The OpenD Programming Language


This creates a window with the given options. The window will be visible and able to receive input as soon as you start your event loop. You may draw on it immediately after creating the window, without needing to wait for the event loop to start if you want.

The constructor tries to have sane default arguments, so for many cases, you only need to provide a few of them.


width int

the width of the window's client area, in pixels

height int

the height of the window's client area, in pixels

title string

the title of the window (seen in the title bar, taskbar, etc.). You can change it after construction with the SimpleWindow.title property.

opengl OpenGlOptions

OpenGlOptions are yes and no. If yes, it creates an OpenGL context on the window.

resizable Resizability

Resizability has three options:

allowResizing, which allows the window to be resized by the user. The windowResized delegate will be called when the size is changed.

fixedSize will not allow the user to resize the window.

automaticallyScaleIfPossible will allow the user to resize, but will still present the original size to the API user. The contents you draw will be scaled to the size the user chose. If this scaling is not efficient, the window will be fixed size. The windowResized event handler will never be called. This is the default.

windowType WindowTypes

The type of window you want to make.

customizationFlags int

A way to make a window without a border, always on top, skip taskbar, and more. Do not use this if one of the pre-defined WindowTypes, given in the windowType argument, is a good match for what you need.

parent SimpleWindow

the parent window, if applicable. This makes the child window nested inside the parent unless you set WindowFlags.transient, which makes it a top-level window merely owned by the "parent".
