The OpenD Programming Language

1 /++
2 $(H2 Common information for all x86 and x86_64 vendors.)
4 $(GREEN This module is compatible with betterC compilation mode.)
6 Note:
7     `T.max` value value is used to represent fully-associative Cache/TLB.
9 References:
10     $(LINK2, wikipedia:CPUID)
12 License:   $(WEB, Boost License 1.0).
14 Authors:   Ilia Ki
15 +/
16 module cpuid.x86_any;
18 version(LDC)
19 {
20     import ldc.llvmasm;
21     // @@@FIXME@@@
22     //
23     pragma(LDC_inline_asm)
24     {
25         template __asmtuple(T...)
26         {
27             __asmtuple_t!(T) __asmtuple(const(char)[] asmcode, const(char)[] constraints, ...) pure nothrow @nogc;
28         }
29     }
30 }
32 version(X86)
33     version = X86_Any;
34 else
35 version(X86_64)
36     version = X86_Any;
38 version(X86_Any):
40 version(D_InlineAsm_X86)
41     version = InlineAsm_X86_Any;
42 else
43 version(D_InlineAsm_X86_64)
44     version = InlineAsm_X86_Any;
46 public import cpuid.common;
48 /// Leaf0
49 private immutable uint _maxBasicLeaf;
51 /// Leaf1
52 private immutable Leaf1Information leaf1Information;
53 /// Leaf7
54 private immutable Leaf7Information leaf7Information;
56 /// ExtLeaf0
57 private immutable uint _maxExtendedLeaf;
59 /// Other
60 private immutable VendorIndex _vendorId;
61 private immutable VendorIndex _virtualVendorId;
63 /++
64 Initialize basic x86 CPU information.
65 It is safe to call this function multiple times.
66 +/
67 export extern(C)
68 nothrow @nogc
69 void mir_cpuid_x86_any_init()
70 {
71     import cpuid.unified: _mut;
72     static if (__VERSION__ >= 2068)
73         pragma(inline, false);
74     CpuInfo info = void;
76     info = _cpuid(0);
77     _maxBasicLeaf._mut = info.a;
79     {
80         uint[3] n = void;
81         n[0] = info.b;
82         n[1] = info.d;
83         n[2] = info.c;
84         _vendorId._mut = VendorIndex.undefined;
85         auto vs = vendors[0 .. $ - 1];
86         foreach(i, ref name; (cast(uint[3]*)(vs.ptr))[0 .. vs.length])
87         {
88             if (n[0] == name[0] && n[1] == name[1] && n[2] == name[2])
89             {
90                 _vendorId._mut = cast(VendorIndex) i;
91                 break;
92             }
93         }
94     }
95     _virtualVendorId._mut = _vendorId;
96 = _cpuid(1);
97     if(_maxBasicLeaf >= 7)
98 = _cpuid(0x07);
99     if(leaf1Information.virtual)
100     {
101         auto infov = _cpuid(0x4000_0000);
102         uint[3] n = void;
103         n[0] = infov.b;
104         n[1] = infov.c;
105         n[2] = infov.d;
106         _virtualVendorId._mut = VendorIndex.undefinedvm;
107         auto vs = vendors[VendorIndex.undefined + 1 .. $ - 1];
108         foreach(i, ref name; (cast(uint[3]*)(vs.ptr))[0 .. vs.length])
109         {
110             if (n[0] == name[0] && n[1] == name[1] && n[2] == name[2])
111             {
112                 _virtualVendorId._mut = cast(VendorIndex) (i + VendorIndex.undefined + 1);
113                 break;
114             }
115         }
116     }
117     _maxExtendedLeaf._mut = _cpuid(0x8000_0000).a;
118 }
120 /// Basic information about CPU.
121 union Leaf1Information
122 {
123     import mir.bitmanip: bitfields;
124     /// CPUID payload
125     CpuInfo info;
126     struct
127     {
128         @trusted @property pure nothrow @nogc:
129         version(D_Ddoc)
130         {
131         const:
132             /// Stepping ID
133             uint stepping();
134             /// Model
135             uint model();
136             /// Family ID
137             uint family();
138             /// Processor Type, Specification: Intel
139             uint type();
140             /// Extended Model ID
141             uint extendedModel();
142             /// Extended Family ID
143             uint extendedFamily();
146             /// Brand Index
147             ubyte brandIndex;
148             /// `clflush` line size
149             ubyte clflushLineSize;
150             /// maximal number of logical processors
151             ubyte maxLogicalProcessors;
152             /// initial APIC
153             ubyte initialAPIC;
155             /// SSE3 Extensions
156             bool sse3();
157             /// Carryless Multiplication
158             bool pclmulqdq();
159             /// 64-bit DS Area
160             bool dtes64();
161             /// MONITOR/MWAIT
162             bool monitor();
163             ///(); /// CPL Qualified Debug Store
164             bool ds_cpl();
165             /// Virtual Machine Extensions
166             bool vmx();
167             /// Safer Mode Extensions
168             bool smx();
169             /// Enhanced Intel SpeedStep® Technology
170             bool eist();
171             /// Thermal Monitor 2
172             bool therm_monitor2();
173             /// SSSE3 Extensions
174             bool ssse3();
175             /// L1 Context ID
176             bool cnxt_id();
177             ///
178             bool sdbg();
179             /// Fused Multiply Add
180             bool fma();
181             ///
182             bool cmpxchg16b();
183             /// TPR Update Control
184             bool xtpr();
185             /// Perf/Debug Capability MSR xTPR Update Control
186             bool pdcm();
187             /// Process-context Identifiers
188             bool pcid();
189             /// Direct Cache Access
190             bool dca();
191             /// SSE4.1
192             bool sse41();
193             /// SSE4.2
194             bool sse42();
195             ///
196             bool x2apic();
197             ///
198             bool movbe();
199             ///
200             bool popcnt();
201             ///
202             bool tsc_deadline();
203             ///
204             bool aes();
205             ///
206             bool xsave();
207             ///
208             bool osxsave();
209             ///
210             bool avx();
211             ///
212             bool f16c();
213             ///
214             bool rdrand();
215             ///
216             bool virtual();
217             /// x87 FPU on Chip
218             bool fpu();
219             /// Virtual-8086 Mode Enhancement
220             bool vme();
221             /// Debugging Extensions
222             bool de();
223             /// Page Size Extensions
224             bool pse();
225             /// Time Stamp Counter
226             bool tsc();
227             /// RDMSR and WRMSR Support
228             bool msr();
229             /// Physical Address Extensions
230             bool pae();
231             /// Machine Check Exception
232             bool mce();
233             /// CMPXCHG8B Inst.
234             bool cx8();
235             /// APIC on Chip
236             bool apic();
237             /// SYSENTER and SYSEXIT
238             bool sep();
239             /// Memory Type Range Registers
240             bool mtrr();
241             /// PTE Global Bit
242             bool pge();
243             /// Machine Check Architecture
244             bool mca();
245             /// Conditional Move/Compare Instruction
246             bool cmov();
247             /// Page Attribute Table
248             bool pat();
249             ///  Page Size Extension
250             bool pse36();
251             /// Processor Serial Number
252             bool psn();
253             /// CLFLUSH instruction
254             bool clfsh();
255             /// Debug Store
256             bool ds();
257             /// Thermal Monitor and Clock Ctrl
258             bool acpi();
259             /// MMX Technology
260             bool mmx();
261             /// FXSAVE/FXRSTOR
262             bool fxsr();
263             /// SSE Extensions
264             bool sse();
265             /// SSE2 Extensions
266             bool sse2();
267             /// Self Snoop
268             bool self_snoop();
269             /// Multi-threading
270             bool htt();
271             /// Therm. Monitor
272             bool therm_monitor();
273             /// Pend. Brk. EN.
274             bool pbe();
275         }
276         else
277         {
278             /// EAX
279             mixin(bitfields!(
280                 uint, "stepping", 3 - 0 + 1, /// Stepping ID
281                 uint, "model", 7 - 4 + 1, /// Model
282                 uint, "family", 11 - 8 + 1, /// Family ID
283                 uint, "type", 13 - 12 + 1, /// Processor Type, Specification: Intel
284                 uint, "", 15 - 14 + 1,
285                 uint, "extendedModel", 19 - 16 + 1, /// Extended Model ID
286                 uint, "extendedFamily", 27 - 20 + 1, /// Extended Family ID
287                 uint, "", 31 - 28 + 1,
288             ));
290             /// EBX
291             ubyte brandIndex;
292             ubyte clflushLineSize;
293             ubyte maxLogicalProcessors;
294             ubyte initialAPIC;
296             /// ECX
297             mixin(bitfields!(
298                 bool, "sse3", 1, /// SSE3 Extensions
299                 bool, "pclmulqdq", 1, /// Carryless Multiplication
300                 bool, "dtes64", 1, /// 64-bit DS Area
301                 bool, "monitor", 1, /// MONITOR/MWAIT
302                 bool, "ds_cpl", 1, /// CPL Qualified Debug Store
303                 bool, "vmx", 1, /// Virtual Machine Extensions
304                 bool, "smx", 1, /// Safer Mode Extensions
305                 bool, "eist", 1, /// Enhanced Intel SpeedStep® Technology
306                 bool, "therm_monitor2", 1, /// Thermal Monitor 2
307                 bool, "ssse3", 1, /// SSSE3 Extensions
308                 bool, "cnxt_id", 1, /// L1 Context ID
309                 bool, "sdbg", 1,
310                 bool, "fma", 1, /// Fused Multiply Add
311                 bool, "cmpxchg16b", 1,
312                 bool, "xtpr", 1, /// TPR Update Control
313                 bool, "pdcm", 1, /// Perf/Debug Capability MSR xTPR Update Control
314                 bool, "", 1,
315                 bool, "pcid", 1, /// Process-context Identifiers
316                 bool, "dca", 1, /// Direct Cache Access
317                 bool, "sse41", 1, /// SSE4.1
318                 bool, "sse42", 1, /// SSE4.2
319                 bool, "x2apic", 1,
320                 bool, "movbe", 1,
321                 bool, "popcnt", 1,
322                 bool, "tsc_deadline", 1,
323                 bool, "aes", 1,
324                 bool, "xsave", 1,
325                 bool, "osxsave", 1,
326                 bool, "avx", 1,
327                 bool, "f16c", 1,
328                 bool, "rdrand", 1,
329                 bool, "virtual", 1,
330             ));
332             /// EDX
333             mixin(bitfields!(
334                 bool, "fpu", 1, /// x87 FPU on Chip
335                 bool, "vme", 1, /// Virtual-8086 Mode Enhancement
336                 bool, "de", 1, /// Debugging Extensions
337                 bool, "pse", 1, /// Page Size Extensions
338                 bool, "tsc", 1, /// Time Stamp Counter
339                 bool, "msr", 1, /// RDMSR and WRMSR Support
340                 bool, "pae", 1, /// Physical Address Extensions
341                 bool, "mce", 1, /// Machine Check Exception
342                 bool, "cx8", 1, /// CMPXCHG8B Inst.
343                 bool, "apic", 1, /// APIC on Chip
344                 bool, "", 1,
345                 bool, "sep", 1, /// SYSENTER and SYSEXIT
346                 bool, "mtrr", 1, /// Memory Type Range Registers
347                 bool, "pge", 1, /// PTE Global Bit
348                 bool, "mca", 1, /// Machine Check Architecture
349                 bool, "cmov", 1, /// Conditional Move/Compare Instruction
350                 bool, "pat", 1, /// Page Attribute Table
351                 bool, "pse36", 1, ///  Page Size Extension
352                 bool, "psn", 1, /// Processor Serial Number
353                 bool, "clfsh", 1, /// CLFLUSH instruction
354                 bool, "", 1,
355                 bool, "ds", 1, /// Debug Store
356                 bool, "acpi", 1, /// Thermal Monitor and Clock Ctrl
357                 bool, "mmx", 1, /// MMX Technology
358                 bool, "fxsr", 1, /// FXSAVE/FXRSTOR
359                 bool, "sse", 1, /// SSE Extensions
360                 bool, "sse2", 1, /// SSE2 Extensions
361                 bool, "self_snoop", 1, /// Self Snoop
362                 bool, "htt", 1, /// Multi-threading
363                 bool, "therm_monitor", 1, /// Therm. Monitor
364                 bool, "", 1,
365                 bool, "pbe", 1, /// Pend. Brk. EN.
366             ));
367         }
368     }
369 }
371 /// ditto
372 alias cpuid_x86_any_init = mir_cpuid_x86_any_init;
374 /// Extended information about CPU.
375 union Leaf7Information
376 {
377     import mir.bitmanip: bitfields;
378     /// CPUID payload
379     CpuInfo info;
380     struct
381     {
382         /// Reports the maximum input value for supported leaf 7 sub-leaves
383         uint max7SubLeafs;
384         @trusted @property pure nothrow @nogc:
385         version(D_Ddoc)
386         {
387         const:
388             /// Supports RDFSBASE/RDGSBASE/WRFSBASE/WRGSBASE if 1.
389             bool fsgsbase();
390             ///MSR is supported if 1.
391             bool ia32_tsc_adjust();
392             /// Supports Intel® Software Guard Extensions (Intel® SGX Extensions) if 1.
393             bool sgx();
394             /// Bit Manipulation Instruction Set 1
395             bool bmi1();
396             /// Transactional Synchronization Extensions
397             bool hle();
398             /// Advanced Vector Extensions 2
399             bool avx2();
400             /// x87 FPU Data Pointer updated only on x87 exceptions if 1.
401             bool fdp_excptn_only();
402             /// Supports Supervisor-Mode Execution Prevention if 1.
403             bool smep();
404             /// Bit Manipulation Instruction Set 2
405             bool bmi2();
406             /// Enhanced REP MOVSB/STOSB if 1.
407             bool supports();
408             /// If 1, supports INVPCID instruction for system software that manages process-context identifiers.
409             bool invpcid();
410             /// Transactional Synchronization Extensions
411             bool rtm();
412             /// Supports Intel® Resource Director Technology (Intel® RDT) Monitoring capability if 1.
413             bool rdt_m();
414             ///FPU CS and FPU DS values if 1.
415             bool deprecates();
416             /// Supports Intel® Memory Protection Extensions if 1.
417             bool mpx();
418             /// Supports Intel® Resource Director Technology (Intel® RDT) Allocation capability if 1.
419             bool rdt_a();
420             /// AVX-512 Foundation
421             bool avx512f();
422             /// AVX-512 Doubleword and Quadword Instructions
423             bool avx512dq();
424             /// RDSEED instruction
425             bool rdseed();
426             /// Intel ADX (Multi-Precision Add-Carry Instruction Extensions)
427             bool adx();
428             /// Supports Supervisor-Mode Access Prevention (and the CLAC/STAC instructions) if 1.
429             bool smap();
430             /// AVX-512 Integer Fused Multiply-Add Instructions
431             bool avx512ifma();
432             /// PCOMMIT instruction
433             bool pcommit();
434             /// CLFLUSHOPT instruction
435             bool clflushopt();
436             /// CLWB instruction
437             bool clwb();
438             /// Intel Processor Trace.
439             bool intel_pt();
440             /// AVX-512 Prefetch Instructions
441             bool avx512pf();
442             /// AVX-512 Exponential and Reciprocal Instructions
443             bool avx512er();
444             /// AVX-512 Conflict Detection Instructions
445             bool avx512cd();
446             /// supports Intel® Secure Hash Algorithm Extens
447             bool sha();
448             /// AVX-512 Byte and Word Instructions
449             bool avx512bw();
450             /// AVX-512 Vector Length Extensions
451             bool avx512vl();
452             /// PREFETCHWT1 instruction
453             bool prefetchwt1();
454             /// AVX-512 Vector Bit Manipulation Instructions
455             bool avx512vbmi();
456             /// Supports user-mode instruction prevention if 1
457             bool umip();
458             /// Memory Protection Keys for User-mode pages
459             bool pku();
460             /// If 1, OS has set CR4.PKE to enable protection keys (and the RDPKRU/WRPKRU instructions).
461             bool ospke();
462             ///
463             bool waitpkg();
464             ///
465             bool avx512vbmi2();
466             /// Supports CET shadow stack features if 1.
467             bool cet_ss();
468             ///
469             bool gfni();
470             ///
471             bool vaes();
472             ///
473             bool vpclmulqdq();
474             ///
475             bool avx512vnni();
476             ///
477             bool avx512bitalg();
478             ///
479             bool avx512vpopcntdq();
480             /// The value of MAWAU used by the BNDLDX and BNDSTX instructions in 64-bit mode.
481             uint mawau();
482             /// RDPID and IA32_TSC_AUX are available if 1.
483             bool rdpid();
484             /// Supports cache line demote if 1.
485             bool cldemote();
486             /// Supports MOVDIRI if 1.
487             bool movdiri();
488             /// Supports MOVDIR64B if 1.
489             bool movdir64b();
490             /// Supports SGX Launch Configuration if 1.
491             bool sgx_lc();
492         }
493         else
494         {
495             mixin(bitfields!(
496                 bool, "fsgsbase", 1, /// Supports RDFSBASE/RDGSBASE/WRFSBASE/WRGSBASE if 1.
497                 bool, "ia32_tsc_adjust", 1, ///MSR is supported if 1.
498                 bool, "sgx", 1, /// Supports Intel® Software Guard Extensions (Intel® SGX Extensions) if 1.
499                 bool, "bmi1", 1, /// Bit Manipulation Instruction Set 1
500                 bool, "hle", 1, /// Transactional Synchronization Extensions
501                 bool, "avx2", 1, /// Advanced Vector Extensions 2
502                 bool, "fdp_excptn_only", 1, /// x87 FPU Data Pointer updated only on x87 exceptions if 1.
503                 bool, "smep", 1, /// Supports Supervisor-Mode Execution Prevention if 1.
504                 bool, "bmi2", 1, /// Bit Manipulation Instruction Set 2
505                 bool, "supports", 1, /// Enhanced REP MOVSB/STOSB if 1.
506                 bool, "invpcid", 1, /// If 1, supports INVPCID instruction for system software that manages process-context identifiers.
507                 bool, "rtm", 1, /// Transactional Synchronization Extensions
508                 bool, "rdt_m", 1, /// Supports Intel® Resource Director Technology (Intel® RDT) Monitoring capability if 1.
509                 bool, "deprecates", 1, ///FPU CS and FPU DS values if 1.
510                 bool, "mpx", 1, /// Supports Intel® Memory Protection Extensions if 1.
511                 bool, "rdt_a", 1, /// Supports Intel® Resource Director Technology (Intel® RDT) Allocation capability if 1.
512                 bool, "avx512f", 1, /// AVX-512 Foundation
513                 bool, "avx512dq", 1, /// AVX-512 Doubleword and Quadword Instructions
514                 bool, "rdseed", 1, /// RDSEED instruction
515                 bool, "adx", 1, /// Intel ADX (Multi-Precision Add-Carry Instruction Extensions)
516                 bool, "smap", 1, /// Supports Supervisor-Mode Access Prevention (and the CLAC/STAC instructions) if 1.
517                 bool, "avx512ifma", 1, /// AVX-512 Integer Fused Multiply-Add Instructions
518                 bool, "pcommit", 1, /// PCOMMIT instruction
519                 bool, "clflushopt", 1, /// CLFLUSHOPT instruction
520                 bool, "clwb", 1, /// CLWB instruction
521                 bool, "intel_pt", 1, /// Intel Processor Trace.
522                 bool, "avx512pf", 1, /// AVX-512 Prefetch Instructions
523                 bool, "avx512er", 1, /// AVX-512 Exponential and Reciprocal Instructions
524                 bool, "avx512cd", 1, /// AVX-512 Conflict Detection Instructions
525                 bool, "sha", 1, /// supports Intel® Secure Hash Algorithm Extens
526                 bool, "avx512bw", 1, /// AVX-512 Byte and Word Instructions
527                 bool, "avx512vl", 1, /// AVX-512 Vector Length Extensions
528             ));
529             mixin(bitfields!(
530                 bool, "prefetchwt1", 1, /// PREFETCHWT1 instruction
531                 bool, "avx512vbmi", 1, /// AVX-512 Vector Bit Manipulation Instructions
532                 bool, "umip", 1, /// Supports user-mode instruction prevention if 1
533                 bool, "pku", 1, /// Memory Protection Keys for User-mode pages
534                 bool, "ospke", 1, // If 1, OS has set CR4.PKE to enable protection keys (and the RDPKRU/WRPKRU instructions).
535                 bool, "waitpkg", 1, ///
536                 bool, "avx512vbmi2", 1, ///
537                 bool, "cet_ss", 1, /// Supports CET shadow stack features if 1.
538                 bool, "gfni", 1, ///
539                 bool, "vaes", 1, ///
540                 bool, "vpclmulqdq", 1, ///
541                 bool, "avx512vnni", 1, ///
542                 bool, "avx512bitalg", 1, ///
543                 bool, "", 1,
544                 bool, "avx512vpopcntdq", 1, ///
545                 uint, "", 16 - 15 + 1,
546                 uint, "mawau", 21 - 17 + 1, /// The value of MAWAU used by the BNDLDX and BNDSTX instructions in 64-bit mode.
547                 bool, "rdpid", 1, /// RDPID and IA32_TSC_AUX are available if 1.
548                 uint, "", 24 - 23 + 1,
549                 bool, "cldemote", 1, /// Supports cache line demote if 1.
550                 bool, "", 1,
551                 bool, "movdiri", 1, /// Supports MOVDIRI if 1.
552                 bool, "movdir64b", 1, /// Supports MOVDIR64B if 1.
553                 bool, "", 1,
554                 bool, "sgx_lc", 1, /// Supports SGX Launch Configuration if 1.
555                 bool, "", 1,
556             ));
557         }
558     }
559 }
563 /// x86 CPU information
564 struct CpuInfo
565 {
566     /// EAX
567     uint a;
568     /// EBX
569     uint b;
570     /// ECX
571     uint c;
572     /// EDX
573     uint d;
574 }
576 /++
577 Params:
578     eax = function id
579     ecx = sub-function id
580 +/
581 pure nothrow @nogc @trusted
582 CpuInfo _cpuid()(uint eax, uint ecx = 0)
583 {
584     uint a = void;
585     uint b = void;
586     uint c = void;
587     uint d = void;
588     version(LDC)
589     {
590         pragma(inline, true);
591         auto asmt = __asmtuple!
592         (uint, uint, uint, uint) (
593             "cpuid", 
594             "={eax},={ebx},={ecx},={edx},{eax},{ecx}", 
595             eax, ecx);
596         a = asmt.v[0];
597         b = asmt.v[1];
598         c = asmt.v[2];
599         d = asmt.v[3];
600     }
601     else
602     version(GNU)
603     asm pure nothrow @nogc
604     {
605         "cpuid" : 
606             "=a" a,
607             "=b" b, 
608             "=c" c,
609             "=d" d,
610             : "a" eax, "c" ecx;
611     }
612     else
613     version(InlineAsm_X86_Any)
614     asm pure nothrow @nogc
615     {
616         mov EAX, eax;
617         mov ECX, ecx;
618         cpuid;
619         mov a, EAX;
620         mov b, EBX;
621         mov c, ECX;
622         mov d, EDX;
623     }
624     else static assert(0);
625     return CpuInfo(a, b, c, d);
626 }
628 nothrow @nogc @property:
630 align(4)
631 private __gshared immutable char[12][22] _vendors =
632 [
633     "GenuineIntel",
634     "AuthenticAMD",
636     " SiS SiS SiS",
637     " UMC UMC UMC",
638     " VIA VIA VIA",
639     "AMDisbetter!",
640     "CentaurHauls",
641     "CyrixInstead",
642     "HygonGenuine",
643     "GenuineTMx86",
644     "Geode by NSC",
645     "NexGenDriven",
646     "RiseRiseRise",
647     "TransmetaCPU",
648     "Vortex86 SoC",
649     "   undefined",
651     " KVM KVM KVM",
652     " lrpepyh  vr",
653     "Microsoft Hv",
654     "VMwareVMware",
655     "XenVMMXenVMM",
656     "undefined vm",
657 ];
659 /// VendorIndex name
660 immutable(char)[12][] vendors()()
661 {
662     return _vendors;
663 }
665 ///
666 unittest
667 {
668     assert(vendors[] == "GenuineIntel");
669 }
671 /// VendorIndex encoded value.
672 VendorIndex vendorIndex()()
673 {
674     return _vendorId;
675 }
677 /// VendorIndex encoded value for virtual machine.
678 VendorIndex virtualVendorIndex()()
679 {
680     return _virtualVendorId;
681 }
683 /// Maximum Input Value for Basic CPUID Information
684 uint maxBasicLeaf()()
685 {
686     return _maxBasicLeaf;
687 }
689 /// Maximum Input Value for Extended CPUID Information
690 uint maxExtendedLeaf()()
691 {
692     return _maxExtendedLeaf;
693 }
695 /// Reports the maximum input value for supported leaf 7 sub-leaves.
696 uint max7SubLeafs()()
697 {
698     return leaf7Information.max7SubLeafs;
699 }
701 /// Encoded vendors
702 enum VendorIndex
703 {
704     /// Intel
705     intel,
706     /// AMD
707     amd,
709     /// SiS
710     sis,
711     /// UMC
712     umc,
713     /// VIA
714     via,
715     /// early engineering samples of AMD K5 processor
716     amd_old,
717     /// Centaur (Including some VIA CPU)
718     centaur,
719     /// Cyrix
720     cyrix,
721     /// Hygon CPU (AMD like)
722     hygon,
723     /// Transmeta
724     transmeta,
725     /// National Semiconductor
726     nsc,
727     /// NexGen
728     nexgen,
729     /// Rise
730     rise,
731     /// Transmeta
732     transmeta_old,
733     /// Vortex
734     vortex,
736     /// undefined
737     undefined,
740     /// KVM
741     kvm,
742     /// Parallels
743     parallels,
744     /// Microsoft Hyper-V or Windows Virtual PC
745     microsoft,
746     /// VMware
747     vmware,
748     /// Xen HVM
749     xen,
751     /// undefined virtual machine
752     undefinedvm, 
753 }
755 /++
756 Brand, e.g. `Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770HQ CPU @ 2.20GHz`.
757 Returns: brand length
758 Params: brand = fixed length string to initiate
759 +/
760 size_t brand()(ref char[48] brand)
761 {
762     static if (__VERSION__ >= 2068)
763         pragma(inline, false);
764     CpuInfo info = void;
765     info = _cpuid(0 + 2 ^ 0x8000_0000);
766     (cast(uint[12])brand)[0 * 4 + 0] = info.a;
767     (cast(uint[12])brand)[0 * 4 + 1] = info.b;
768     (cast(uint[12])brand)[0 * 4 + 2] = info.c;
769     (cast(uint[12])brand)[0 * 4 + 3] = info.d;
770     info = _cpuid(1 + 2 ^ 0x8000_0000);
771     (cast(uint[12])brand)[1 * 4 + 0] = info.a;
772     (cast(uint[12])brand)[1 * 4 + 1] = info.b;
773     (cast(uint[12])brand)[1 * 4 + 2] = info.c;
774     (cast(uint[12])brand)[1 * 4 + 3] = info.d;
775     info = _cpuid(2 + 2 ^ 0x8000_0000);
776     (cast(uint[12])brand)[2 * 4 + 0] = info.a;
777     (cast(uint[12])brand)[2 * 4 + 1] = info.b;
778     (cast(uint[12])brand)[2 * 4 + 2] = info.c;
779     (cast(uint[12])brand)[2 * 4 + 3] = info.d;
781     size_t i = brand.length;
782     while(brand[i - 1] == '\0')
783     {
784         --i;
785         if(i == 0)
786             break;
787     }
788     return i;
789 }
791 /++
792 Vendor, e.g. `GenuineIntel`.
793 +/
794 string vendor()()
795 {
796     return vendors[_vendorId];
797 }
799 /++
800 Virtual vendor, e.g. `GenuineIntel` or `VMwareVMware`.
801 +/
802 string virtualVendor()()
803 {
804     return vendors[_virtualVendorId];
805 }
807 /++
808 Brand Index
809 +/
810 ubyte brandIndex()() { return leaf1Information.brandIndex; }
811 /++
812 CLFLUSH line size
813 Note: Value ∗ 8 = cache line size in bytes; used also by CLFLUSHOPT.
814 +/
815 ubyte clflushLineSize()() { return leaf1Information.clflushLineSize; }
816 /++
817 Maximum number of addressable IDs for logical processors in this physical package.
818 +/
819 ubyte maxLogicalProcessors()() { return leaf1Information.maxLogicalProcessors; }
820 /++
821 Initial APIC ID
822 +/
823 ubyte initialAPIC()() { return leaf1Information.initialAPIC; }
824 /// Stepping ID
825 uint stepping()() { return leaf1Information.stepping; }
826 /// Model
827 uint model()() { return leaf1Information.model; }
828 /// Family ID
829 uint family()() { return; }
830 /// Processor Type, Specification: Intel
831 uint type()() { return leaf1Information.type; }
832 /// Extended Model ID
833 uint extendedModel()() { return leaf1Information.extendedModel; }
834 /// Extended Family ID
835 uint extendedFamily()() { return leaf1Information.extendedFamily; }
836 /// SSE3 Extensions
837 bool sse3()() { return leaf1Information.sse3; }
838 /// Carryless Multiplication
839 bool pclmulqdq()() { return leaf1Information.pclmulqdq; }
840 /// 64-bit DS Area
841 bool dtes64()() { return leaf1Information.dtes64; }
843 bool monitor()() { return leaf1Information.monitor; }
844 /// CPL Qualified Debug Store
845 bool ds_cpl()() { return leaf1Information.ds_cpl; }
846 /// Virtual Machine Extensions
847 bool vmx()() { return leaf1Information.vmx; }
848 /// Safer Mode Extensions
849 bool smx()() { return leaf1Information.smx; }
850 /// Enhanced Intel SpeedStep® Technology
851 bool eist()() { return leaf1Information.eist; }
852 /// Thermal Monitor 2
853 bool therm_monitor2()() { return leaf1Information.therm_monitor2; }
854 /// SSSE3 Extensions
855 bool ssse3()() { return leaf1Information.ssse3; }
856 /// L1 Context ID
857 bool cnxt_id()() { return leaf1Information.cnxt_id; }
858 ///
859 bool sdbg()() { return leaf1Information.sdbg; }
860 /// Fused Multiply Add
861 bool fma()() { return leaf1Information.fma; }
862 ///
863 bool cmpxchg16b()() { return leaf1Information.cmpxchg16b; }
864 /// TPR Update Control
865 bool xtpr()() { return leaf1Information.xtpr; }
866 /// Perf/Debug Capability MSR xTPR Update Control
867 bool pdcm()() { return leaf1Information.pdcm; }
868 /// Process-context Identifiers
869 bool pcid()() { return leaf1Information.pcid; }
870 /// Direct Cache Access
871 bool dca()() { return leaf1Information.dca; }
872 /// SSE4.1
873 bool sse41()() { return leaf1Information.sse41; }
874 /// SSE4.2
875 bool sse42()() { return leaf1Information.sse42; }
876 ///
877 bool x2apic()() { return leaf1Information.x2apic; }
878 ///
879 bool movbe()() { return leaf1Information.movbe; }
880 ///
881 bool popcnt()() { return leaf1Information.popcnt; }
882 ///
883 bool tsc_deadline()() { return leaf1Information.tsc_deadline; }
884 ///
885 bool aes()() { return leaf1Information.aes; }
886 ///
887 bool xsave()() { return leaf1Information.xsave; }
888 ///
889 bool osxsave()() { return leaf1Information.osxsave; }
890 ///
891 bool avx()() { return leaf1Information.avx; }
892 ///
893 bool f16c()() { return leaf1Information.f16c; }
894 ///
895 bool rdrand()() { return leaf1Information.rdrand; }
896 /// Virtual machine
897 bool virtual()() { return leaf1Information.virtual; }
898 /// x87 FPU on Chip
899 bool fpu()() { return leaf1Information.fpu; }
900 /// Virtual-8086 Mode Enhancement
901 bool vme()() { return leaf1Information.vme; }
902 /// Debugging Extensions
903 bool de()() { return; }
904 /// Page Size Extensions
905 bool pse()() { return leaf1Information.pse; }
906 /// Time Stamp Counter
907 bool tsc()() { return leaf1Information.tsc; }
908 /// RDMSR and WRMSR Support
909 bool msr()() { return leaf1Information.msr; }
910 /// Physical Address Extensions
911 bool pae()() { return leaf1Information.pae; }
912 /// Machine Check Exception
913 bool mce()() { return leaf1Information.mce; }
914 /// CMPXCHG8B Inst.
915 bool cx8()() { return leaf1Information.cx8; }
916 /// APIC on Chip
917 bool apic()() { return leaf1Information.apic; }
919 bool sep()() { return leaf1Information.sep; }
920 /// Memory Type Range Registers
921 bool mtrr()() { return leaf1Information.mtrr; }
922 /// PTE Global Bit
923 bool pge()() { return leaf1Information.pge; }
924 /// Machine Check Architecture
925 bool mca()() { return leaf1Information.mca; }
926 /// Conditional Move/Compare Instruction
927 bool cmov()() { return leaf1Information.cmov; }
928 /// Page Attribute Table
929 bool pat()() { return leaf1Information.pat; }
930 ///  Page Size Extension
931 bool pse36()() { return leaf1Information.pse36; }
932 /// Processor Serial Number
933 bool psn()() { return leaf1Information.psn; }
934 /// CLFLUSH instruction
935 bool clfsh()() { return leaf1Information.clfsh; }
936 /// Debug Store
937 bool ds()() { return leaf1Information.ds; }
938 /// Thermal Monitor and Clock Ctrl
939 bool acpi()() { return leaf1Information.acpi; }
940 /// MMX Technology
941 bool mmx()() { return leaf1Information.mmx; }
943 bool fxsr()() { return leaf1Information.fxsr; }
944 /// SSE Extensions
945 bool sse()() { return leaf1Information.sse; }
946 /// SSE2 Extensions
947 bool sse2()() { return leaf1Information.sse2; }
948 /// Self Snoop
949 bool self_snoop()() { return leaf1Information.self_snoop; }
950 /// Multi-threading
951 bool htt()() { return leaf1Information.htt; }
952 /// Therm. Monitor
953 bool therm_monitor()() { return leaf1Information.therm_monitor; }
954 /// Pend. Brk. EN.
955 bool pbe()() { return leaf1Information.pbe; }
957 // EXTENDED 7
960 bool fsgsbase()() { return leaf7Information.fsgsbase; }
961 ///MSR is supported if 1.
962 bool ia32_tsc_adjust()() { return leaf7Information.ia32_tsc_adjust; }
963 /// Supports Intel® Software Guard Extensions (Intel® SGX Extensions) if 1.
964 bool sgx()() { return leaf7Information.sgx; }
965 /// Bit Manipulation Instruction Set 1
966 bool bmi1()() { return leaf7Information.bmi1; }
967 /// Transactional Synchronization Extensions
968 bool hle()() { return leaf7Information.hle; }
969 /// Advanced Vector Extensions 2
970 bool avx2()() { return leaf7Information.avx2; }
971 /// x87 FPU Data Pointer updated only on x87 exceptions if 1.
972 bool fdp_excptn_only()() { return leaf7Information.fdp_excptn_only; }
973 /// Supports Supervisor-Mode Execution Prevention if 1.
974 bool smep()() { return leaf7Information.smep; }
975 /// Bit Manipulation Instruction Set 2
976 bool bmi2()() { return leaf7Information.bmi2; }
977 /// Enhanced REP MOVSB/STOSB if 1.
978 bool supports()() { return leaf7Information.supports; }
979 /// If 1, supports INVPCID instruction for system software that manages process-context identifiers.
980 bool invpcid()() { return leaf7Information.invpcid; }
981 /// Transactional Synchronization Extensions
982 bool rtm()() { return leaf7Information.rtm; }
983 /// Supports Intel® Resource Director Technology (Intel® RDT) Monitoring capability if 1.
984 bool rdt_m()() { return leaf7Information.rdt_m; }
985 ///FPU CS and FPU DS values if 1.
986 bool deprecates()() { return leaf7Information.deprecates; }
987 /// Supports Intel® Memory Protection Extensions if 1.
988 bool mpx()() { return leaf7Information.mpx; }
989 /// Supports Intel® Resource Director Technology (Intel® RDT) Allocation capability if 1.
990 bool rdt_a()() { return leaf7Information.rdt_a; }
991 /// AVX-512 Foundation
992 bool avx512f()() { return leaf7Information.avx512f; }
993 /// AVX-512 Doubleword and Quadword Instructions
994 bool avx512dq()() { return leaf7Information.avx512dq; }
995 /// RDSEED instruction
996 bool rdseed()() { return leaf7Information.rdseed; }
997 /// Intel ADX (Multi-Precision Add-Carry Instruction Extensions)
998 bool adx()() { return leaf7Information.adx; }
999 /// Supports Supervisor-Mode Access Prevention (and the CLAC/STAC instructions) if 1.
1000 bool smap()() { return leaf7Information.smap; }
1001 /// AVX-512 Integer Fused Multiply-Add Instructions
1002 bool avx512ifma()() { return leaf7Information.avx512ifma; }
1003 /// PCOMMIT instruction
1004 bool pcommit()() { return leaf7Information.pcommit; }
1005 /// CLFLUSHOPT instruction
1006 bool clflushopt()() { return leaf7Information.clflushopt; }
1007 /// CLWB instruction
1008 bool clwb()() { return leaf7Information.clwb; }
1009 /// Intel Processor Trace.
1010 bool intel_pt()() { return leaf7Information.intel_pt; }
1011 /// AVX-512 Prefetch Instructions
1012 bool avx512pf()() { return leaf7Information.avx512pf; }
1013 /// AVX-512 Exponential and Reciprocal Instructions
1014 bool avx512er()() { return leaf7Information.avx512er; }
1015 /// AVX-512 Conflict Detection Instructions
1016 bool avx512cd()() { return leaf7Information.avx512cd; }
1017 /// supports Intel® Secure Hash Algorithm Extens
1018 bool sha()() { return leaf7Information.sha; }
1019 /// AVX-512 Byte and Word Instructions
1020 bool avx512bw()() { return leaf7Information.avx512bw; }
1021 /// AVX-512 Vector Length Extensions
1022 bool avx512vl()() { return leaf7Information.avx512vl; }
1023 /// PREFETCHWT1 instruction
1024 bool prefetchwt1()() { return leaf7Information.prefetchwt1; }
1025 /// AVX-512 Vector Bit Manipulation Instructions
1026 bool avx512vbmi()() { return leaf7Information.avx512vbmi; }
1027 /// Supports user-mode instruction prevention if 1
1028 bool umip()() { return leaf7Information.umip; }
1029 /// Memory Protection Keys for User-mode pages
1030 bool pku()() { return leaf7Information.pku; }
1031 /// If 1, OS has set CR4.PKE to enable protection keys (and the RDPKRU/WRPKRU instructions).
1032 bool ospke()() { return leaf7Information.ospke; }
1033 ///
1034 bool waitpkg()() { return leaf7Information.waitpkg; }
1035 ///
1036 bool avx512vbmi2()() { return leaf7Information.avx512vbmi2; }
1037 /// Supports CET shadow stack features if 1.
1038 bool cet_ss()() { return leaf7Information.cet_ss; }
1039 ///
1040 bool gfni()() { return leaf7Information.gfni; }
1041 ///
1042 bool vaes()() { return leaf7Information.vaes; }
1043 ///
1044 bool vpclmulqdq()() { return leaf7Information.vpclmulqdq; }
1045 ///
1046 bool avx512vnni()() { return leaf7Information.avx512vnni; }
1047 ///
1048 bool avx512bitalg()() { return leaf7Information.avx512bitalg; }
1049 ///
1050 bool avx512vpopcntdq()() { return leaf7Information.avx512vpopcntdq; }
1051 /// The value of MAWAU used by the BNDLDX and BNDSTX instructions in 64-bit mode.
1052 uint mawau()() { return leaf7Information.mawau; }
1053 /// RDPID and IA32_TSC_AUX are available if 1.
1054 bool rdpid();
1055 /// Supports cache line demote if 1.
1056 bool cldemote()() { return leaf7Information.cldemote; }
1057 /// Supports MOVDIRI if 1.
1058 bool movdiri()() { return leaf7Information.movdiri; }
1059 /// Supports MOVDIR64B if 1.
1060 bool movdir64b()() { return leaf7Information.movdir64b; }
1061 /// Supports SGX Launch Configuration if 1.
1062 bool sgx_lc()() { return leaf7Information.sgx_lc; }