typeof(return)) result = 0;
2409     for (; !a.empty; a.popFront(), b.popFront())
2410     {
2411         immutable t1 = a.front;
2412         immutable t2 = b.front;
2413         immutable avg = (t1 + t2) / 2;
2414         if (t1 != 0)
2415         {
2416             result += t1 * log2(t1 / avg);
2417         }
2418         if (t2 != 0)
2419         {
2420             result += t2 * log2(t2 / avg);
2421         }
2422     }
2423     static if (!haveLen) assert(b.empty);
2424     return result / 2;
2425 }
2427 /// Ditto
2428 CommonType!(ElementType!Range1, ElementType!Range2)
2429 jensenShannonDivergence(Range1, Range2, F)(Range1 a, Range2 b, F limit)
2430 if (isInputRange!Range1 && isInputRange!Range2 &&
2431     is(typeof(CommonType!(ElementType!Range1, ElementType!Range2).init
2432     >= F.init) : bool))
2433 {
2434     enum bool haveLen = hasLength!(Range1) && hasLength!(Range2);
2435     static if (haveLen) assert(a.length == b.length);
2436     Unqual!(typeof(return)) result = 0;
2437     limit *= 2;
2438     for (; !a.empty; a.popFront(), b.popFront())
2439     {
2440         immutable t1 = a.front;
2441         immutable t2 = b.front;
2442         immutable avg = (t1 + t2) / 2;
2443         if (t1 != 0)
2444         {
2445             result += t1 * log2(t1 / avg);
2446         }
2447         if (t2 != 0)
2448         {
2449             result += t2 * log2(t2 / avg);
2450         }
2451         if (result >= limit) break;
2452     }
2453     static if (!haveLen) assert(b.empty);
2454     return result / 2;
2455 }
2457 ///
2458 @safe unittest
2459 {
2460     import std.math.operations : isClose;
2462     double[] p = [ 0.0, 0, 0, 1 ];
2463     assert(jensenShannonDivergence(p, p) == 0);
2464     double[] p1 = [ 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25 ];
2465     assert(jensenShannonDivergence(p1, p1) == 0);
2466     assert(isClose(jensenShannonDivergence(p1, p), 0.548795, 1e-5));
2467     double[] p2 = [ 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.4 ];
2468     assert(isClose(jensenShannonDivergence(p1, p2), 0.0186218, 1e-5));
2469     assert(isClose(jensenShannonDivergence(p2, p1), 0.0186218, 1e-5));
2470     assert(isClose(jensenShannonDivergence(p2, p1, 0.005), 0.00602366, 1e-5));
2471 }
2473 /**
2474 The so-called "all-lengths gap-weighted string kernel" computes a
2475 similarity measure between `s` and `t` based on all of their
2476 common subsequences of all lengths. Gapped subsequences are also
2477 included.
2479 To understand what $(D gapWeightedSimilarity(s, t, lambda)) computes,
2480 consider first the case $(D lambda = 1) and the strings $(D s =
2481 ["Hello", "brave", "new", "world"]) and $(D t = ["Hello", "new",
2482 "world"]). In that case, `gapWeightedSimilarity` counts the
2483 following matches:
2485 $(OL $(LI three matches of length 1, namely `"Hello"`, `"new"`,
2486 and `"world"`;) $(LI three matches of length 2, namely ($(D
2487 "Hello", "new")), ($(D "Hello", "world")), and ($(D "new", "world"));)
2488 $(LI one match of length 3, namely ($(D "Hello", "new", "world")).))
2490 The call $(D gapWeightedSimilarity(s, t, 1)) simply counts all of
2491 these matches and adds them up, returning 7.
2493 ----
2494 string[] s = ["Hello", "brave", "new", "world"];
2495 string[] t = ["Hello", "new", "world"];
2496 assert(gapWeightedSimilarity(s, t, 1) == 7);
2497 ----
2499 Note how the gaps in matching are simply ignored, for example ($(D
2500 "Hello", "new")) is deemed as good a match as ($(D "new",
2501 "world")). This may be too permissive for some applications. To
2502 eliminate gapped matches entirely, use $(D lambda = 0):
2504 ----
2505 string[] s = ["Hello", "brave", "new", "world"];
2506 string[] t = ["Hello", "new", "world"];
2507 assert(gapWeightedSimilarity(s, t, 0) == 4);
2508 ----
2510 The call above eliminated the gapped matches ($(D "Hello", "new")),
2511 ($(D "Hello", "world")), and ($(D "Hello", "new", "world")) from the
2512 tally. That leaves only 4 matches.
2514 The most interesting case is when gapped matches still participate in
2515 the result, but not as strongly as ungapped matches. The result will
2516 be a smooth, fine-grained similarity measure between the input
2517 strings. This is where values of `lambda` between 0 and 1 enter
2518 into play: gapped matches are $(I exponentially penalized with the
2519 number of gaps) with base `lambda`. This means that an ungapped
2520 match adds 1 to the return value; a match with one gap in either
2521 string adds `lambda` to the return value; ...; a match with a total
2522 of `n` gaps in both strings adds $(D pow(lambda, n)) to the return
2523 value. In the example above, we have 4 matches without gaps, 2 matches
2524 with one gap, and 1 match with three gaps. The latter match is ($(D
2525 "Hello", "world")), which has two gaps in the first string and one gap
2526 in the second string, totaling to three gaps. Summing these up we get
2527 $(D 4 + 2 * lambda + pow(lambda, 3)).
2529 ----
2530 string[] s = ["Hello", "brave", "new", "world"];
2531 string[] t = ["Hello", "new", "world"];
2532 assert(gapWeightedSimilarity(s, t, 0.5) == 4 + 0.5 * 2 + 0.125);
2533 ----
2535 `gapWeightedSimilarity` is useful wherever a smooth similarity
2536 measure between sequences allowing for approximate matches is
2537 needed. The examples above are given with words, but any sequences
2538 with elements comparable for equality are allowed, e.g. characters or
2539 numbers. `gapWeightedSimilarity` uses a highly optimized dynamic
2540 programming implementation that needs $(D 16 * min(s.length,
2541 t.length)) extra bytes of memory and $(BIGOH s.length * t.length) time
2542 to complete.
2543  */
2544 F gapWeightedSimilarity(alias comp = "a == b", R1, R2, F)(R1 s, R2 t, F lambda)
2545 if (isRandomAccessRange!(R1) && hasLength!(R1) &&
2546     isRandomAccessRange!(R2) && hasLength!(R2))
2547 {
2548     import core.exception : onOutOfMemoryError;
2549     import core.stdc.stdlib : malloc, free;
2550     import std.algorithm.mutation : swap;
2551     import std.functional : binaryFun;
2553     if (s.length < t.length) return gapWeightedSimilarity(t, s, lambda);
2554     if (!t.length) return 0;
2556     auto dpvi = cast(F*) malloc(F.sizeof * 2 * t.length);
2557     if (!dpvi)
2558         onOutOfMemoryError();
2560     auto dpvi1 = dpvi + t.length;
2561     scope(exit) free(dpvi < dpvi1 ? dpvi : dpvi1);
2562     dpvi[0 .. t.length] = 0;
2563     dpvi1[0] = 0;
2564     immutable lambda2 = lambda * lambda;
2566     F result = 0;
2567     foreach (i; 0 .. s.length)
2568     {
2569         const si = s[i];
2570         for (size_t j = 0;;)
2571         {
2572             F dpsij = void;
2573             if (binaryFun!(comp)(si, t[j]))
2574             {
2575                 dpsij = 1 + dpvi[j];
2576                 result += dpsij;
2577             }
2578             else
2579             {
2580                 dpsij = 0;
2581             }
2582             immutable j1 = j + 1;
2583             if (j1 == t.length) break;
2584             dpvi1[j1] = dpsij + lambda * (dpvi1[j] + dpvi[j1]) -
2585                         lambda2 * dpvi[j];
2586             j = j1;
2587         }
2588         swap(dpvi, dpvi1);
2589     }
2590     return result;
2591 }
2593 @system unittest
2594 {
2595     string[] s = ["Hello", "brave", "new", "world"];
2596     string[] t = ["Hello", "new", "world"];
2597     assert(gapWeightedSimilarity(s, t, 1) == 7);
2598     assert(gapWeightedSimilarity(s, t, 0) == 4);
2599     assert(gapWeightedSimilarity(s, t, 0.5) == 4 + 2 * 0.5 + 0.125);
2600 }
2602 /**
2603 The similarity per `gapWeightedSimilarity` has an issue in that it
2604 grows with the lengths of the two strings, even though the strings are
2605 not actually very similar. For example, the range $(D ["Hello",
2606 "world"]) is increasingly similar with the range $(D ["Hello",
2607 "world", "world", "world",...]) as more instances of `"world"` are
2608 appended. To prevent that, `gapWeightedSimilarityNormalized`
2609 computes a normalized version of the similarity that is computed as
2610 $(D gapWeightedSimilarity(s, t, lambda) /
2611 sqrt(gapWeightedSimilarity(s, t, lambda) * gapWeightedSimilarity(s, t,
2612 lambda))). The function `gapWeightedSimilarityNormalized` (a
2613 so-called normalized kernel) is bounded in $(D [0, 1]), reaches `0`
2614 only for ranges that don't match in any position, and `1` only for
2615 identical ranges.
2617 The optional parameters `sSelfSim` and `tSelfSim` are meant for
2618 avoiding duplicate computation. Many applications may have already
2619 computed $(D gapWeightedSimilarity(s, s, lambda)) and/or $(D
2620 gapWeightedSimilarity(t, t, lambda)). In that case, they can be passed
2621 as `sSelfSim` and `tSelfSim`, respectively.
2622  */
2623 Select!(isFloatingPoint!(F), F, double)
2624 gapWeightedSimilarityNormalized(alias comp = "a == b", R1, R2, F)
2625         (R1 s, R2 t, F lambda, F sSelfSim = F.init, F tSelfSim = F.init)
2626 if (isRandomAccessRange!(R1) && hasLength!(R1) &&
2627     isRandomAccessRange!(R2) && hasLength!(R2))
2628 {
2629     static bool uncomputed(F n)
2630     {
2631         static if (isFloatingPoint!(F))
2632             return isNaN(n);
2633         else
2634             return n == n.init;
2635     }
2636     if (uncomputed(sSelfSim))
2637         sSelfSim = gapWeightedSimilarity!(comp)(s, s, lambda);
2638     if (sSelfSim == 0) return 0;
2639     if (uncomputed(tSelfSim))
2640         tSelfSim = gapWeightedSimilarity!(comp)(t, t, lambda);
2641     if (tSelfSim == 0) return 0;
2643     return gapWeightedSimilarity!(comp)(s, t, lambda) /
2644            sqrt(cast(typeof(return)) sSelfSim * tSelfSim);
2645 }
2647 ///
2648 @system unittest
2649 {
2650     import std.math.operations : isClose;
2651     import std.math.algebraic : sqrt;
2653     string[] s = ["Hello", "brave", "new", "world"];
2654     string[] t = ["Hello", "new", "world"];
2655     assert(gapWeightedSimilarity(s, s, 1) == 15);
2656     assert(gapWeightedSimilarity(t, t, 1) == 7);
2657     assert(gapWeightedSimilarity(s, t, 1) == 7);
2658     assert(isClose(gapWeightedSimilarityNormalized(s, t, 1),
2659                     7.0 / sqrt(15.0 * 7), 0.01));
2660 }
2662 /**
2663 Similar to `gapWeightedSimilarity`, just works in an incremental
2664 manner by first revealing the matches of length 1, then gapped matches
2665 of length 2, and so on. The memory requirement is $(BIGOH s.length *
2666 t.length). The time complexity is $(BIGOH s.length * t.length) time
2667 for computing each step. Continuing on the previous example:
2669 The implementation is based on the pseudocode in Fig. 4 of the paper
2670 $(HTTP,
2671 "Efficient Computation of Gapped Substring Kernels on Large Alphabets")
2672 by Rousu et al., with additional algorithmic and systems-level
2673 optimizations.
2674  */
2675 struct GapWeightedSimilarityIncremental(Range, F = double)
2676 if (isRandomAccessRange!(Range) && hasLength!(Range))
2677 {
2678     import core.stdc.stdlib : malloc, realloc, alloca, free;
2680 private:
2681     Range s, t;
2682     F currentValue = 0;
2683     F* kl;
2684     size_t gram = void;
2685     F lambda = void, lambda2 = void;
2687 public:
2688 /**
2689 Constructs an object given two ranges `s` and `t` and a penalty
2690 `lambda`. Constructor completes in $(BIGOH s.length * t.length)
2691 time and computes all matches of length 1.
2692  */
2693     this(Range s, Range t, F lambda)
2694     {
2695         import core.exception : onOutOfMemoryError;
2697         assert(lambda > 0);
2698         this.gram = 0;
2699         this.lambda = lambda;
2700         this.lambda2 = lambda * lambda; // for efficiency only
2702         size_t iMin = size_t.max, jMin = size_t.max,
2703             iMax = 0, jMax = 0;
2704         /* initialize */
2705         Tuple!(size_t, size_t) * k0;
2706         size_t k0len;
2707         scope(exit) free(k0);
2708         currentValue = 0;
2709         foreach (i, si; s)
2710         {
2711             foreach (j; 0 .. t.length)
2712             {
2713                 if (si != t[j]) continue;
2714                 k0 = cast(typeof(k0)) realloc(k0, ++k0len * (*k0).sizeof);
2715                 with (k0[k0len - 1])
2716                 {
2717                     field[0] = i;
2718                     field[1] = j;
2719                 }
2720                 // Maintain the minimum and maximum i and j
2721                 if (iMin > i) iMin = i;
2722                 if (iMax < i) iMax = i;
2723                 if (jMin > j) jMin = j;
2724                 if (jMax < j) jMax = j;
2725             }
2726         }
2728         if (iMin > iMax) return;
2729         assert(k0len);
2731         currentValue = k0len;
2732         // Chop strings down to the useful sizes
2733         s = s[iMin .. iMax + 1];
2734         t = t[jMin .. jMax + 1];
2735         this.s = s;
2736         this.t = t;
2738         kl = cast(F*) malloc(s.length * t.length * F.sizeof);
2739         if (!kl)
2740             onOutOfMemoryError();
2742         kl[0 .. s.length * t.length] = 0;
2743         foreach (pos; 0 .. k0len)
2744         {
2745             with (k0[pos])
2746             {
2747                 kl[(field[0] - iMin) * t.length + field[1] -jMin] = lambda2;
2748             }
2749         }
2750     }
2752     /**
2753     Returns: `this`.
2754      */
2755     ref GapWeightedSimilarityIncremental opSlice()
2756     {
2757         return this;
2758     }
2760     /**
2761     Computes the match of the popFront length. Completes in $(BIGOH s.length *
2762     t.length) time.
2763      */
2764     void popFront()
2765     {
2766         import std.algorithm.mutation : swap;
2768         // This is a large source of optimization: if similarity at
2769         // the gram-1 level was 0, then we can safely assume
2770         // similarity at the gram level is 0 as well.
2771         if (empty) return;
2773         // Now attempt to match gapped substrings of length `gram'
2774         ++gram;
2775         currentValue = 0;
2777         auto Si = cast(F*) alloca(t.length * F.sizeof);
2778         Si[0 .. t.length] = 0;
2779         foreach (i; 0 .. s.length)
2780         {
2781             const si = s[i];
2782             F Sij_1 = 0;
2783             F Si_1j_1 = 0;
2784             auto kli = kl + i * t.length;
2785             for (size_t j = 0;;)
2786             {
2787                 const klij = kli[j];
2788                 const Si_1j = Si[j];
2789                 const tmp = klij + lambda * (Si_1j + Sij_1) - lambda2 * Si_1j_1;
2790                 // now update kl and currentValue
2791                 if (si == t[j])
2792                     currentValue += kli[j] = lambda2 * Si_1j_1;
2793                 else
2794                     kli[j] = 0;
2795                 // commit to Si
2796                 Si[j] = tmp;
2797                 if (++j == t.length) break;
2798                 // get ready for the popFront step; virtually increment j,
2799                 // so essentially stuffj_1 <-- stuffj
2800                 Si_1j_1 = Si_1j;
2801                 Sij_1 = tmp;
2802             }
2803         }
2804         currentValue /= pow(lambda, 2 * (gram + 1));
2806         version (none)
2807         {
2808             Si_1[0 .. t.length] = 0;
2809             kl[0 .. min(t.length, maxPerimeter + 1)] = 0;
2810             foreach (i; 1 .. min(s.length, maxPerimeter + 1))
2811             {
2812                 auto kli = kl + i * t.length;
2813                 assert(s.length > i);
2814                 const si = s[i];
2815                 auto kl_1i_1 = kl_1 + (i - 1) * t.length;
2816                 kli[0] = 0;
2817                 F lastS = 0;
2818                 foreach (j; 1 .. min(maxPerimeter - i + 1, t.length))
2819                 {
2820                     immutable j_1 = j - 1;
2821                     immutable tmp = kl_1i_1[j_1]
2822                         + lambda * (Si_1[j] + lastS)
2823                         - lambda2 * Si_1[j_1];
2824                     kl_1i_1[j_1] = float.nan;
2825                     Si_1[j_1] = lastS;
2826                     lastS = tmp;
2827                     if (si == t[j])
2828                     {
2829                         currentValue += kli[j] = lambda2 * lastS;
2830                     }
2831                     else
2832                     {
2833                         kli[j] = 0;
2834                     }
2835                 }
2836                 Si_1[t.length - 1] = lastS;
2837             }
2838             currentValue /= pow(lambda, 2 * (gram + 1));
2839             // get ready for the popFront computation
2840             swap(kl, kl_1);
2841         }
2842     }
2844     /**
2845     Returns: The gapped similarity at the current match length (initially
2846     1, grows with each call to `popFront`).
2847     */
2848     @property F front() { return currentValue; }
2850     /**
2851     Returns: Whether there are more matches.
2852      */
2853     @property bool empty()
2854     {
2855         if (currentValue) return false;
2856         if (kl)
2857         {
2858             free(kl);
2859             kl = null;
2860         }
2861         return true;
2862     }
2863 }
2865 /**
2866 Ditto
2867  */
2868 GapWeightedSimilarityIncremental!(R, F) gapWeightedSimilarityIncremental(R, F)
2869 (R r1, R r2, F penalty)
2870 {
2871     return typeof(return)(r1, r2, penalty);
2872 }
2874 ///
2875 @system unittest
2876 {
2877     string[] s = ["Hello", "brave", "new", "world"];
2878     string[] t = ["Hello", "new", "world"];
2879     auto simIter = gapWeightedSimilarityIncremental(s, t, 1.0);
2880     assert(simIter.front == 3); // three 1-length matches
2881     simIter.popFront();
2882     assert(simIter.front == 3); // three 2-length matches
2883     simIter.popFront();
2884     assert(simIter.front == 1); // one 3-length match
2885     simIter.popFront();
2886     assert(simIter.empty);     // no more match
2887 }
2889 @system unittest
2890 {
2891     import std.conv : text;
2892     string[] s = ["Hello", "brave", "new", "world"];
2893     string[] t = ["Hello", "new", "world"];
2894     auto simIter = gapWeightedSimilarityIncremental(s, t, 1.0);
2895     //foreach (e; simIter) writeln(e);
2896     assert(simIter.front == 3); // three 1-length matches
2897     simIter.popFront();
2898     assert(simIter.front == 3, text(simIter.front)); // three 2-length matches
2899     simIter.popFront();
2900     assert(simIter.front == 1); // one 3-length matches
2901     simIter.popFront();
2902     assert(simIter.empty);     // no more match
2904     s = ["Hello"];
2905     t = ["bye"];
2906     simIter = gapWeightedSimilarityIncremental(s, t, 0.5);
2907     assert(simIter.empty);
2909     s = ["Hello"];
2910     t = ["Hello"];
2911     simIter = gapWeightedSimilarityIncremental(s, t, 0.5);
2912     assert(simIter.front == 1); // one match
2913     simIter.popFront();
2914     assert(simIter.empty);
2916     s = ["Hello", "world"];
2917     t = ["Hello"];
2918     simIter = gapWeightedSimilarityIncremental(s, t, 0.5);
2919     assert(simIter.front == 1); // one match
2920     simIter.popFront();
2921     assert(simIter.empty);
2923     s = ["Hello", "world"];
2924     t = ["Hello", "yah", "world"];
2925     simIter = gapWeightedSimilarityIncremental(s, t, 0.5);
2926     assert(simIter.front == 2); // two 1-gram matches
2927     simIter.popFront();
2928     assert(simIter.front == 0.5, text(simIter.front)); // one 2-gram match, 1 gap
2929 }
2931 @system unittest
2932 {
2933     GapWeightedSimilarityIncremental!(string[]) sim =
2934         GapWeightedSimilarityIncremental!(string[])(
2935             ["nyuk", "I", "have", "no", "chocolate", "giba"],
2936             ["wyda", "I", "have", "I", "have", "have", "I", "have", "hehe"],
2937             0.5);
2938     double[] witness = [ 7.0, 4.03125, 0, 0 ];
2939     foreach (e; sim)
2940     {
2941         //writeln(e);
2942         assert(e == witness.front);
2943         witness.popFront();
2944     }
2945     witness = [ 3.0, 1.3125, 0.25 ];
2946     sim = GapWeightedSimilarityIncremental!(string[])(
2947         ["I", "have", "no", "chocolate"],
2948         ["I", "have", "some", "chocolate"],
2949         0.5);
2950     foreach (e; sim)
2951     {
2952         //writeln(e);
2953         assert(e == witness.front);
2954         witness.popFront();
2955     }
2956     assert(witness.empty);
2957 }
2959 /**
2960 Computes the greatest common divisor of `a` and `b` by using
2961 an efficient algorithm such as $(HTTPS, Euclid's)
2962 or $(HTTPS, Stein's) algorithm.
2964 Params:
2965     a = Integer value of any numerical type that supports the modulo operator `%`.
2966         If bit-shifting `<<` and `>>` are also supported, Stein's algorithm will
2967         be used; otherwise, Euclid's algorithm is used as _a fallback.
2968     b = Integer value of any equivalent numerical type.
2970 Returns:
2971     The greatest common divisor of the given arguments.
2972  */
2973 typeof(Unqual!(T).init % Unqual!(U).init) gcd(T, U)(T a, U b)
2974 if (isIntegral!T && isIntegral!U)
2975 {
2976     // Operate on a common type between the two arguments.
2977     alias UCT = Unsigned!(CommonType!(Unqual!T, Unqual!U));
2979     // `std.math.abs` doesn't support unsigned integers, and `T.min` is undefined.
2980     static if (is(T : immutable short) || is(T : immutable byte))
2981         UCT ax = (isUnsigned!T || a >= 0) ? a : cast(UCT) -int(a);
2982     else
2983         UCT ax = (isUnsigned!T || a >= 0) ? a : -UCT(a);
2985     static if (is(U : immutable short) || is(U : immutable byte))
2986         UCT bx = (isUnsigned!U || b >= 0) ? b : cast(UCT) -int(b);
2987     else
2988         UCT bx = (isUnsigned!U || b >= 0) ? b : -UCT(b);
2990     // Special cases.
2991     if (ax == 0)
2992         return bx;
2993     if (bx == 0)
2994         return ax;
2996     return gcdImpl(ax, bx);
2997 }
2999 private typeof(T.init % T.init) gcdImpl(T)(T a, T b)
3000 if (isIntegral!T)
3001 {
3002     pragma(inline, true);
3003     import core.bitop : bsf;
3004     import std.algorithm.mutation : swap;
3006     immutable uint shift = bsf(a | b);
3007     a >>= a.bsf;
3008     do
3009     {
3010         b >>= b.bsf;
3011         if (a > b)
3012             swap(a, b);
3013         b -= a;
3014     } while (b);
3016     return a << shift;
3017 }
3019 ///
3020 @safe unittest
3021 {
3022     assert(gcd(2 * 5 * 7 * 7, 5 * 7 * 11) == 5 * 7);
3023     const int a = 5 * 13 * 23 * 23, b = 13 * 59;
3024     assert(gcd(a, b) == 13);
3025 }
3027 @safe unittest
3028 {
3029     import std.meta : AliasSeq;
3030     static foreach (T; AliasSeq!(byte, ubyte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong,
3031                                  const byte, const short, const int, const long,
3032                                  immutable ubyte, immutable ushort, immutable uint, immutable ulong))
3033     {
3034         static foreach (U; AliasSeq!(byte, ubyte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong,
3035                                      const ubyte, const ushort, const uint, const ulong,
3036                                      immutable byte, immutable short, immutable int, immutable long))
3037         {
3038             // Signed and unsigned tests.
3039             static if (T.max > byte.max && U.max > byte.max)
3040                 assert(gcd(T(200), U(200)) == 200);
3041             static if (T.max > ubyte.max)
3042             {
3043                 assert(gcd(T(2000), U(20))  == 20);
3044                 assert(gcd(T(2011), U(17))  == 1);
3045             }
3046             static if (T.max > ubyte.max && U.max > ubyte.max)
3047                 assert(gcd(T(1071), U(462)) == 21);
3049             assert(gcd(T(0),   U(13))  == 13);
3050             assert(gcd(T(29),  U(0))   == 29);
3051             assert(gcd(T(0),   U(0))   == 0);
3052             assert(gcd(T(1),   U(2))   == 1);
3053             assert(gcd(T(9),   U(6))   == 3);
3054             assert(gcd(T(3),   U(4))   == 1);
3055             assert(gcd(T(32),  U(24))  == 8);
3056             assert(gcd(T(5),   U(6))   == 1);
3057             assert(gcd(T(54),  U(36))  == 18);
3059             // Int and Long tests.
3060             static if (T.max > short.max && U.max > short.max)
3061                 assert(gcd(T(46391), U(62527)) == 2017);
3062             static if (T.max > ushort.max && U.max > ushort.max)
3063                 assert(gcd(T(63245986), U(39088169)) == 1);
3064             static if (T.max > uint.max && U.max > uint.max)
3065             {
3066                 assert(gcd(T(77160074263), U(47687519812)) == 1);
3067                 assert(gcd(T(77160074264), U(47687519812)) == 4);
3068             }
3070             // Negative tests.
3071             static if (T.min < 0)
3072             {
3073                 assert(gcd(T(-21), U(28)) == 7);
3074                 assert(gcd(T(-3),  U(4))  == 1);
3075             }
3076             static if (U.min < 0)
3077             {
3078                 assert(gcd(T(1),  U(-2))  == 1);
3079                 assert(gcd(T(33), U(-44)) == 11);
3080             }
3081             static if (T.min < 0 && U.min < 0)
3082             {
3083                 assert(gcd(T(-5),  U(-6))  == 1);
3084                 assert(gcd(T(-50), U(-60)) == 10);
3085             }
3086         }
3087     }
3088 }
3090 //
3091 @safe unittest
3092 {
3093     assert(gcd(-120, 10U) == 10);
3094     assert(gcd(120U, -10) == 10);
3095     assert(gcd(int.min, 0L) == 1L + int.max);
3096     assert(gcd(0L, int.min) == 1L + int.max);
3097     assert(gcd(int.min, 0L + int.min) == 1L + int.max);
3098     assert(gcd(int.min, 1L + int.max) == 1L + int.max);
3099     assert(gcd(short.min, 1U + short.max) == 1U + short.max);
3100 }
3102 // This overload is for non-builtin numerical types like BigInt or
3103 // user-defined types.
3104 /// ditto
3105 auto gcd(T)(T a, T b)
3106 if (!isIntegral!T &&
3107         is(typeof(T.init % T.init)) &&
3108         is(typeof(T.init == 0 || T.init > 0)))
3109 {
3110     static if (!is(T == Unqual!T))
3111     {
3112         return gcd!(Unqual!T)(a, b);
3113     }
3114     else
3115     {
3116         // Ensure arguments are unsigned.
3117         a = a >= 0 ? a : -a;
3118         b = b >= 0 ? b : -b;
3120         // Special cases.
3121         if (a == 0)
3122             return b;
3123         if (b == 0)
3124             return a;
3126         return gcdImpl(a, b);
3127     }
3128 }
3130 private auto gcdImpl(T)(T a, T b)
3131 if (!isIntegral!T)
3132 {
3133     pragma(inline, true);
3134     import std.algorithm.mutation : swap;
3135     enum canUseBinaryGcd = is(typeof(() {
3136         T t, u;
3137         t <<= 1;
3138         t >>= 1;
3139         t -= u;
3140         bool b = (t & 1) == 0;
3141         swap(t, u);
3142     }));
3144     static if (canUseBinaryGcd)
3145     {
3146         uint shift = 0;
3147         while ((a & 1) == 0 && (b & 1) == 0)
3148         {
3149             a >>= 1;
3150             b >>= 1;
3151             shift++;
3152         }
3154         if ((a & 1) == 0) swap(a, b);
3156         do
3157         {
3158             assert((a & 1) != 0);
3159             while ((b & 1) == 0)
3160                 b >>= 1;
3161             if (a > b)
3162                 swap(a, b);
3163             b -= a;
3164         } while (b);
3166         return a << shift;
3167     }
3168     else
3169     {
3170         // The only thing we have is %; fallback to Euclidean algorithm.
3171         while (b != 0)
3172         {
3173             auto t = b;
3174             b = a % b;
3175             a = t;
3176         }
3177         return a;
3178     }
3179 }
3181 //
3182 @system pure unittest
3183 {
3184     import std.bigint : BigInt;
3185     assert(gcd(BigInt("71_000_000_000_000_000_000"),
3186                BigInt("31_000_000_000_000_000_000")) ==
3187            BigInt("1_000_000_000_000_000_000"));
3189     assert(gcd(BigInt(0), BigInt(1234567)) == BigInt(1234567));
3190     assert(gcd(BigInt(1234567), BigInt(0)) == BigInt(1234567));
3191 }
3193 @safe pure nothrow unittest
3194 {
3195     // A numerical type that only supports % and - (to force gcd implementation
3196     // to use Euclidean algorithm).
3197     struct CrippledInt
3198     {
3199         int impl;
3200         CrippledInt opBinary(string op : "%")(CrippledInt i)
3201         {
3202             return CrippledInt(impl % i.impl);
3203         }
3204         CrippledInt opUnary(string op : "-")()
3205         {
3206             return CrippledInt(-impl);
3207         }
3208         int opEquals(CrippledInt i) { return impl == i.impl; }
3209         int opEquals(int i) { return impl == i; }
3210         int opCmp(int i) { return (impl < i) ? -1 : (impl > i) ? 1 : 0; }
3211     }
3212     assert(gcd(CrippledInt(2310), CrippledInt(1309)) == CrippledInt(77));
3213     assert(gcd(CrippledInt(-120), CrippledInt(10U)) == CrippledInt(10));
3214     assert(gcd(CrippledInt(120U), CrippledInt(-10)) == CrippledInt(10));
3215 }
3217 //
3218 @system pure unittest
3219 {
3220     import std.bigint : BigInt;
3221     assert(gcd(BigInt(2), BigInt(1)) == BigInt(1));
3222 }
3224 // Issue 20924
3225 @safe unittest
3226 {
3227     import std.bigint : BigInt;
3228     const a = BigInt("123143238472389492934020");
3229     const b = BigInt("902380489324729338420924");
3230     assert(__traits(compiles, gcd(a, b)));
3231 }
3233 //
3234 @safe unittest
3235 {
3236     import std.bigint : BigInt;
3237     assert(gcd(BigInt(-120), BigInt(10U)) == BigInt(10));
3238     assert(gcd(BigInt(120U), BigInt(-10)) == BigInt(10));
3239     assert(gcd(BigInt(int.min), BigInt(0L)) == BigInt(1L + int.max));
3240     assert(gcd(BigInt(0L), BigInt(int.min)) == BigInt(1L + int.max));
3241     assert(gcd(BigInt(int.min), BigInt(0L + int.min)) == BigInt(1L + int.max));
3242     assert(gcd(BigInt(int.min), BigInt(1L + int.max)) == BigInt(1L + int.max));
3243     assert(gcd(BigInt(short.min), BigInt(1U + short.max)) == BigInt(1U + short.max));
3244 }
3247 /**
3248 Computes the least common multiple of `a` and `b`.
3249 Arguments are the same as $(MYREF gcd).
3251 Returns:
3252     The least common multiple of the given arguments.
3253  */
3254 typeof(Unqual!(T).init % Unqual!(U).init) lcm(T, U)(T a, U b)
3255 if (isIntegral!T && isIntegral!U)
3256 {
3257     // Operate on a common type between the two arguments.
3258     alias UCT = Unsigned!(CommonType!(Unqual!T, Unqual!U));
3260     // `std.math.abs` doesn't support unsigned integers, and `T.min` is undefined.
3261     static if (is(T : immutable short) || is(T : immutable byte))
3262         UCT ax = (isUnsigned!T || a >= 0) ? a : cast(UCT) -int(a);
3263     else
3264         UCT ax = (isUnsigned!T || a >= 0) ? a : -UCT(a);
3266     static if (is(U : immutable short) || is(U : immutable byte))
3267         UCT bx = (isUnsigned!U || b >= 0) ? b : cast(UCT) -int(b);
3268     else
3269         UCT bx = (isUnsigned!U || b >= 0) ? b : -UCT(b);
3271     // Special cases.
3272     if (ax == 0)
3273         return ax;
3274     if (bx == 0)
3275         return bx;
3277     return (ax / gcdImpl(ax, bx)) * bx;
3278 }
3280 ///
3281 @safe unittest
3282 {
3283     assert(lcm(1, 2) == 2);
3284     assert(lcm(3, 4) == 12);
3285     assert(lcm(5, 6) == 30);
3286 }
3288 @safe unittest
3289 {
3290     import std.meta : AliasSeq;
3291     static foreach (T; AliasSeq!(byte, ubyte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong,
3292                                  const byte, const short, const int, const long,
3293                                  immutable ubyte, immutable ushort, immutable uint, immutable ulong))
3294     {
3295         static foreach (U; AliasSeq!(byte, ubyte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong,
3296                                      const ubyte, const ushort, const uint, const ulong,
3297                                      immutable byte, immutable short, immutable int, immutable long))
3298         {
3299             assert(lcm(T(21), U(6))  == 42);
3300             assert(lcm(T(41), U(0))  == 0);
3301             assert(lcm(T(0),  U(7))  == 0);
3302             assert(lcm(T(0),  U(0))  == 0);
3303             assert(lcm(T(1U), U(2))  == 2);
3304             assert(lcm(T(3),  U(4U)) == 12);
3305             assert(lcm(T(5U), U(6U)) == 30);
3306             static if (T.min < 0)
3307                 assert(lcm(T(-42), U(21U)) == 42);
3308         }
3309     }
3310 }
3312 /// ditto
3313 auto lcm(T)(T a, T b)
3314 if (!isIntegral!T &&
3315         is(typeof(T.init % T.init)) &&
3316         is(typeof(T.init == 0 || T.init > 0)))
3317 {
3318     // Ensure arguments are unsigned.
3319     a = a >= 0 ? a : -a;
3320     b = b >= 0 ? b : -b;
3322     // Special cases.
3323     if (a == 0)
3324         return a;
3325     if (b == 0)
3326         return b;
3328     return (a / gcdImpl(a, b)) * b;
3329 }
3331 @safe unittest
3332 {
3333     import std.bigint : BigInt;
3334     assert(lcm(BigInt(21),  BigInt(6))   == BigInt(42));
3335     assert(lcm(BigInt(41),  BigInt(0))   == BigInt(0));
3336     assert(lcm(BigInt(0),   BigInt(7))   == BigInt(0));
3337     assert(lcm(BigInt(0),   BigInt(0))   == BigInt(0));
3338     assert(lcm(BigInt(1U),  BigInt(2))   == BigInt(2));
3339     assert(lcm(BigInt(3),   BigInt(4U))  == BigInt(12));
3340     assert(lcm(BigInt(5U),  BigInt(6U))  == BigInt(30));
3341     assert(lcm(BigInt(-42), BigInt(21U)) == BigInt(42));
3342 }
3344 // This is to make tweaking the speed/size vs. accuracy tradeoff easy,
3345 // though floats seem accurate enough for all practical purposes, since
3346 // they pass the "isClose(inverseFft(fft(arr)), arr)" test even for
3347 // size 2 ^^ 22.
3348 private alias lookup_t = float;
3350 /**A class for performing fast Fourier transforms of power of two sizes.
3351  * This class encapsulates a large amount of state that is reusable when
3352  * performing multiple FFTs of sizes smaller than or equal to that specified
3353  * in the constructor.  This results in substantial speedups when performing
3354  * multiple FFTs with a known maximum size.  However,
3355  * a free function API is provided for convenience if you need to perform a
3356  * one-off FFT.
3357  *
3358  * References:
3359  * $(HTTP
3360  */
3361 final class Fft
3362 {
3363     import core.bitop : bsf;
3364     import std.algorithm.iteration : map;
3365     import std.array : uninitializedArray;
3367 private:
3368     immutable lookup_t[][] negSinLookup;
3370     void enforceSize(R)(R range) const
3371     {
3372         import std.conv : text;
3373         assert(range.length <= size, text(
3374             "FFT size mismatch.  Expected ", size, ", got ", range.length));
3375     }
3377     void fftImpl(Ret, R)(Stride!R range, Ret buf) const
3378     in
3379     {
3380         assert(range.length >= 4);
3381         assert(isPowerOf2(range.length));
3382     }
3383     do
3384     {
3385         auto recurseRange = range;
3386         recurseRange.doubleSteps();
3388         if (buf.length > 4)
3389         {
3390             fftImpl(recurseRange, buf[0..$ / 2]);
3391             recurseRange.popHalf();
3392             fftImpl(recurseRange, buf[$ / 2..$]);
3393         }
3394         else
3395         {
3396             // Do this here instead of in another recursion to save on
3397             // recursion overhead.
3398             slowFourier2(recurseRange, buf[0..$ / 2]);
3399             recurseRange.popHalf();
3400             slowFourier2(recurseRange, buf[$ / 2..$]);
3401         }
3403         butterfly(buf);
3404     }
3406     // This algorithm works by performing the even and odd parts of our FFT
3407     // using the "two for the price of one" method mentioned at
3408     //
3409     // by making the odd terms into the imaginary components of our new FFT,
3410     // and then using symmetry to recombine them.
3411     void fftImplPureReal(Ret, R)(R range, Ret buf) const
3412     in
3413     {
3414         assert(range.length >= 4);
3415         assert(isPowerOf2(range.length));
3416     }
3417     do
3418     {
3419         alias E = ElementType!R;
3421         // Converts odd indices of range to the imaginary components of
3422         // a range half the size.  The even indices become the real components.
3423         static if (isArray!R && isFloatingPoint!E)
3424         {
3425             // Then the memory layout of complex numbers provides a dirt
3426             // cheap way to convert.  This is a common case, so take advantage.
3427             auto oddsImag = cast(Complex!E[]) range;
3428         }
3429         else
3430         {
3431             // General case:  Use a higher order range.  We can assume
3432             // source.length is even because it has to be a power of 2.
3433             static struct OddToImaginary
3434             {
3435                 R source;
3436                 alias C = Complex!(CommonType!(E, typeof(buf[0].re)));
3438                 @property
3439                 {
3440                     C front()
3441                     {
3442                         return C(source[0], source[1]);
3443                     }
3445                     C back()
3446                     {
3447                         immutable n = source.length;
3448                         return C(source[n - 2], source[n - 1]);
3449                     }
3451                     typeof(this) save()
3452                     {
3453                         return typeof(this)(;
3454                     }
3456                     bool empty()
3457                     {
3458                         return source.empty;
3459                     }
3461                     size_t length()
3462                     {
3463                         return source.length / 2;
3464                     }
3465                 }
3467                 void popFront()
3468                 {
3469                     source.popFront();
3470                     source.popFront();
3471                 }
3473                 void popBack()
3474                 {
3475                     source.popBack();
3476                     source.popBack();
3477                 }
3479                 C opIndex(size_t index)
3480                 {
3481                     return C(source[index * 2], source[index * 2 + 1]);
3482                 }
3484                 typeof(this) opSlice(size_t lower, size_t upper)
3485                 {
3486                     return typeof(this)(source[lower * 2 .. upper * 2]);
3487                 }
3488             }
3490             auto oddsImag = OddToImaginary(range);
3491         }
3493         fft(oddsImag, buf[0..$ / 2]);
3494         auto evenFft = buf[0..$ / 2];
3495         auto oddFft = buf[$ / 2..$];
3496         immutable halfN = evenFft.length;
3497         oddFft[0].re = buf[0].im;
3498         oddFft[0].im = 0;
3499         evenFft[0].im = 0;
3500         // evenFft[0].re is already right b/c it's aliased with buf[0].re.
3502         foreach (k; 1 .. halfN / 2 + 1)
3503         {
3504             immutable bufk = buf[k];
3505             immutable bufnk = buf[buf.length / 2 - k];
3506             evenFft[k].re = 0.5 * ( +;
3507             evenFft[halfN - k].re = evenFft[k].re;
3508             evenFft[k].im = 0.5 * ( -;
3509             evenFft[halfN - k].im = -evenFft[k].im;
3511             oddFft[k].re = 0.5 * ( +;
3512             oddFft[halfN - k].re = oddFft[k].re;
3513             oddFft[k].im = 0.5 * ( -;
3514             oddFft[halfN - k].im = -oddFft[k].im;
3515         }
3517         butterfly(buf);
3518     }
3520     void butterfly(R)(R buf) const
3521     in
3522     {
3523         assert(isPowerOf2(buf.length));
3524     }
3525     do
3526     {
3527         immutable n = buf.length;
3528         immutable localLookup = negSinLookup[bsf(n)];
3529         assert(localLookup.length == n);
3531         immutable cosMask = n - 1;
3532         immutable cosAdd = n / 4 * 3;
3534         lookup_t negSinFromLookup(size_t index) pure nothrow
3535         {
3536             return localLookup[index];
3537         }
3539         lookup_t cosFromLookup(size_t index) pure nothrow
3540         {
3541             // cos is just -sin shifted by PI * 3 / 2.
3542             return localLookup[(index + cosAdd) & cosMask];
3543         }
3545         immutable halfLen = n / 2;
3547         // This loop is unrolled and the two iterations are interleaved
3548         // relative to the textbook FFT to increase ILP.  This gives roughly 5%
3549         // speedups on DMD.
3550         for (size_t k = 0; k < halfLen; k += 2)
3551         {
3552             immutable cosTwiddle1 = cosFromLookup(k);
3553             immutable sinTwiddle1 = negSinFromLookup(k);
3554             immutable cosTwiddle2 = cosFromLookup(k + 1);
3555             immutable sinTwiddle2 = negSinFromLookup(k + 1);
3557             immutable realLower1 = buf[k].re;
3558             immutable imagLower1 = buf[k].im;
3559             immutable realLower2 = buf[k + 1].re;
3560             immutable imagLower2 = buf[k + 1].im;
3562             immutable upperIndex1 = k + halfLen;
3563             immutable upperIndex2 = upperIndex1 + 1;
3564             immutable realUpper1 = buf[upperIndex1].re;
3565             immutable imagUpper1 = buf[upperIndex1].im;
3566             immutable realUpper2 = buf[upperIndex2].re;
3567             immutable imagUpper2 = buf[upperIndex2].im;
3569             immutable realAdd1 = cosTwiddle1 * realUpper1
3570                                - sinTwiddle1 * imagUpper1;
3571             immutable imagAdd1 = sinTwiddle1 * realUpper1
3572                                + cosTwiddle1 * imagUpper1;
3573             immutable realAdd2 = cosTwiddle2 * realUpper2
3574                                - sinTwiddle2 * imagUpper2;
3575             immutable imagAdd2 = sinTwiddle2 * realUpper2
3576                                + cosTwiddle2 * imagUpper2;
3578             buf[k].re += realAdd1;
3579             buf[k].im += imagAdd1;
3580             buf[k + 1].re += realAdd2;
3581             buf[k + 1].im += imagAdd2;
3583             buf[upperIndex1].re = realLower1 - realAdd1;
3584             buf[upperIndex1].im = imagLower1 - imagAdd1;
3585             buf[upperIndex2].re = realLower2 - realAdd2;
3586             buf[upperIndex2].im = imagLower2 - imagAdd2;
3587         }
3588     }
3590     // This constructor is used within this module for allocating the
3591     // buffer space elsewhere besides the GC heap.  It's definitely **NOT**
3592     // part of the public API and definitely **IS** subject to change.
3593     //
3594     // Also, this is unsafe because the memSpace buffer will be cast
3595     // to immutable.
3596     //
3597     // Public b/c of
3598     public this(lookup_t[] memSpace)
3599     {
3600         immutable size = memSpace.length / 2;
3602         /* Create a lookup table of all negative sine values at a resolution of
3603          * size and all smaller power of two resolutions.  This may seem
3604          * inefficient, but having all the lookups be next to each other in
3605          * memory at every level of iteration is a huge win performance-wise.
3606          */
3607         if (size == 0)
3608         {
3609             return;
3610         }
3612         assert(isPowerOf2(size),
3613             "Can only do FFTs on ranges with a size that is a power of two.");
3615         auto table = new lookup_t[][bsf(size) + 1];
3617         table[$ - 1] = memSpace[$ - size..$];
3618         memSpace = memSpace[0 .. size];
3620         auto lastRow = table[$ - 1];
3621         lastRow[0] = 0;  // -sin(0) == 0.
3622         foreach (ptrdiff_t i; 1 .. size)
3623         {
3624             // The hard coded cases are for improved accuracy and to prevent
3625             // annoying non-zeroness when stuff should be zero.
3627             if (i == size / 4)
3628                 lastRow[i] = -1;  // -sin(pi / 2) == -1.
3629             else if (i == size / 2)
3630                 lastRow[i] = 0;   // -sin(pi) == 0.
3631             else if (i == size * 3 / 4)
3632                 lastRow[i] = 1;  // -sin(pi * 3 / 2) == 1
3633             else
3634                 lastRow[i] = -sin(i * 2.0L * PI / size);
3635         }
3637         // Fill in all the other rows with strided versions.
3638         foreach (i; 1 .. table.length - 1)
3639         {
3640             immutable strideLength = size / (2 ^^ i);
3641             auto strided = Stride!(lookup_t[])(lastRow, strideLength);
3642             table[i] = memSpace[$ - strided.length..$];
3643             memSpace = memSpace[0..$ - strided.length];
3645             size_t copyIndex;
3646             foreach (elem; strided)
3647             {
3648                 table[i][copyIndex++] = elem;
3649             }
3650         }
3652         negSinLookup = cast(immutable) table;
3653     }
3655 public:
3656     /**Create an `Fft` object for computing fast Fourier transforms of
3657      * power of two sizes of `size` or smaller.  `size` must be a
3658      * power of two.
3659      */
3660     this(size_t size)
3661     {
3662         // Allocate all twiddle factor buffers in one contiguous block so that,
3663         // when one is done being used, the next one is next in cache.
3664         auto memSpace = uninitializedArray!(lookup_t[])(2 * size);
3665         this(memSpace);
3666     }
3668     @property size_t size() const
3669     {
3670         return (negSinLookup is null) ? 0 : negSinLookup[$ - 1].length;
3671     }
3673     /**Compute the Fourier transform of range using the $(BIGOH N log N)
3674      * Cooley-Tukey Algorithm.  `range` must be a random-access range with
3675      * slicing and a length equal to `size` as provided at the construction of
3676      * this object.  The contents of range can be either  numeric types,
3677      * which will be interpreted as pure real values, or complex types with
3678      * properties or members `.re` and `.im` that can be read.
3679      *
3680      * Note:  Pure real FFTs are automatically detected and the relevant
3681      *        optimizations are performed.
3682      *
3683      * Returns:  An array of complex numbers representing the transformed data in
3684      *           the frequency domain.
3685      *
3686      * Conventions: The exponent is negative and the factor is one,
3687      *              i.e., output[j] := sum[ exp(-2 PI i j k / N) input[k] ].
3688      */
3689     Complex!F[] fft(F = double, R)(R range) const
3690         if (isFloatingPoint!F && isRandomAccessRange!R)
3691     {
3692         enforceSize(range);
3693         Complex!F[] ret;
3694         if (range.length == 0)
3695         {
3696             return ret;
3697         }
3699         // Don't waste time initializing the memory for ret.
3700         ret = uninitializedArray!(Complex!F[])(range.length);
3702         fft(range,  ret);
3703         return ret;
3704     }
3706     /**Same as the overload, but allows for the results to be stored in a user-
3707      * provided buffer.  The buffer must be of the same length as range, must be
3708      * a random-access range, must have slicing, and must contain elements that are
3709      * complex-like.  This means that they must have a .re and a .im member or
3710      * property that can be both read and written and are floating point numbers.
3711      */
3712     void fft(Ret, R)(R range, Ret buf) const
3713         if (isRandomAccessRange!Ret && isComplexLike!(ElementType!Ret) && hasSlicing!Ret)
3714     {
3715         assert(buf.length == range.length);
3716         enforceSize(range);
3718         if (range.length == 0)
3719         {
3720             return;
3721         }
3722         else if (range.length == 1)
3723         {
3724             buf[0] = range[0];
3725             return;
3726         }
3727         else if (range.length == 2)
3728         {
3729             slowFourier2(range, buf);
3730             return;
3731         }
3732         else
3733         {
3734             alias E = ElementType!R;
3735             static if (is(E : real))
3736             {
3737                 return fftImplPureReal(range, buf);
3738             }
3739             else
3740             {
3741                 static if (is(R : Stride!R))
3742                     return fftImpl(range, buf);
3743                 else
3744                     return fftImpl(Stride!R(range, 1), buf);
3745             }
3746         }
3747     }
3749     /**
3750      * Computes the inverse Fourier transform of a range.  The range must be a
3751      * random access range with slicing, have a length equal to the size
3752      * provided at construction of this object, and contain elements that are
3753      * either of type std.complex.Complex or have essentially
3754      * the same compile-time interface.
3755      *
3756      * Returns:  The time-domain signal.
3757      *
3758      * Conventions: The exponent is positive and the factor is 1/N, i.e.,
3759      *              output[j] := (1 / N) sum[ exp(+2 PI i j k / N) input[k] ].
3760      */
3761     Complex!F[] inverseFft(F = double, R)(R range) const
3762         if (isRandomAccessRange!R && isComplexLike!(ElementType!R) && isFloatingPoint!F)
3763     {
3764         enforceSize(range);
3765         Complex!F[] ret;
3766         if (range.length == 0)
3767         {
3768             return ret;
3769         }
3771         // Don't waste time initializing the memory for ret.
3772         ret = uninitializedArray!(Complex!F[])(range.length);
3774         inverseFft(range, ret);
3775         return ret;
3776     }
3778     /**
3779      * Inverse FFT that allows a user-supplied buffer to be provided.  The buffer
3780      * must be a random access range with slicing, and its elements
3781      * must be some complex-like type.
3782      */
3783     void inverseFft(Ret, R)(R range, Ret buf) const
3784         if (isRandomAccessRange!Ret && isComplexLike!(ElementType!Ret) && hasSlicing!Ret)
3785     {
3786         enforceSize(range);
3788         auto swapped = map!swapRealImag(range);
3789         fft(swapped,  buf);
3791         immutable lenNeg1 = 1.0 / buf.length;
3792         foreach (ref elem; buf)
3793         {
3794             immutable temp = * lenNeg1;
3795    = * lenNeg1;
3796    = temp;
3797         }
3798     }
3799 }
3801 // This mixin creates an Fft object in the scope it's mixed into such that all
3802 // memory owned by the object is deterministically destroyed at the end of that
3803 // scope.
3804 private enum string MakeLocalFft = q{
3805     import core.stdc.stdlib;
3806     import core.exception : onOutOfMemoryError;
3808     auto lookupBuf = (cast(lookup_t*) malloc(range.length * 2 * lookup_t.sizeof))
3809                      [0 .. 2 * range.length];
3810     if (!lookupBuf.ptr)
3811         onOutOfMemoryError();
3813     scope(exit) free(cast(void*) lookupBuf.ptr);
3814     auto fftObj = scoped!Fft(lookupBuf);
3815 };
3817 /**Convenience functions that create an `Fft` object, run the FFT or inverse
3818  * FFT and return the result.  Useful for one-off FFTs.
3819  *
3820  * Note:  In addition to convenience, these functions are slightly more
3821  *        efficient than manually creating an Fft object for a single use,
3822  *        as the Fft object is deterministically destroyed before these
3823  *        functions return.
3824  */
3825 Complex!F[] fft(F = double, R)(R range)
3826 {
3827     mixin(MakeLocalFft);
3828     return fftObj.fft!(F, R)(range);
3829 }
3831 /// ditto
3832 void fft(Ret, R)(R range, Ret buf)
3833 {
3834     mixin(MakeLocalFft);
3835     return fftObj.fft!(Ret, R)(range, buf);
3836 }
3838 /// ditto
3839 Complex!F[] inverseFft(F = double, R)(R range)
3840 {
3841     mixin(MakeLocalFft);
3842     return fftObj.inverseFft!(F, R)(range);
3843 }
3845 /// ditto
3846 void inverseFft(Ret, R)(R range, Ret buf)
3847 {
3848     mixin(MakeLocalFft);
3849     return fftObj.inverseFft!(Ret, R)(range, buf);
3850 }
3852 @system unittest
3853 {
3854     import std.algorithm;
3855     import std.conv;
3856     import std.range;
3857     // Test values from R and Octave.
3858     auto arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8];
3859     auto fft1 = fft(arr);
3860     assert(isClose(map!""(fft1),
3861         [36.0, -4, -4, -4, -4, -4, -4, -4], 1e-4));
3862     assert(isClose(map!""(fft1),
3863         [0, 9.6568, 4, 1.6568, 0, -1.6568, -4, -9.6568], 1e-4));
3865     auto fft1Retro = fft(retro(arr));
3866     assert(isClose(map!""(fft1Retro),
3867         [36.0, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4], 1e-4));
3868     assert(isClose(map!""(fft1Retro),
3869         [0, -9.6568, -4, -1.6568, 0, 1.6568, 4, 9.6568], 1e-4));
3871     auto fft1Float = fft(to!(float[])(arr));
3872     assert(isClose(map!""(fft1), map!""(fft1Float)));
3873     assert(isClose(map!""(fft1), map!""(fft1Float)));
3875     alias C = Complex!float;
3876     auto arr2 = [C(1,2), C(3,4), C(5,6), C(7,8), C(9,10),
3877         C(11,12), C(13,14), C(15,16)];
3878     auto fft2 = fft(arr2);
3879     assert(isClose(map!""(fft2),
3880         [64.0, -27.3137, -16, -11.3137, -8, -4.6862, 0, 11.3137], 1e-4));
3881     assert(isClose(map!""(fft2),
3882         [72, 11.3137, 0, -4.686, -8, -11.3137, -16, -27.3137], 1e-4));
3884     auto inv1 = inverseFft(fft1);
3885     assert(isClose(map!""(inv1), arr, 1e-6));
3886     assert(reduce!max(map!""(inv1)) < 1e-10);
3888     auto inv2 = inverseFft(fft2);
3889     assert(isClose(map!""(inv2), map!""(arr2)));
3890     assert(isClose(map!""(inv2), map!""(arr2)));
3892     // FFTs of size 0, 1 and 2 are handled as special cases.  Test them here.
3893     ushort[] empty;
3894     assert(fft(empty) == null);
3895     assert(inverseFft(fft(empty)) == null);
3897     real[] oneElem = [4.5L];
3898     auto oneFft = fft(oneElem);
3899     assert(oneFft.length == 1);
3900     assert(oneFft[0].re == 4.5L);
3901     assert(oneFft[0].im == 0);
3903     auto oneInv = inverseFft(oneFft);
3904     assert(oneInv.length == 1);
3905     assert(isClose(oneInv[0].re, 4.5));
3906     assert(isClose(oneInv[0].im, 0, 0.0, 1e-10));
3908     long[2] twoElems = [8, 4];
3909     auto twoFft = fft(twoElems[]);
3910     assert(twoFft.length == 2);
3911     assert(isClose(twoFft[0].re, 12));
3912     assert(isClose(twoFft[0].im, 0, 0.0, 1e-10));
3913     assert(isClose(twoFft[1].re, 4));
3914     assert(isClose(twoFft[1].im, 0, 0.0, 1e-10));
3915     auto twoInv = inverseFft(twoFft);
3916     assert(isClose(twoInv[0].re, 8));
3917     assert(isClose(twoInv[0].im, 0, 0.0, 1e-10));
3918     assert(isClose(twoInv[1].re, 4));
3919     assert(isClose(twoInv[1].im, 0, 0.0, 1e-10));
3920 }
3922 // Swaps the real and imaginary parts of a complex number.  This is useful
3923 // for inverse FFTs.
3924 C swapRealImag(C)(C input)
3925 {
3926     return C(,;
3927 }
3929 /** This function transforms `decimal` value into a value in the factorial number
3930 system stored in `fac`.
3932 A factorial number is constructed as:
3933 $(D fac[0] * 0! + fac[1] * 1! + ... fac[20] * 20!)
3935 Params:
3936     decimal = The decimal value to convert into the factorial number system.
3937     fac = The array to store the factorial number. The array is of size 21 as
3938         `ulong.max` requires 21 digits in the factorial number system.
3939 Returns:
3940     A variable storing the number of digits of the factorial number stored in
3941     `fac`.
3942 */
3943 size_t decimalToFactorial(ulong decimal, ref ubyte[21] fac)
3944         @safe pure nothrow @nogc
3945 {
3946     import std.algorithm.mutation : reverse;
3947     size_t idx;
3949     for (ulong i = 1; decimal != 0; ++i)
3950     {
3951         auto temp = decimal % i;
3952         decimal /= i;
3953         fac[idx++] = cast(ubyte)(temp);
3954     }
3956     if (idx == 0)
3957     {
3958         fac[idx++] = cast(ubyte) 0;
3959     }
3961     reverse(fac[0 .. idx]);
3963     // first digit of the number in factorial will always be zero
3964     assert(fac[idx - 1] == 0);
3966     return idx;
3967 }
3969 ///
3970 @safe pure @nogc unittest
3971 {
3972     ubyte[21] fac;
3973     size_t idx = decimalToFactorial(2982, fac);
3975     assert(fac[0] == 4);
3976     assert(fac[1] == 0);
3977     assert(fac[2] == 4);
3978     assert(fac[3] == 1);
3979     assert(fac[4] == 0);
3980     assert(fac[5] == 0);
3981     assert(fac[6] == 0);
3982 }
3984 @safe pure unittest
3985 {
3986     ubyte[21] fac;
3987     size_t idx = decimalToFactorial(0UL, fac);
3988     assert(idx == 1);
3989     assert(fac[0] == 0);
3991     fac[] = 0;
3992     idx = 0;
3993     idx = decimalToFactorial(ulong.max, fac);
3994     assert(idx == 21);
3995     auto t = [7, 11, 12, 4, 3, 15, 3, 5, 3, 5, 0, 8, 3, 5, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0];
3996     foreach (i, it; fac[0 .. 21])
3997     {
3998         assert(it == t[i]);
3999     }
4001     fac[] = 0;
4002     idx = decimalToFactorial(2982, fac);
4004     assert(idx == 7);
4005     t = [4, 0, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0];
4006     foreach (i, it; fac[0 .. idx])
4007     {
4008         assert(it == t[i]);
4009     }
4010 }
4012 private:
4013 // The reasons I couldn't use std.algorithm were b/c its stride length isn't
4014 // modifiable on the fly and because range has grown some performance hacks
4015 // for powers of 2.
4016 struct Stride(R)
4017 {
4018     import core.bitop : bsf;
4019     Unqual!R range;
4020     size_t _nSteps;
4021     size_t _length;
4022     alias E = ElementType!(R);
4024     this(R range, size_t nStepsIn)
4025     {
4026         this.range = range;
4027        _nSteps = nStepsIn;
4028        _length = (range.length + _nSteps - 1) / nSteps;
4029     }
4031     size_t length() const @property
4032     {
4033         return _length;
4034     }
4036     typeof(this) save() @property
4037     {
4038         auto ret = this;
4039         ret.range =;
4040         return ret;
4041     }
4043     E opIndex(size_t index)
4044     {
4045         return range[index * _nSteps];
4046     }
4048     E front() @property
4049     {
4050         return range[0];
4051     }
4053     void popFront()
4054     {
4055         if (range.length >= _nSteps)
4056         {
4057             range = range[_nSteps .. range.length];
4058             _length--;
4059         }
4060         else
4061         {
4062             range = range[0 .. 0];
4063             _length = 0;
4064         }
4065     }
4067     // Pops half the range's stride.
4068     void popHalf()
4069     {
4070         range = range[_nSteps / 2 .. range.length];
4071     }
4073     bool empty() const @property
4074     {
4075         return length == 0;
4076     }
4078     size_t nSteps() const @property
4079     {
4080         return _nSteps;
4081     }
4083     void doubleSteps()
4084     {
4085         _nSteps *= 2;
4086         _length /= 2;
4087     }
4089     size_t nSteps(size_t newVal) @property
4090     {
4091         _nSteps = newVal;
4093         // Using >> bsf(nSteps) is a few cycles faster than / nSteps.
4094         _length = (range.length + _nSteps - 1)  >> bsf(nSteps);
4095         return newVal;
4096     }
4097 }
4099 // Hard-coded base case for FFT of size 2.  This is actually a TON faster than
4100 // using a generic slow DFT.  This seems to be the best base case.  (Size 1
4101 // can be coded inline as buf[0] = range[0]).
4102 void slowFourier2(Ret, R)(R range, Ret buf)
4103 {
4104     assert(range.length == 2);
4105     assert(buf.length == 2);
4106     buf[0] = range[0] + range[1];
4107     buf[1] = range[0] - range[1];
4108 }
4110 // Hard-coded base case for FFT of size 4.  Doesn't work as well as the size
4111 // 2 case.
4112 void slowFourier4(Ret, R)(R range, Ret buf)
4113 {
4114     alias C = ElementType!Ret;
4116     assert(range.length == 4);
4117     assert(buf.length == 4);
4118     buf[0] = range[0] + range[1] + range[2] + range[3];
4119     buf[1] = range[0] - range[1] * C(0, 1) - range[2] + range[3] * C(0, 1);
4120     buf[2] = range[0] - range[1] + range[2] - range[3];
4121     buf[3] = range[0] + range[1] * C(0, 1) - range[2] - range[3] * C(0, 1);
4122 }
4124 N roundDownToPowerOf2(N)(N num)
4125 if (isScalarType!N && !isFloatingPoint!N)
4126 {
4127     import core.bitop : bsr;
4128     return num & (cast(N) 1 << bsr(num));
4129 }
4131 @safe unittest
4132 {
4133     assert(roundDownToPowerOf2(7) == 4);
4134     assert(roundDownToPowerOf2(4) == 4);
4135 }
4137 template isComplexLike(T)
4138 {
4139     enum bool isComplexLike = is(typeof( &&
4140         is(typeof(;
4141 }
4143 @safe unittest
4144 {
4145     static assert(isComplexLike!(Complex!double));
4146     static assert(!isComplexLike!(uint));
4147 }