The OpenD Programming Language


The atomic module provides basic support for lock-free concurrent programming.

Use the -preview=nosharedaccess compiler flag to detect unsafe individual read or write operations on shared data.



enum MemoryOrder

Specifies the memory ordering semantics of an atomic operation.


T atomicExchange(T* here, V exchangeWith)
TailShared!T atomicExchange(shared(T)* here, V exchangeWith)
shared(T) atomicExchange(shared(T)* here, shared(V) exchangeWith)

Exchange exchangeWith with the memory referenced by here. This operation is both lock-free and atomic.

void atomicFence()

Inserts a full load/store memory fence (on platforms that need it). This ensures that all loads and stores before a call to this function are executed before any loads and stores after the call.

T atomicFetchAdd(T val, T mod)

Atomically adds mod to the value referenced by val and returns the value val held previously. This operation is both lock-free and atomic.

T atomicFetchAnd(T val, T mod)

Atomically performs and AND operation between mod and the value referenced by val and returns the value val held previously. This operation is both lock-free and atomic.

T atomicFetchOr(T val, T mod)

Atomically performs and OR operation between mod and the value referenced by val and returns the value val held previously. This operation is both lock-free and atomic.

T atomicFetchSub(T val, T mod)

Atomically subtracts mod from the value referenced by val and returns the value val held previously. This operation is both lock-free and atomic.

T atomicFetchXor(T val, T mod)

Atomically performs and XOR operation between mod and the value referenced by val and returns the value val held previously. This operation is both lock-free and atomic.

T atomicLoad(T val)
TailShared!T atomicLoad(T val)

Loads 'val' from memory and returns it. The memory barrier specified by 'ms' is applied to the operation, which is fully sequenced by default. Valid memory orders are MemoryOrder.raw, MemoryOrder.acq, and MemoryOrder.seq.

TailShared!T atomicOp(T val, V1 mod)

Performs the binary operation 'op' on val using 'mod' as the modifier.

void atomicStore(T val, V newval)

Writes 'newval' into 'val'. The memory barrier specified by 'ms' is applied to the operation, which is fully sequenced by default. Valid memory orders are MemoryOrder.raw, MemoryOrder.rel, and MemoryOrder.seq.

bool casWeak(T* here, V1 ifThis, V2 writeThis)
bool casWeak(shared(T)* here, V1 ifThis, V2 writeThis)
bool casWeak(shared(T)* here, shared(V1) ifThis, shared(V2) writeThis)

Stores 'writeThis' to the memory referenced by 'here' if the value referenced by 'here' is equal to 'ifThis'. The 'weak' version of cas may spuriously fail. It is recommended to use casWeak only when cas would be used in a loop. This operation is both lock-free and atomic.

bool casWeak(T* here, T* ifThis, V writeThis)
bool casWeak(shared(T)* here, V1* ifThis, V2 writeThis)
bool casWeak(shared(T)* here, shared(T)* ifThis, shared(V) writeThis)

Stores 'writeThis' to the memory referenced by 'here' if the value referenced by 'here' is equal to the value referenced by 'ifThis'. The prior value referenced by 'here' is written to ifThis and returned to the user. The 'weak' version of cas may spuriously fail. It is recommended to use casWeak only when cas would be used in a loop. This operation is both lock-free and atomic.

void pause()

Gives a hint to the processor that the calling thread is in a 'spin-wait' loop, allowing to more efficiently allocate resources.

void testCAS(T val)

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void testLoadStore(T val)

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void testType(T val)

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void testXCHG(T val)

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struct Atomic(T)

This is a D version of a partial implementation of the std::atomic template found in C++ STL.


template cas(MemoryOrder succ = MemoryOrder.seq, MemoryOrder fail = MemoryOrder.seq)

Performs either compare-and-set or compare-and-swap (or exchange).


int y = 2;
shared int x = y; // OK

//x++; // read modify write error
x.atomicOp!"+="(1); // OK
//y = x; // read error with preview flag
y = x.atomicLoad(); // OK
assert(y == 3);
//x = 5; // write error with preview flag
x.atomicStore(5); // OK
assert(x.atomicLoad() == 5);



Sean Kelly, Alex Rønne Petersen, Manu Evans